

  柯 飞 博士/副研究员

  徐黎明 博士/副研究员/博士后




  1. 分离鉴定水生病毒病原;阐明病毒基因组的结构特征及基因功能

  2. 探讨水生病毒复制周期、分子遗传和进化、病毒与宿主及其水环境的互作

  3. 研发水产病毒病检测与防控技术;水生病毒资源的发掘与应用




  Tel:  027-68780792 

  Email:  zhangqy@ihb.ac.cn     


  张奇亚, 桂建芳著. 2012. 水生病毒及病毒病图鉴. 科学出版社,北京pp1-479.

  张奇亚, 桂建芳. 2008. 水生病毒学(研究生教材). 高等教育出版社,北京pp1-414.


  Gray MJ, Chinchar VG (eds). 2015. Ranaviruses Lethal Pathogens of Ectothermic Vertebrates. Springer. Pp 105-139 

  Gui JF, Tang QS, Li ZJ, Liu JS, Silva SSDe (eds). 2018. Chinese Aqaculture: Succes Stories and Modern Trends. Chichester, UK: Wiley UK. Pp 577-598  


  “水产动物不同病毒基因组解析及病毒与宿主相互作用的分子机制” 获湖北省自然科学二等奖 (2017)

  “重要水产动物病毒病原的鉴定及致病机理研究” 获湖北省自然科学二等奖 (2004)    


  Ke F (柯飞), Gui JF, Chen ZY, Li T, Lei CK, Wang ZH, Zhang QY. 2018. Divergent transcriptomic responses underlying the ranaviruses-amphibian interaction processes on interspecies infection of Chinese giant salamander. BMC Genomics. 19(1):211. 

  Chen ZY (陈中元), Li T, Gao XC, Wang CF, Zhang QY. 2018. Protective Immunity Induced by DNA Vaccination against Ranavirus Infection in Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus. Viruses. 10(2). pii: E52. 

  Cao YS (曹永生), Wang D, Li SW, Xu LM, Zhao JZ, Liu HB, Lu TY, Zhang QY. 2018. Identification and analysis of differentially expressed microRNAs in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) responding to infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus infection. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 88(2018):28-36 

  Gui L, Chinchar VG, Zhang QY. 2018. Molecular basis of pathogenesis of emerging viruses infecting aquatic animals. Aquaculture and Fisheries. 3(1)1-5 

  Gui L, Li T, Zhang QY. 2018. Fish kidney cells show higher tolerance to hyperosmolality than amphibian. Aquaculture and Fisheries. 3(3): 135-138 

  Chinchar VG, Hick P, Ince IA, Jancovich JK, Marschang R, Qin Q, Subramaniam K, Waltzek TB, Whittington R, Williams T, Zhang QY, Ictv Report Consortium. 2017. ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Iridoviridae. Journal of General Virology. 98(5):890-891. 

  Zeng XT (曾小涛), Chen ZY, Deng YS, Gui JF, Zhang QY. 2016. A novel fish herpesvirus genome without terminal direct repeat and its molecular diagnosis. Archives of Virology. 161(12):3577-3581. 

  Liu J (刘佳), Pei C, Gao X, Chen ZY, Zhang QY. 2016. Fish reovirus GCRev-109 VP33 protein elicits protective immunity in rare minnows. Archives of Virology. 161(3):573-82   

  Cao YS (曹永生), Xu LM. LaPatra SE, Zhao JZ, Liu M, Liu HB, Lu TY, Zhang QY. 2016. The kinetics and protection of the antiviral state induced by recombinant iIFN1a in rainbow trout against infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus. Molecular Immunology. 76:55-61  

  Wang J (王俊), Gui L, Chen ZY, Zhang QY. 2016. Mutations in the C-terminal region affect subcellular localization of crucian carp herpesvirus (CaHV) GPCR. Virus Genes. 52:484-494   

  Gao XC (高小蝉), Chen ZY, Liu J, Zhang QY. 2016. Development and application of monoclonal antibodies for detection and analysis of aquareoviruses. Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry. 37(4): 376-389   

  Huang X (黄星), Fang J, Chen ZY, Zhang, QY. 2016. Rana grylio virus TK and DUT gene locus could be simultaneously used for foreign gene expression. Virus Research, 214: 33-38  

