

学科组成员:蔡庆华 (研究员)、叶麟 (项目研究员)、谭路 (实验师)、文紫豪 (博士后)、罗情怡 (博士后)在读研究生21名,研究助理1名。


本研究组在著名生态学家刘建康院士指导下,开创了流域生态学(Watershed Ecology)”新兴学科,以内陆水体及其汇水区域为研究单元,运用系统生态学理论方法,研究流域内自然环境及人类活动对淡水生物多样性、生态系统格局、功能及过程的影响,探讨流域生物多样性与生态系统功能关系及其维持机制,揭示流域水-陆生态系统能量流动及物质循环规律,为流域水资源利用、生物多样性保护及区域可持续发展管理提供科学支撑。




1. 水流-水环境-水生态耦合关系及其对气候变化及人类活动响应;

2. 水生生物多样性-水生态系统多功能性动态解译与机制分析;

3. 人类活动对流域水生生物多样性及生态系统功能的影响;

4. 基于水生态系统健康与服务的水生态承载力及管理模型;

5. 流域水生生物多样性保护关键区域识别及保护网络构建;

6. 山水林田湖草沙一体化保护与系统治理的流域生态学理论与方法。


1.Chiu M-C, Ao S, Ling C, He F, Luo Q, Wen Z, Cai Q, Resh V. 2024. Meta-ecosystem frameworks can enhance control of the biotic transport of microplastics. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(29), 12846-12852.

2.Hu J, Xu N, Ao S, Tan L, Li X, Cai Q, Tang T. 2024. Species turnover and functional nestedness constitute the geographic patterns of stream diatoms in the Three Parallel Rivers region, China. Ecology and Evolution, 14(7), e70010.

3.Li H, Tan L, Li X, Cai Q. 2024. Aquatic protected area system in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: establishment, challenges and prospects. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 12: 1204494.

4.Luo Q, Li S, Kinouchi T, Wu N, Fu X, Ling C, Cai Q, Chiu M-C, Resh VH. 2024. Existing levels of biodiversity and river location may determine changes from small hydropower developments. Journal of Environmental Management, 357: 120697

5.Luo Q, Xu Y, Zhang W, Wu R, Lin X, Cai Q, Chiu M-C. 2024. Research Status and Future Agenda in Small Hydropower from the Perspective of Sustainable Development Goals. ACS ES&T Water, 2024, 4(5): 2212-2224.

6.Sang C, Tan L, Cai Q, Ye L. 2024. Long-term (2003-2021) evolution trend of water quality in the Three Gorges Reservoir: An evaluation based on an enhanced water quality index. Science of the Total Environment, 915: 169819.

7.Tan L, Wang L, Cai Q. 2024. Daily process and key characteristics of phytoplankton bloom during a low-water level period in a large subtropical reservoir bay. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15: 1390019.

8.Wang L, Tan L, Cai Q. 2024. Distinct differences of vertical phytoplankton community structure in mainstream and a tributary bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15: 1381798.

9.Wu X., Liu X., Liu C., Tan L., Chen Y., Tang T. 2024. Eco-morphological traits inform responses of diatom assemblages to urbanization in rivers in China. Hydrobiologia, 2024: 1-16.

10.Ao S, Chiu M-C, Lin X, Cai Q. 2023. Trait selection strategy for functional diversity in freshwater systems: A case framework of macroinvertebrates. Ecological Indicators, 153: 110450.

11.Liu C, Sun T, Wu X, Tan L, Cai Q and Tang T. 2023. Disentangling multiple relationships of species diversity, functional diversity, diatom community biomass and environmental variables in a mountainous watershed. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11: 1150001.

12.Tang T, Stevenson RJ. 2023. Striving for consistent bioassessment across diverse landscapes: Using land use matters for classifying reference and disturbed sites for index development. Science of the Total Environment, 900: 165849.

13.Wen Z, Wang H, Shan H, Cao Y, Tan L, Zhu T, Cai Q, Ni L, Zhang X, Chou Q, Cao T. 2023. Water depth modulates the species richness–biomass relationship in submerged macrophytes. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11: 1115119.

14.Ye L, Chen K, Cheng J, Tan L, Zhang M, Zhang X, Cai Q. 2023. Ecological water quality of the Three Gorges Reservoir and its relationship with land covers in the reservoir area: implications for reservoir management. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11: 1196089

15.Ao S, Ye L, Liu X, Cai Q, He F. 2022. Elevational patterns of trait composition and functional diversity of stream macroinvertebrates in the Hengduan Mountains region, Southwest China. Ecological Indicators, 144: 109558.

16.Ao S, Li X, Tian Z, Hu J, Cai Q. 2022. Harmonizing and searching macroinvertebrate trait information in alpine streams: method and application–A case study in the Three Parallel Rivers Region, China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 945824.

17.Hu J, Song Z, Zhou J, Soininen J, Tan L, Cai Q, Tang T. 2022. Differences in diversity and community assembly processes between planktonic and benthic diatoms in the upper reach of the Jinsha River, China. Hydrobiologia, 849(7): 1577-1591.

18.Li H, Gu Y, Cai Q, Dong X, Ye L. 2022. Zooplankton size structure in relation to environmental factors in the Xiangxi Bay of Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 800025.

19.Li Y, Ding W, Huang Z,·Pan R, Li N, Ren G, Cui L, Cai Q, Xiao W. 2022. Why empresses have more sons? Maternal instant social condition determines it. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76: 116.

