

  学科组长: 胡炜  

  学科组成员:朱作言研究员、院士;胡炜研究员;陈戟助理研究员 ;研究生:陶彬彬,胡红玲,冯科,彭伟等 

  学科组介绍:鱼类基因工程学科组的研究工作发端于上世纪70年代末的鱼类细胞核移植研究。朱作言先生在著名实验胚胎学家童第周先生的领导下,通过合作研究完成鲤鲫间的细胞核移植,首次实现脊椎动物的种间克隆。上世纪80年代,朱作言先生在世界上首次成功进行农艺性状转基因研究,研制出世界首批转基因鱼,提出了转基因鱼形成的模型理论,开创鱼类基因转移研究新领域。以上成果作为近代中国科技领域的两大重要科学技术成就被载入《世界科学年史》(A. Hellemans & B. Bunch, 美国Simon & Schuster出版社)。 







  1.  Chen Ji. Cui Xiaojuan, Jia Shaoting, Luo Daji, Cao Mengxi, Zhang Yunsheng, Hu Hongling, Huang Kaiyao, Zhu Zuoyan & Hu Wei. Disruption of dmc1 Produces Abnormal Sperm in Medaka (Oryzias latipes). Scientific Reports,2016, 6, 30912; doi: 10.1038/srep30912. 

  2.  Mikwar M, Navarro-Martin L, Volkoff H, Hu Wei and Trudeau V.L. Stimulatory effect of the secretogranin-ll derived peptide secretoneurin on food intake and locomotion in female goldfish (Carassius auratus), Peptides, 2016 Apr;78:42-50.  

  3.  Peng Wei, Cao Mengxi, Chen Ji, Li Yongming, Wang Yaping, Zhu Zuoyan, Hu Wei, GnIH plays a negative role in regulating GtH expression in the common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2016, 235 :18–28. 

  4.  Shu Yuqin, Lou Qiyong, Dai Ziru, Dai Xiangyan, He Jiangyan, Hu Wei & Yin Zhan, The basal function of teleost prolactin as a key regulator on ion uptake identified with zebrafish knockout models. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:18597, DOI: 10.1038/srep18597. 

  5.  Zhou Y, Wang M, Jiang M, Peng L, Wan C, Liu J, Liu W, Zhao R, Zhao X, Hu W, Liu S, Xiao Y. Autotetraploid cell line induced by SP600125 from crucian carp and its developmental potentiality. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:21814. doi: 10.1038/srep21814. 

  6.  Zhu T. B, Zhang L. H, Zhang T. L, Wang Y. P,  Hu W,  Ring? E.and Zhu Z. Y. .Effects of sustained predation by fast-growing transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) on gastropods in artificial environments. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 2016; DOI: 10.1111/jai.13130 

  7.  胡炜,朱作言。美国转基因大西洋鲑产业化对我国的启示。中国工程科学, 2016,18(3):105-109。 


  1.   Chen Ji, Luo Qing, Bao Hairong, Liao Lanjie, Li Yongming, Zhu Zuoyan, Wang Yaping, Hu Wei.The integration characteristics of the exogenous growth hormone gene in a transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) with fast-growth performance. Science Bulletin, 2015, 60(19):1654–1660。 

  2.   Chen Rong, Qi Jianxun, Yuan Hongyu, WuYanan, Hu Wei, Xia Chun. Crystal structures for short-chain pentraxin from zebrafish demonstrate a cyclic trimer with new recognition and effector faces. Journal of Structural Biology 189 (2015) 259–268. 

  3.   Hu Wei and Chen Ji. Whole-genome sequencing opens a new era for molecular breeding of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Science China, life Sciences, 2015, 58(6): 619–620. 

  4.   Luo Daji, Liu Yun, Chen Ji, Xia Xiaoqin, Cao Mengxi, Cheng Bin, Wang Xuejuan, Gong Wuming, Qiu Chao, Zhang Yunsheng, Cheng Christopher Hon Ki, Zhu Zuoyan & Hu Wei. Direct production of XYDMYsex reversal female medaka (Oryzias latipes) by embryo microinjection of TALENs. Scientific Reports,5:14057, DOI: 10.1038/srep14057 

  5.   Song Yanlong, DuanXiaohai, Chen Ji, Zhu Zuoyan, Hu Wei. The distribution of Kiss1- and Kiss2-positive neurones and their connections with GnRH3 neurones in the zebrafish brain. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 2015, 27(3): 198–211. 

  6.   Tang Haipei, Liu Yun, Luo Daji, Ogawa Satoshi, Yin Yike, Li Shuisheng, Zhang Yong, Hu Wei, Parhar Ishwar S, Lin Haoran, Liu Xiaochun, Cheng Christopher H.K.. The kiss/kissr systems are dispensable for zebrafish reproduction: evidence from gene knockout studies,Endocrinology, 2015, 156:589-599. 

