
研究组组长:徐镇 研究员 

联系方式:E-mail: zhenxu@ihb.ac.cn




本学科组致力于鱼类免疫防控与抗病育种的基础与应用研究,主要从两个方面开展工作:一是阐明病毒入侵和复制调控机制,揭示宿主抗病毒感染的黏膜免疫应答规律,开展鱼类黏膜疫苗及诊断技术研发与储备;二是解析鱼类抗病性状的分子调控机制,建立高效准确的鱼类基因组编辑育种技术,培育速生抗病优良品种。相关研究成果发表在Science ImmunologyCell DiscoveryNature CommunicationsPNASMicrobiomePLOS Pathogens等,获得国家自然科学基金、农业生物育种重大项目、中国科学院先导B专项等项目的支持。




代表性论文(#第一作者, *通讯作者)

1. Weiguang Kong#, Gaofeng Cheng#, Jiafeng Cao#, Jiaqian Yu, Xinyou Wang, Zhen Xu *. Ocular mucosal homeostasis of teleost fish provides insight into the coevolution between microbiome and mucosal immunity. Microbiome. 2024, 12, 10.

2. Weiguang Kong, Jiafeng Cao, Gaofeng Cheng, Yongyao Yu, Zhen Xu *. Research progress and prospect in mucosal B cells and immunoglobulins of teleost fish. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2023, 15: 1869-1883.

3. Yongyao Yu#, Zhenyu Huang#, Weiguang Kong#, Fen Dong#, Xiaoting Zhang, Xue Zhai, Gaofeng Cheng, Mengting Zhan, Jiafeng Cao, Liguo Ding, Guangkun Han, Fumio Takizawa, Yang Ding, J. Oriol Sunyer *, Zhen Xu *. Teleost swim bladder, an ancient air-filled organ that elicits mucosal immune responses. Cell Discovery. 2022, 8:31.

4. Jiafeng Cao#, Liguo Ding#, Qingchao Wang#, Guangkun Han, Dacheng Qin, Gaofeng Cheng, Zhaoran Dong, Qingjiang Mu, Weiguang Kong, Xia Liu, Yongyao Yu, Zhen Xu *. Conserved role of mTORC1 signaling in B cell immunity in teleost fish. Journal of Immunology. 2022, 209(6):1095-1107.

5. Yongyao Yu#, Liguo Ding#, Zhenyu Huang#, Haoyue Xu#, Zhen Xu *. Commensal bacteria-immunity crosstalk shapes mucosal homeostasis in teleost fish. Reviews in Aquaculture. 2021, 13: 2322-2343.

6. Xiaoting Zhang#, Yongyao Yu#, Haoyue Xu#, Zhenyu Huang, Xia Liu, Jiafeng Cao, Kaifeng Meng, Zhengben Wu, Guangkun Han, Mengting Zhan, Liguo Ding, Weiguang Kong, Nan Li, Fumio Takizawa, J. Oriol Sunyer, Zhen Xu *. Prevailing role of mucosal Igs and B cells in teleost skin immune responses to bacterial infection. Journal of Immunology. 2021, 206 (5): 1088-1101.

7. Zhen Xu#, Fumio Takizawa#, Elisa Casadei, Yasuhiro Shibasaki, Yang Ding, Thomas J. C. Sauters, Yongyao Yu, Irene Salinas *, J. Oriol Sunyer *. Specialization of mucosal immunoglobulins in pathogen control and microbiota homeostasis occurred early in vertebrate evolution. Science Immunology. 2020, 5(44): eaay3254.

8. Yongyao Yu#, Weiguang Kong#, Haoyue Xu, Zhenyu Huang, Xiaoting Zhang, Liguo Ding, Shuai Dong, Guangmei Yin, Fen Dong, Wei Yu, Jiafeng Cao, Kaifeng Meng, Xia Liu, Yu Fu, Xuezhen Zhang, Yongan Zhang, J. Oriol Sunyer, Zhen Xu *. Convergent evolution of mucosal immune responses at the buccal cavity of teleost fish. iScience. 2019, 19: 821-835.

9. Weiguang Kong#, Yongyao Yu#, Shuai Dong, Zhenyu Huang, Liguo Ding, Jiafeng Cao, Fen Dong, Xiaoting Zhang, Xia Liu, Haoyue Xu, Kaifeng Meng, Jianguo Su, Zhen Xu *. Pharyngeal immunity in early vertebrates provides functional and evolutionary insight into mucosal homeostasis. Journal of Immunology. 2019, 203(11): 3054-3067.

10. Yongyao Yu#, Weiguang Kong#, Yaxing Yin, Fen Dong, Zhenyu Huang, Guangmei Yin, Shuai Dong, Irene Salinas, Yongan Zhang, Zhen Xu *. Mucosal immunoglobulins protect the olfactory organ of teleost fish against parasitic infection. PLOS Pathogens. 2018, 14(11): e1007251

11. Zhen Xu, Fumio Takizawa, David Parra, Daniela Gomez, Louise von Gersdorff Jorgensen, Scott E. LaPatra, J. Oriol Sunyer *. Mucosal immunoglobulins at respiratory surfaces mark an ancient association that predates the emergence of tetrapods. Nature Communications. 2016, 7: 10728.

12. Zhen Xu#, David Parra#, Daniela Gomez#, Irene Salinas, Yong-an Zhang, Louise von Gersdorff Jorgensen, Rasmus Demuth Heinecke, Kurt Buchmann, Scott LaPatra, J. Oriol Sunyer *. Teleost skin, an ancient mucosal surface that elicits gut-like immune responses. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2013, 110(32): 13097-13102.
