
研究组组长李顺 (bob@ihb.ac.cn)  



本研究组长期从事鱼类抗病毒药物开发、鱼类病毒致病机理以及鱼体抗病毒免疫反应。研究组主持有国家优秀青年科学基金、中国科学院青年促进会优秀会员等人才项目;以及国家自然科学面上基金、生物育种2030子任务、国家重点研发计划子任务、中国科学院先导计划子任务等科研项目。在PLoS Pathogens、Journal of Immunology、Journal of Virology等国际知名期刊发表多篇论文,且先后4次被Journal of Immunology撰写专栏重点推荐。抗鱼类病毒病技术成果转化1项(100万元)。




1. Long-Feng Lu#,et al.,Shun Li,Fish female-biased gene cyp19a1a leads to female antiviral response attenuation between sexes by autophagic degradation of MITA,PLoS Pathogens,2022,18:e1010626.

2. Long-Feng Lu,et al.,Shun Li,A novel role of Zebrafish TMEM33 in negative regulation of interferon production by two distinct mechanisms,PLoS Pathogens,2021,17:e1009317.

3. Shun Li#,et al.,Spring viraemia of carp virus modulates p53 expression using two distinct mechanisms,PLoS Pathogens,2019,15:e1007695.

4. Xue-Li Wang,et al.,Long-Feng Lu#,Shun Li#,SVCV N Protein Negatively Regulates Interferon Induction Through Autophagy-Lysosome-Dependent Degradation of STING, Journal of Immunology,2023,210(1):72-81.

5. Dan-Dan Chen,et al.,Shun Li,Zebrafish Uba1 degrades IRF3 through K48-linked ubiquitination to inhibit IFN production,Journal of Immunology,2021,207:512-522.

6. Dan-Dan Chen,et al.,Shun Li,Zebrafish CERKL Enhances Host TBK1 Stability and Simultaneously Degrades Viral Protein via Ubiquitination Modulation. Journal of Immunology,2022,208:2196-2206.

7. Long-Feng Lu,et al.,Shun Li,Zebrafish RBM47 promotes lysosome-dependent degradation of MAVS to inhibit IFN induction,Journal of Immunology,2020,205(7):1819-1829.

8. Shun Li#,Long-Feng Lu#,et al.,Zebrafish MVP recruits and degrades TBK1 to suppress IFN production,Journal of Immunology,2019,202:559-566.

9. Long-Feng Lu#,Shun Li#, et al.,Spring viremia of carp virus N protein suppresses fish IFNφ1 production by targeting the mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein,Journal of Immunology,2016,196:3744-3753.

10. Shun Li, et al.,IFN regulatory factor 10 is a negative regulator of the IFN responses in fish,Journal of Immunology,2014,193:1100-1109.

11. Long-Feng Lu,et al.,Shun Li,Zebrafish TMEM47 is an effective blocker of IFN production during RNA and DNA virus infection, Journal of Virology,2023,(Accepted).

12. Can Zhang,et al.,Feng Ge#,Shun Li#,Zebrafish MAP2K7 Simultaneously Enhances Host IRF7 Stability and Degrades Spring Viremia of Carp Virus P Protein via Ubiquitination Pathway, Journal of Virology,2023, 97(7):e0053223.

13. Long-Feng Lu,et al.,Shun Li,Zebrafish RPZ5 degrades the phosphorylated IRF7 to repress interferon production,Journal of Virology,2019,93(21):e01272-19.

14. Shun Li, et al.,The P protein of spring viremia of carp virus negatively regulates the fish interferon response by inhibiting the kinase activity of TANK-binding kinase 1,Journal of Virology,2016,90:10728-10737.