  Zhang QY, Gui JF. 2015. Virus genomes and virus-host interactions in aquaculture animals. Sci China Life Sci. 58(2): 156–169  

  Gao XC (高小蝉), Chen ZY, Yuan JD, Zhang QY. 2015. Morphological changes in amphibian and fish cell lines infected with Andrias davidianus ranavirus. Journal of Comparative Pathology. 152(2-3):110-113  

  Ou T (欧铜), Liao XY, Gao XC, Xu XD, Zhang QY. 2015. Unraveling the genome structure of cyanobacterial podovirus A-4L with long direct terminal repeats. Virus Research. 203:4-9   

  Yuan JD (袁江迪), Chen ZY, Huang X, Gao XC, Zhang QY. 2015. Establishment of three cell lines from Chinese giant salamander and their sensitivities to the wild-type and recombinant ranavirus. Veterinary Research. 46:58  

  Chen ZY (陈中元), Gao XC, Zhang QY. 2015. Whole-genome analysis of a novel fish reovirus (MsReV) discloses aquareovirus genomic structure relationship with host in saline environments. Viruses. 7(8): 4282-4302    

  Ou T (欧铜), Gao XC, Li SH, Zhang Q. 2015. Genome analysis and gene nblA identification of Microcystis aeruginosa myovirus (MaMV-DC) reveal the evidence for horizontal gene transfer events between cyanomyovirus and host.  Journal of General Virology. 96:3681-3697  

  He LB (何利波), Ke F, Wang J, Gao XC, Zhang QY. 2014. Rana grylio virus (RGV) envelope protein 2L subcellular localization and essential roles in virus infectivity revealed by conditional lethal mutant. Journal of General Virology, 95: 679-690  

  Zhu RL (朱若林), Zhang QY. 2014. Determination and analysis of the complete genome sequence of Paralichthys olivaceus rhabdovirus (PORV). Archives of Virology. 159: 817-820   

  Pei C (裴超), Ke F, Chen ZY, Zhang QY. 2014. Complete genome sequence and comparative analysis of grass carp reovirus strain 109 (GCReV-109) with other grass carp reovirus strains reveals no significant correlate regional distribution. Archives of Virology. 159: 2435-2440    

  Ou T (欧铜), Lei XY, He LB, Zhou FJ, Zhang QY. 2014. Development of an Ussuri catfish Pseudobagrus ussuriensis skin cell line displaying differential cytopathic effects to three aquatic animal viruses. Virus Research. 189: 56-62    

  Zhu R, Chen ZY, Wang J, Yuan JD, Liao XY, Gui JF, Zhang QY Extensive diversification of MHC in Chinese giant salamanders Andrias davidianus (Anda-MHC) reveals novel splice variants. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 2014, 42: 311-322  

  Zhu R, Chen ZY, Wang J, Yuan JD, Liao XY, Gui JF, Zhang QY. 2014. Thymus cDNA library survey uncovers novel features of immune molecules in Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus). Developmental & Comparative Immunology. 46(2): 413-422   

  Chen ZY (陈中元), Gui JF, Gao XC, Pei C, Hong YJ, Zhang QY. 2013. Genome architecture changes and major gene variations of Andrias davidianus ranavirus (ADRV). Veterinary Research. 44:101  

  He LB (何利波), Gao XC, Ke F, Zhang QY. 2013. A conditional lethal mutation in Rana grylio virus ORF 53R resulted in a marked reduction in virion formation. Virus Research, 177194-200  

  Ke F (柯飞), He LB, Zhang QY, 2013. Nonstructural protein NS80 is crucial in recruiting viral components to form aquareoviral factories. PLos One, 8(5): e63737   

  Li SH (李三华), Ou T, Zhang QY. 2013.Two virus-like particle cyanophages causing lytic infections in freshwater cyanobacteria Virologica Sinica. 28(5)303-305  

  Ou T (欧铜), Li SH, Liao XY, Zhang QY. 2013. Cultivation and characterization of the MaMV-DC cyanophage that infects bloom-forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Virologica Sinica. 28(5)266-271  

  Ou T (欧铜), Zhu RL, Chen ZY, Zhang QY. 2013. Isolation and identification of a lethal rhabdovirus from farmed rice field eels Monopterus albus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 106: 197-206  