20.Luo Q, Chiu M-C, Tan L, Cai Q. 2022. Hydrological season can have unexpectedly insignificant influences on the elevational patterns of functional diversity of riverine macroinvertebrates. Biology, 11(2): 208.

21.Shen H, Ye L, Cai Q, Tan L. 2022. Longitudinal variations in physio-chemical conditions and their consequent effect on phytoplankton functional diversity within a subtropical system of cascade reservoirs. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 914623.

22.Wang Y, Wu N, Tang T, Wang Y, Cai Q. 2022. Small run-of-river hydropower dams and associated water regulation filter benthic diatom traits and affect functional diversity. Science of the Total Environment, 813: 152566.

23.Wang Y, Wu N, Tang T, Zhou S, Cai Q. 2022. Small run-of-river dams affect taxonomic and functional β-diversity, community assembly process of benthic diatoms. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 895328.

24.Wen Z, Wang H, Zhang Z, Cao Y, Yao Y, Gao X, Tian Y, Su H, Ni L, Xiao W, Cai Q, Zhang X, Cao T. 2022. Depth distribution of three submerged macrophytes under water level fluctuations in a large plateau lake. Aquatic Botany, 176: 103451

25.Ye L, Tan L, Wu X, Cai Q, Li B. 2022. Nonlinear causal analysis reveals an effective water level regulation approach for phytoplankton blooms controlling in reservoirs. Science of the Total Environment, 86: 150948.

26.Zhang X, Tan L, Cai Q, Ye L. 2022. Environmental factors affect phytoplankton community stability via functional diversity. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 990835.

27.Ao S, Chiu M-C, Li X, Tan L, Cai Q, Ye L. 2021. Watershed farmland area and instream water quality co-determine the stream primary producer in the central Hengduan Mountains, southwestern China. Science of the Total Environment, 770: 145267.

28.Chiu M-C, Ao S, Resh VH, He F, Cai Q. 2021. Species dispersal along rivers and streams may have variable importance to metapopulation structure. Science of the Total Environment, 760: 144045.

29.Liu S, Li X, Tan L, Fornacca D, Fang Y, Zhu L, Rao C, Cao Y, Huang J, Ren G, Cai Q, Xiao W. 2021. The ecological niche and terrestrial environment jointly influence the altitudinal pattern of aquatic biodiversity. Science of the Total Environment, 800: 149404.

30.Luo Q, Chiu M-C, Tan L, Cai Q. 2021. An environmental flow framework for riverine macroinvertebrates during dry and wet seasons through non-linear ecological modeling. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 734716.

31.Wen Z, Ma Y, Wang H, Cao Y, Yuan C, Ren W, Ni L, Cai Q, Xiao W, Fu H, Cao T, Zhang X. 2021. Water Level regulation for eco-social services under climate change in Erhai Lake over the past 68 years in China. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9: 697694.

32.Chiu M-C, Ao S, He F, Resh VH, Cai Q. 2020. Elevation shapes biodiversity patterns through metacommunity-structuring processes. Science of the Total Environment, 743: 140548.

33.Guo S, He F, Tang T, Tan L, Cai Q. 2020. Intra-annual fluctuations dominating temporal dynamics of benthic diatom assemblages in a Chinese mountainous river. Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology, 56: 22.

34.He F, Wu N, Dong X, Tang T, Domisch S, Cai Q, Jähnig SC. 2020. Elevation, aspect, and local environment jointly determine diatom and macroinvertebrate diversity in the Cangshan Mountain, Southwest China. Ecological Indicators, 108: 105618.

35.Kurthen AL, He F, Dong X, Maasri A, Wu N, Cai Q, Jähnig SC. 2020. Metacommunity structures of macroinvertebrates and diatoms in high mountain streams, Yunnan, China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 571887.

36.Liu S, Fornacca D, Yang D, Tan L, Li X, Ren G, Sun J, He X, Yang W, Cai Q, Xiao W. 2020. Species richness and biodiversity significance of alpine micro-waterbody systems in Gaoligong Mountain, Northwest Yunnan, China.Journal of Mountain Science, 17(4): 907-918.

37.Tang T, Stevenson RJ, Grace JB. 2020. The importance of natural versus human factors for ecological conditions of streams and rivers. Science of the Total Environment, 704: 135268.

38.宋志斌, 周佳诚, 谭路, 唐涛. 2023. 高原河流着生藻类群落沿海拔梯度的变化特征--以西藏黑曲、雪曲为例. 生态环境学报, 32(2): 274-282.

39.蔡庆华等. 2022. 神农架国家公园体制试点区生态经济功能协同提升研究与示范. 北京: 科学出版社.

40.蔡庆华(主编). 2022. 文明摇篮--河流湿地。北京: 中国林业出版社.

41.刘婵, 刘心怡, 周佳诚, 谭路, 刘振元, 王伟民, 陈宇顺, 唐涛. 河流着生藻类多样性对城镇化的响应--以深圳市为例. 生态学报, 2022, 42(24).

42.吴乃成, 唐涛, 周淑婵, 傅小城, 蒋万祥, 李凤清, 蔡庆华. 神农架地区香溪河梯级小水电站对河流生态系统功能的影响.长江流域资源与环境, 2021, 30(6):1458-1465.