  7.   Wang Y, Lu Y, Zhang Y, Ning Z, Li Y, Zhao Q, Lu H, Huang R, Xia X, Feng Q, Liang X, Liu K, Zhang L, Lu T, Huang T, Fan D, Weng Q, Zhu C, Lu Y, Li W, Wen Z, Zhou C, Tian Q, Kang X, Shi M, Zhang W, Jang S, Du F, He S, Liao L, Li Y, Gui B, He H, Ning Z, Yang C, He L, Luo L, Yang R, Luo Q, Liu X, Li S, Huang W, Xiao L, Lin H, Han B, Zhu Z. The draft genome of the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) provides insights into its evolution and vegetarian adaptation. Nature Genetics. 2015; 47(6): 625-631. 

  8.   Zhang Yunsheng, Chen Ji, Cui Xiaojuan, Luo Daji, Xia Hui, Dai Jun, Zhu Zuoyan, Hu Wei. A controllable on-off strategy for the reproductive containment of fish. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 7614; DOI:10.1038/srep07614. 


  1.   Cao Mengxi, Chen Ji, Peng Wei, Wang Yaping, Liao Lanjie, Li Yongming, Trudeau Vance L., Zhu Zuoyan, Hu Wei. Effects of growth hormone over-expression on reproduction in the common carp Cyprinus carpio L. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2014,195:47-57. 

  2.   Chu Lianhe, Li Jianzhen, Liu Yun, Hu Wei, Cheng Christopher H.K.. Targeted gene disruption in zebrafish reveals noncanonical functions of Lh signaling in reproduction.Molecular Endocrinology, 2014, 28(11):1785-95. 

  3.   Garcia-ReyeroNatàlia, Tingaud-SequeiraAngèle, Cao Mengxi, Zhu Zuoyan, Perkins Edward, Hu Wei. Endocrinology: Advances through omics and related technologies, General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2014, 203:262-273. 

  4.   Liu Y, Luo D, Lei Y, Zhao H, Hu W, Cheng HK, A highly effective TALEN-mediated approach for targeted gene disruption in Xenopus tropicalis and zebrafish, Methods, 2014, 69: 58–66. 

  5.   QiuChao, Cheng Bin, Zhang Yunsheng, Huang Rong, Liao Lanjie, Luo Daji, Hu Wei, Wang Yaping. Efficient Knockout of Transplanted Green Fluorescent Protein Gene in Medaka using TALENs. Marine Biotechnology. 2014, 16(6):674-83 

  6.   Zhang L., Gozlan R. E., Li Z., Liu J., Zhang T., Hu W and Zhu Z. Rapid growth increases intrinsic predation riskin genetically modified Cyprinus carpio: implications for environmental risk. Journal of Fish Biology,2014,84:1527–1538. 


  1.   Chen Ji, Hu Wei & Zhu ZuoYan. Progress in studies of fish reproductive development regulation. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013,58:7-16. 

  2.   Duan M., Zhang T., Hu W., Xie S., Sundstr¨om L. F, Li Z. and Zhu Z. Risk-taking behaviour may explain high predation mortality of GH-transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio. Journal of Fish Biology, 2013, 83: 1183-1196 

  3.   Li X, Yan Q, Xie S, Hu W, Yu Y, Hu Z. Gut Microbiota Contributes to the Growth of Fast-Growing Transgenic Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Plos one, 2013, 8(5): e64577.  

  4.   Lian Hao, Hu Wei, Huang Rong, Du Fukuan, Liao Lanjie, Zhu Zuoyan, Wang Yaping. Transgenic Common Carp Do Not Have the Ability to Expand Populations. Plos one, 2013,8(6): e65506. 

  5.   Liu Yun, Luo Daji, Zhao Hui, Zhu Zuoyan, Hu Wei, Cheng Christopher H. K.. Inheritable and Precise Large Genomic Deletions of Non-Coding RNA Genes in Zebrafish Using TALENs. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(10): e76387. 

  6.   Zhong C, Song Y, Wang Y, Zhang T, Duan M, Li Y, Liao L, Zhu Z, Hu W. Increased food intake in growth hormone-transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) may be mediated by upregulating Agouti-related protein (AgRP). General and Comparative Endocrinology,2013,192, 81-88. 

  7.   Zhu T, Zhang T, Wang Y, Chen Y, Hu W, Zhu Z. Effects of growth hormone (GH) transgene and nutrition on growth and bone development in common carp. J. Exp. Zool. 2013, 319A:451-460. 

  8.   陈戟,罗余山,朱作言,胡炜, 斜带石斑鱼(Epinephelus coioides)GnRHⅡ基因的克隆及启动子分析. 遗传,2013, 35(7): 896-902. 


  1.   Cao Mengxi, Duan Jundan, Cheng Nana, Zhong Xueping, Wang Zequn, Hu Wei, Zhao Haobin. Sexually dimorphic and ontogenetic expression of dmrt1, cyp19a1a and cyp19a1b in Gobiocypris rarus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 2012, 162: 303–309. 