  Zhu R, Wang J, Lei XY, Gui JF, Zhang QY. 2013. Evidence for Paralichthys olivaceus IFITM1 antiviral effect by impeding viral entry into target cells. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 35:918-926  

  Gao EB (高恶斌), Gui JF, Zhang QY.2012. A novel cyanophage with cyanobacterial non-bleaching protein a gene in the genome. Journal of Virology. 86(1):236-245  

  Lei XY (雷晓颖), Tong Ou, Qi-Ya Zhang. 2012. Rana grylio virus (RGV) 50L is associated with viral matrix and exhibited two distribution patterns. PLos One. 7(8): e43033   

  Lei XY (雷晓颖), Ou T, Zhu RL, Zhang. QY. 2012. Sequencing and analysis of the complete genome of Rana grylio virus (RGV). Arch Virol. 157:1559-1564   

  Li S (李顺), Sun F, Zhang YB, Gui JF, Zhang QY. 2012. Identification of DreI as an Antiviral Factor Regulated by RLR Signaling Pathway. PLos One. 7(3): e32427   

  Chen ZY(陈中元), Lei XY, Zhang QY, 2012.The antiviral defense mechanisms in mandarin fish induced by DNA vaccine againsta rhabdovirus. Veterinary Microbiology 157: 264-275  

  Lei XY (雷晓颖), Chen ZY, He LB, Pei C, Yuan XP, Zhang QY. 2012. Characterization and virus susceptibility of a skin cell line from red-spotted grouper (Epinephelus akaara). Fish Physiol Biochem. 38(4):1175-1182  

  He LB(何利波), Ke F, Zhang QY. 2012. Rana grylio virus as a vector for foreign gene expression in fish cell. Virus Research. 163: 66-73  

  Pei C (裴超), Lei XY, Yuan XP, Wang D, Zhao QZ, Zhang QY. 2012. Herpes-like virus infection in Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides): Pathology, ultrastructure and molecular analysis. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 48 (1): 235-237  

  Ke F (柯飞), He LB, Pei C, Zhang QY. 2011. Turbot reovirus (SMReV) genome encoding a FAST protein with a non-AUG start site. BMC Genomics. 12:323  

  Zhu RL (朱若林), Lei XY, Ke F, Yuan XP, Zhang QY. 2011. Genome of turbot rhabdovirus exhibits unusual non-coding regions and a novel additional ORF that could be expressed in fish cell. Virus Research. 155: 495-505  

  Kim YS (金维信), Ke F, Lei XY, Zhu R, Zhang QY. 2010. Viral envelope protein 53R gene highly specific silencing and iridovirus resistance in fish cells by amiRNA. PLoS One, 5(4): e10308  

  Kim YS(金维信), Ke F, Zhang QY. 2009. Effect of β-glucan on activity of antioxidant enzymes and Mx gene expression in virus infected grass carp. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 27: 336-340   

  Gao EB (高恶斌), Yuan XP, Li RH, Zhang QY. 2009. Isolation of a novel cyanophage infectious to filamentous cyanobacterium Planktothrix agardhii (cyanophyceae) from Lake Donghu in China. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 54:153-162  

  Zhao Z (赵哲), Ke F, Shi Y, Zhou GZ, Gui JF, Zhang QY. 2009. Rana grylio virus thymidine kinase gene: an arly gene of iridovirus encoding for the cytoplasmic protein. Virus Gene, 38: 345-352  

  Ke F (柯飞), Zhao Z, Zhang QY. 2009. Cloning, expression and subcellular distribution of a Rana grylio virus late gene encoding ERV1 homologue. Molecular Biology Reports, 36: 1651-1659  

  Zhu R (朱蓉), Zhang YB, Zhang QY, Gui JF. 2008. Functional domains and the antiviral effect of the dsRNA-dependent protein kinase PKR from Paralichthys olivaceus. Journal of Virology, 82: 6889-6901  

  Zhao Z (赵哲), Shi Y, Ke F, Wei W, Gui JF, Zhang QY. 2008. Constitutive expression of thymidylate synthase from LCDV-C induces foci formation and anchorage-independent growth in fish cells. Virology, 372: 118-126  

  Tao JJ (陶建军), Zhou GZ, Gui JF, Zhang QY. 2008. Genomic sequence of mandarin fish rhabdovirus with an unusual small non-transcriptional ORF. Virus Research, 132: 86-96  

