
    研究组组长:罗大极 研究员(luodaji#ihb.ac.cn,请将#改为@)








近年来在以上研究中取得了重要进展,相关论文发表在Cell, Blood, EMBO J, Nature Protocols, Reviews in Aquaculture等国际著名期刊,包括3篇封面文章Blood (2019), GPB (2021)和Reviews in Aquaculture (2023);承担国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金、中国科学院BR计划(择优资助)、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项A类和B类先导专项任务各一项、湖北省自然科学基金杰青和湖北省重点研发计划项目等重要项目。




1.     Li Y#, Chen Z#, Liu H#, Li Q, Lin X, Ji S, Li R, Li S, Fan W, Zhao H, Zhu Z, Hu W*, Zhou Y*, Luo D*. (2021) ASER: Animal Sex Reversal Database. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics.19:873-881. (封面文章) 

2.     Han Y#, Sun K#, Yu S#, Qin Y#, Zhang Z, Luo J, Hu H, Dai L, Cui M, Jiang C, Liu F, Huang Y, Gao P, Chen X, Xin T, Ren X, Wu X, Song J, Wang Q, Tang Z, Chen J, Zhang H, Zhang X*, Liu M*, Luo D*. (2024) A Mettl16/m6A/mybl2b/Igf2bp1 axis ensures cell cycle progression of embryonic hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. The EMBO Journal. 43(10):1990-2014.

3.     Yu S#, Jiang T#, Jia D, Han Y, Liu F, Huang Y, Qu Z, Zhao Y, Tu J, Lv Y, Li J, Hu X, Lu Z, Han S, Qin Y, Liu X, Xie S, Wang QK, Tang Z, Luo D*, Liu M*.  (2019) BCAS2 is essential for hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell maintenance during zebrafish embryogenesis. Blood. 133:805-815.  (封面文章)

4.     Zhao Y#, Duan M#, Lin X#, Li W, Liu H, Meng K, Liu F, Hu W, Luo D*. (2023) Molecular underpinnings underlying behaviors changes in the brain of juvenile common carp (Cyrinus carpio) in response to warming. Journal of Advanced Research. 10.1016/j.jare.2023.10.017.

5.     Chen H, Luo D*. (2023) Application of haematology parameters for health management in fish farms. Reviews in Aquaculture. 15: 704-737. (封面文章)

6.     Zhao Y#, Chen Z#, Hu M#, Liu H, Zhao H, Huang Y, Jiang M, Li S, Li G, Zhu C*, Hu W*, Luo D*. (2024) Integrating Iso-seq and RNA-seq data for the reannotation of the greater amberjack genome. Scientific Data. 10.1038/S41597-024-03495-7. 

7.     Meng K, Lin X, Chen Y, Hu M, Hu W, Luo D*. (2023) Integrated analysis of the digestive tract bacterial community on individual growth in sibling generation of Swamp Eels (Monopterus albus). Aquaculture. 566 (1): 739228. 

8.     Liu F, Lin X, Meng K, Chen Y, Liu H, Zhao Y, Luo D*. (2023) Identification of potential indicators for testis quality in swamp eels (Monopterus albus) through metabolomics analysis. Water Biology and Security. 2(2): 100204. 

9.     Meng K, Lin X, Liu H, Chen H, Liu F, Xu Z, Sun Y, Luo D*. (2022) Gonadal bacterial community composition is associated with sex-specific differences in Swamp eels (Monopterus albus). Frontiers in Immunology. 13: 938326.  

10.Chen H, Zhao Y, Chen K, Wei Y, Luo H, Li Y, Liu F, Zhu Z, Hu W, Luo D*. (2022) Isolation, identification, and investigation of pathogenic bacteria from common carp (Cyprinus carpio) naturally infected with Plesiomonas shigelloides.  Frontiers in Immunology. 13: 872896.

11.Zhao Y#, Chen K#, Liu F, Jiang M, Chen Z, Chen H, Song Y, Tao B, Cui X, Li Y, Zhu Z, Chen J*, Hu W*, Luo D*. (2022) Dynamic gene expression and alternative splicing events demonstrate co-regulation of testicular differentiation and maturation by the brain and gonad in Common Carp. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 12: 820463. 

12.Liu F, Qin Y, Huang Y, Gao P, Li J, Yu S, Jia D, Chen X, Lv Y, Tu J, Sun K, Han Y, Reilly J, Shu X, Lu Q, Tang Z, Xu C*, Luo D*, Liu M*. (2022) Rod genesis driven by mafba in an nrl knockout zebrafish model with altered photoreceptor composition and progressive retinal degeneration. PLOS Genetics. 18: e1009841. 

13.Chen H, Liu H, Li R, Lin X, Luo H, Ji S, Hu W, Luo D*. (2021) Blood cell identification and hematological analysis during natural sex reversal in rice field eel (Monopterus albus). Aquaculture. 538 (11): 736543. 

14.Luo D, Feng K, Zhu Z, Hu W*. (2019) Genrating gene knockout Oryzias Latipes and Rice Field eel using TALENs method. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1874:489-506.    

15.Zhou B#, Li X#,*, Luo D#, Lim DH, Zhou Y, Fu XD*. (2019) GRID-seq for comprehensive analysis of global RNA-Chromatin interactions. Nature Protocols. 14:2036-2068.  

16.Xiao R#,*, Chen JY#, Liang Z#, Luo D, Chen G, Lu Z, Chen Y, Zhou B, Li H, Du X, Yang Y, San KM, Wei X, Liu W, Lecuyer E, Graveley BR, Yeo G, Burge CB, Zhang QM, Zhou Y, Fu XD*. (2019) Pervasive Chromatin-RNA binding protein interactions enable RNA-based regulation of transcription. Cell. 178:107-121.  
