
  学科组成员:孙玉华 研究员;助理研究员孙晓云,在读博士4人,在读硕士2人。    








  Sun, X., Peng, X., Cao, Y., Zhou, Y., and Sun, Y. (2020). ADNP promotes neural differentiation by modulating Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. Nat Commun11, 2984. 

  Sun, X.Y.; Yu, W.J.; Li, L.; Sun, Y.H. (2020): ADNP Controls Gene Expression Through Local Chromatin Architecture by Association With BRG1 and CHD4. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 

   Sun, X.Y., Chen, J., Zhang, Y.Y., Munisha, M., Dougan, S., and Sun, Y.H. (2018). Mga Modulates Bmpr1a Activity by Antagonizing Bs69 in Zebrafish. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology6.  

  Ryan Berger, Yuhua Sun et al., (2016). ST8SIA4-dependent polysialylation is part of a developmental program required for germ layer formation from human pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cells, DOI: 10.1002/stem.2379     

  Amar Singh*, Yuhua Sun*, Li Li, Steve Qin, and Steve Dalton (2015). Cell-Cycle  Control of Bivalent Epigenetic Domains Regulates the Exit from Pluripotency. Stem Cell Reports,3:323 (*equal contribution)     

  Yuhua Sun, Weichia Tseng, Rebecca Ball,and Scott Dougan (2014). Extra-embryonic signals under the control of Mga, Max and Smad4 are required for dorsoventral patterning. Developmental Cell, 28: 322     

  J Champell*, YH Sun*, A Singh, S Dalton (2013). Myc/Max control Erk signaling and pluripotency by regulation of dual specificity phosphatases 2 and 7. Genes & Development (*equal contribution), 27:725-733   

  J Phillips-Cremins, M Sauria, A Sanyal, T Gerasimova, B Lajoie, J Bell, CT Ong, T Hookway, C Guo, YH Sun, M Bland, W Wagstaff, S Dalton, T McDevitt, R Sen, J Dekker, J Taylor, V Corces (2013).Architectural protein subclasses shape 3- D organization of genomes during lineage commitmentCell, 153: 1281   

  Amar M. Singh, David Reynoids, Timothy Cliff, Satoshi Ohtsuka, Alexa Mattheyses, Yuhua Sun, Laura Menendez, Michael Kulik and Stephen Dalton (2012). Signaling Network Crosstalk in Human Pluripotent Cells: A Smad2/3-Regulated Switch that Controls the Balance between Self-Renewal and Differentiation.Cell stem cell, 10(3): 312-326     

  Sun YH, Wloga D. and Dougan S.(2011). Embryological manipulations in zebrafish. Methods Mol. Biol., 770: 139-184     

  D.M. Webster, C.F. Teo, YH. Sun, D. Wloga, S. Gay, L. Wells and S. T. Dougan (2009). O-GlcNAc modifications regulate cell survival and epiboly during zebrafish development. BMC Dev. Biol., 9(1): 28-33 Highly Accessed Article   

  Chengtai Yang, Ling Cao, Weimin Wang, Yi Yang, Binlun Yan, Li Su, Yuhua Sun, and Huanling Wang (2009). Comparative and evolutionary analysis in natural diploid and tetraploid weather loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus based on cytochrome b sequence data in central China. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 86(1): 145-153     

  Treer T., Sprem N, Torcu-Koc, YH Sun, and M. Piria (2008). Length-weight relationship of freshwater fishes of Croatia. J. Appl. Ichthyol, 24: 626-628   

  Yuhua Sun, Rong Tang, Dapeng Li, Xuezhen Zhang, Juan Fu, Ping Xie (2008). Acute effects of microcystins on transcription of antioxidant enzyme genes in crucian carp. Environ. Toxicol., 23: 145-152      

  Zexia Gao, *Weimin Wang, Khalid Abbas, Xiaoyun Zhou, Yi Yang, James S Diana, Hanping Wang, Huanling Wang, Yang Li, Yuhua Sun (2007). Haematological characterization of loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus: comparison among diploid, triploid and tetraploid specimens. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2007 Aug;147-     

  YH Sun, CX Xie, WM Wang, SY Liu, T. Treer, MM Chang et al (2007). The genetic variation and the biogeography of catostomid fishes based on mitochondrial and nucleic DNA sequences. Journal of Fish Biology, 70: 291-309      

  Yuhua Sun, Siyang Liu, Gang Zhao, QX Yu et al (2004). Population structure of Chinese sucker Myxocyprinus asiatus (Cypriniformes: Catostomidae) in the Yangtze River based on Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. Fisheries Science, 70(3): 412-420   

  SUN Yu-Hua; WANG Wei; LIU Si-Yang; HE Shun-Ping; SHAO Xue-Ling; XIE Zhi-Xiong; DENG Feng-Jiao; LIU Yong; TONG Jin-Gou; WU Qing-Jiang (2002). Genetic Diversity Analysis of Mitochondrial D-loop Region of Chinese Sucker (Myxocyprinus asiaticus). Journal of Genetics and Genomics (in Chinese), 29(9): 787-790  