  Zhou GZ (周广舟), Gui L, Li ZQ, Yuan XP, Zhang QY. 2008. Generation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against the flounder Paralichthys olivaceus rhabdovirus. Journal of Virological Methods. 148: 205-210  

  Zhao Z (赵哲), Ke F, Li ZQ, Gui JF, Zhang QY. 2008. Isolation, characterization and genome sequence of a birnavirus strain from flounder Paralichthys olivaceus in China. Archives of Virology, 153: 1143-1148  

  Chen ZY (陈中元), Liu H, Li ZQ, Zhang QY. 2008. Development and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to spring viraemia of carp virus. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 123: 266-276  

  Lü AJ (吕爱军), Li ZQ, Zhang QY. 2008. Detection of cutaneous antibodies in excised skin explants from Grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, immune to Scophthalmus maximus rhabdovirus. Journal of Fish Diseases, 31: 559-565  

  Huang YH (黄友华), Huang XH, Gui JF, Zhang QY. 2007. Mitochondria-mediated apoptosis induced by Rana glylio virus infection in fish cells. Apoptosis, 12(9): 1569-1577  

  Zhao Z (赵哲), Ke F, Gui JF, Zhang QY. 2007. Characterization of an early gene encoding for dUTPase from Rana grylio virus. Virus Research, 123: 128-137  

  Tao JJ (陶建军), Zhang QY, Gui JF. 2007. Isolation and characterization of a rhabdovirus from coinfection of two viruses in mandarin fish. Aquaculture, 262(1): 1-9  

  Huang YH (黄友华), Huang XH, Zhang J, Gui JF, Zhang QY. 2007. Subcellular localization and characterization of G protein-coupled receptor homolog from lymphocysis disease virus isolated in China. Viral Immunology, 20(1): 150-159  

  Zhou GZ (周广舟), Li ZQ, Zhang QY. 2007. Establishment, characterization and virus susceptibility of a new marine cell line from red spotted grouper (Epinephelus akaara). Marine Biotechnology, 9 (3): 370-376  

  Zhang QY, Tao JJ, Gui L, Zhou GZ, Ruan HM, Li ZQ, Gui JF. 2007. Isolation and characterization of Scophthalmus maximus (turbot) rhabdovirus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 74: 95-105  

  Huang XH (黄晓红), Zhang QY. 2007. Improvement and observation of immunoelectron microscopic method for the localization of frog Rana grylio virus (RGV) in infected fish cells. Micron, 38(6): 599-606  

  Lü AJ (吕爱军), Dong CW, Du CS, Zhang QY. 2007. Characterization and inductive expression of flounder voltage-dependent anion channel gene (VDAC) in response to virus infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 23: 601-613  

  Huang XH (黄晓红), Huang YH, Yuan XP, Zhang QY. 2006. Electron microscopic analysis of the viromatrix of Rana grylio Virus in a Fish Cell line. Journal of Virological Methods, 133(2): 117-123  

  Zhang QY, Zhao Z, Xiao F, Li ZQ, Gui JF. 2006. Molecular characterization of three Rana grylio virus (RGV) isolates and Paralichthys olivaceus lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV-C) in iridoviruses. Aquaculture, 251: 1-10  

  Liu YM (刘艳鸣), Zhang QY, Yuan XP, Li ZQ, Gui JF. 2006. Seasonal variation of virioplankton in a eutrophic shallow lake. Hydrobiologia, 560: 323-334  

  Liu YM (刘艳鸣), Yuan XP, Zhang QY. 2006. Spatial distribution and morphologic diversity of virioplankton in Lake Donghu, China. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 29: 328-334  

  Sun W (孙伟), Huang YH, Zhao Z, Gui JF, Zhang QY. 2006. Characterization of the Rana grylio virus 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and its novel role in suppressing virus-induced cytopathic effect. Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications, 351: 44-50  

  Zhou GZ (周广舟), Li ZQ, Zhang QY. 2006. Characterization and application of monoclonal antibodies against the turbot (Scophthalmus Maximus) rhabdovirus (SMRV). Viral Immunology, 19(4): 637-645  

  Zhang QY, Xiao F, Xie J, Li ZQ, Gui JF. 2004. Complete genome sequence of lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV-C) isolated from China. Journal of Virology, 78(13): 6982-6994  
