







1. 新发及再发水生病毒病原的分离鉴定;

2. 水生病毒复制周期、遗传和进化、病毒与宿主及水环境的互作机制;

3. 研发水产病毒病检测与防控技术;水生病毒资源的发掘与应用。



2. 噬藻体侵染及与宿主藻互作机制;

3. 水生病毒学研究新技术。



张奇亚,桂建芳著. 2012. 水生病毒及病毒病图鉴. 科学出版社,北京pp1-479.

张奇亚,桂建芳. 2008. 水生病毒学(研究生教材). 高等教育出版社,北京pp1-414.


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Gui JF,Tang QS,Li ZJ,Liu JS,Silva SSDe (eds). 2018. Chinese Aqaculture: Succes Stories and Modern Trends. Chichester,UK: Wiley UK. Pp 577-598


水产动物不同病毒基因组解析及病毒与宿主相互作用的分子机制获湖北省自然科学二等奖 (2017)

重要水产动物病毒病原的鉴定及致病机理研究获湖北省自然科学二等奖 (2004)


Meng LH,Ke F,Zhang QY,Hu YD,Zhao Z. A GH19 lysozyme and peptidase from Myoviridae cyanophages lacking the typical holin-endolysin system exhibit lytic activity. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2024,173: 110368.

Jiang QQ,Li Z,Zhang QY,Ke F. A novel cell line established from skin tissue of gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) is susceptible toCarassius auratusherpesvirus infection. Water Biology and Security 2024,3: 100253.

Meng XY,Jiang QQ,Yu XD,Zhang QY,Ke F. Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha (eEF1A) inhibits Siniperca chuatsi rhabdovirus (SCRV) infection through two distinct mechanisms. J Virol. 2023,97: e0122623.

Ke F,Zhang QY. Advances on genomes studies of large DNA viruses in aquaculture: A minireview. Genomics. 2023,115:110720.

Jiang QQ,Meng XY,Yu XD,Zhang QY,Ke F. Fusing a TurboID tag with the Andrias davidianus ranavirus 2L reduced virus adsorption efficiency. Microb Pathog. 2023,182: 106220.

Yu XD,Ke F,Zhang QY,Gui JF. Genome characteristics of two ranavirus isolates from mandarin fish and largemouth bass. Pathogens. 2023,12: 730.

Meng LH,Ke F,Zhang QY,Zhao Z. Biological and genomic characteristics of MaMV-DH01,a novel freshwater Myoviridae cyanophage strain. Microbiol Spectr. 2023,11: e0288822.

Ke F,Yu XD,Wang ZH,Gui JF,Zhang QY. Replication and transcription machinery for ranaviruses: components,correlation,and functional architecture. Cell Biosci. 2022,12: 6.

Ke F,Zhang QY. ADRV 12L: A ranaviral putative Rad2 family protein involved in DNA recombination and repair. Viruses. 2022,14: 908.

Ke F,Wang RB,Wang ZH,Zhang QY. Andrias davidianus ranavirus (ADRV) genome replicate efficiently by engaging cellular mismatch repair protein MSH2. Viruses. 2022,14: 952.

Ke F,Meng XY,Zhang QY. Siniperca chuatsi rhabdovirus (SCRV)-induced key pathways and major antiviral genes in fish cells. Microorganisms 2022,10: 2464.

Meng XY,Wang ZH,Yu XD,Zhang QY,Ke F. Development and characterization of a skin cell line from Chinese perch (Siniperca chuatsi) and its application in aquatic animal viruses. J Fish Dis. 2022,45:1439-1449.

Wang ZH,Ke F,Gui JF,Zhang QY. Environmental factors and their threshold affecting the survival of five aquatic animal viruses in different animal cells. Viruses. 2022,14:2546.

Zhang QY,Ke F,Gui L,Zhao Z,Recent insights into aquatic viruses: Emerging and reemerging pathogens,molecular features,biological effects,and novel investigative approaches. Water Biology and Security 2022,1: 100062.

Wang ZH,Ke F,Zhang QY,Gui JF. Structural and functional diversity among five RING finger proteins from Carassius auratus herpesvirus (CaHV). Viruses. 2021,13: 254.

Ke F#,Gui L#,Li T,Li FH,Zhao X,Chen ZY,Lei CK,Zhang QY. The features of an emerging whispovirus isolate from freshwater crayfish. Aquaculture Reports. 2021,20: 100728.

Zhao YH,Zeng XT,Zhang QY. Fish herpesvirus protein (CaHV-138L) cantarget to mitochondrial proteinFoF1 ATPase. Virus Res. 2020,275:197754.

Yu NT,Ke F,Zhang QY. Andrias davidianus ranavirus 1R encoding a delayed-early protein promotes cell proliferation by driving cell cycle progression into S phase. Acta Virol. 2020,64:10-19.

Ke F,Wang ZH,Ming CY,Zhang QY. Ranaviruses bind cells from different species through interaction with Heparan Sulfate. Viruses. 2019,11. pii: E593.

Ke F,Zhang QY. Aquatic animal viruses mediated immune evasion in their host. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019,86:1096-1105.

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