  2.  Cao Mengxi, Yang Yuhui, Xu Hongyan, Duan Jundan, Cheng Nana, Wang Jialin, Hu Wei, Zhao Haobin. Germ cell specific expression of Vasa in rare minnow, Gobiocypris rarus, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 2012, 162:163–170. 

  3.  Yang Yuhui, Peng Kou, Liu Xiaoyan, Zhao Dongmei, Duan Jundan, Hu Wei, Zhao Haobin. Effects of sex steroids on expression of myostatin in rare minnow, Gobiocypris rarus. Aquaculture, 2012, 350-353: 1–7. 

  4.  Zhong Chengrong, Song Yanlong, Wang Yaping, Li Yongming, Liao Lanjie, Xie Shouqi, Zhu Zuoyan, Hu Wei. Growth hormone transgene effects on growth performance are inconsistent among offspring derived from different homozygous transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Aquaculture, 2012, 356–357: 404–411. 


  1.  Duan M, Zhang T L, Hu W, Li Z J, Sundstrom L F, Zhu T B, Zhong C R & Zhu Z Y. Behavioral alterations in GH transgenic common carp may explain enhanced competitive feeding ability. Aquaculture, 2011, 317: 175-181。 

  2.  Feng Hong, Liu Hong, Kong Renqiu, Wang Lu, Wang Yaping, Hu Wei, Guo Qionglin. Expression profiles of carp IRF-3/-7 correlate with the up-regulation of RIG-I/MAVS/TRAF3/TBK1, four pivotal molecules in RIG-I signaling pathway. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 2011: 30(4-5): 1159-1169. 

  3.  Guan Bo, Ma Hong, Wang Yaping, Hu Yuanlei, Lin Zhongping, Zhu Zuoyan, Hu Wei. Vitreoscilla Hemoglobin (VHb) Overexpression Increases Hypoxia Tolerance in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Marine Biotechnology, 2011, 13(2): 336-344. (cover paper) 

  4.  Li Deliang, FU Cuizhang, Wang Yaping, Zhu Zuoyan, Hu Wei. The hematological response to exhaustive exercise in ‘all-fish’ growth hormone transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Aquaculture, 2011,311:263-268. 

  5.  Luo Daji, Hu Wei, Chen Shangping, Zhu Zuoyan. Critical Developmental Stages For The Efficiency Of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer In Zebrafish. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2011,7: 476-486.  

  6.  Xu Jing, Huang Wei, Zhong Chengrong, Luo Daji, Li Shuangfei, Zhu Zuoyan and Hu Wei, Defining Global Gene Expression Changes of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis in Female sGnRH-Antisense Transgenic Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio), PLoS One, 2011, 6(6): e21057.  

  7.  Yu Fan, Xiao Jun, Liang XiangYang, Liu ShaoJun, Zhou GongJian, Luo KaiKun, Liu Yun, Hu Wei, Wang YaPing & Zhu ZuoYan. Rapid growth and sterility of growth hormone gene transgenic triploid carp. Chinese Science Bulletin: 2011, 56(16): 1679-1684. 



  1. Hu Wei, Zhang Yunsheng, Dai Jun and Zhu Zuoyan. Controllable on-off method for fish reproduction. 美国发明专利,2015,专利号:US 9,187,764 B2 

  2. Hu Wei, Zhu Z, Ma H, Guan B, Lin Z, and Hu R. Recombinant gene which enhances the ability of fish to tolerate low dissolved oxygen stress and the use thereof. 美国发明专利,2013,专利号: US8546644 B2。 

  3. Hu Wei, Zhu Zuoyan, Wang Yaping and Li Shuangfei. Method for preparing a sterile transgenic carp. 美国发明专利,2007,专利号:US7,230,156B2。 

  4. 胡炜,冯科,陈戟,朱作言。一种黄鳝基因编辑的方法。中国发明专利,2016,申请号:201610651812.1 

  5. 胡炜,张运生,戴军,朱作言。一种控制鱼类生殖的方法。中国发明专利,2014,专利号:ZL201310049161.5。 

  6. 胡炜,汤斌,汪亚平,朱作言,一种雌性鲤鱼性逆转为雄性鲤鱼的培育方法,中国发明专利,2012,专利号: ZL201110186519.X。 

  7. 胡炜,朱作言,汪亚平,黎双飞。不育转基因鱼的制备方法,中国发明专利,2007,专利号:ZL031254551。 

  8. 胡炜,朱作言,黎双飞,汪亚平。一种壳聚糖甲基睾酮缓释药条的制备方法,中国发明专利,2007,专利号:ZL200510018148.9。 

  9. 吴玉萍,朱作言,胡炜,徐安龙。鱼类基因原位修饰育种的方法,中国发明专利授权,2006,专利号:ZL200410015247.7 

  10. 朱作言,钟家玉。一种鱼类电脉冲精子转基因方法,中国发明专利,2004,专利号:ZL01114202.2 
