


  联系方式: 027-68780866, cxhu@ihb.ac.cn        




  1) 运用高通量测序、多组学等大数据手段,跨极干旱、干旱、半干旱到半湿润多个气候带,从群落组成、装配,藻类生长代谢、环境互作等方面研究自然生物结皮及人工诱导蓝藻结皮的生态环境效益及作用机理,以推动接种蓝藻的生态修复技术的革新。 

  2) 将分子生态学实验手段(高通量扩增子、比较基因组和转录组)与生物统计学方法相结合,综合评估环境胁迫条件下蓝藻细胞生理、分子调控与群落多样性及种间相作响应网络, 以期深入认识陆生蓝藻多样性及其维持生态系统功能的潜在机制。 

  3) 从微藻的碳固定、转化途径、高附加值产物积累、碳流分配调控等层面研究微藻在减排和经济利用方面的潜能。 

  4) 利用高通量测序、生物信息学、分子生物学等技术,研究藻类在多种胁迫(高温、高盐、强辐射等)下,信号传导和表观遗传方面的响应机制。 

  5) 以微藻、原生动物、鱼类、维管植物等构建不同封闭系统,研究各成员适应空间飞行环境的生长代谢和互作关系,及封闭系统的生态功能和稳定性,以期为宇航员提供氧气、食物等生态生保系统。 



  Hu CX*, Gao KS, Whitton BA. Semi-arid Regions and Deserts. In: Ecology of Cyanobacteria II: Their Diversity in Space and Time (Whitton BA ed.), Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht. p. 345-369, 2012.  

  刘永定, 胡春香, 张文军等著. 荒漠蓝藻环境生物学与生物土壤结皮固沙. 科学出版社, 北京. pp: 469, 2013. 



  Wang Q, Zhang QY, Han YC, Zhang DL, Zhang CC, Hu CX*. The carbon cycle in microbial ecosystems of biological soil crusts. Soil Biol Biochem, 171: 108729, 2022.  

  Han YC, Wang Q, Li Q, Hu CX*. Active metabolism and biomass dynamics of biocrusts are shaped by variation in their successional state and seasonal energy resources. Sci Total Environ, 831: 154756, 2022. 

  Li YL, Wei JY, Yang HJ, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Biogeography, driving factors, assembly, and co-occurrence patterns of archaeal community in biocrusts. Front microbiol, 13:848908, 2022. 

  Li Q, Hu CX, Yang HJ*. Responses of cyanobacterial crusts and microbial communities to extreme environments of the stratosphere. Microorganisms, 10,1252, 2022.  

  Lan S*, Wu L, Adessi A, Hu C*. Cyanobacterial persistence and influence on microbial community dynamics over 15?years in induced biocrusts. Environ Microbiol, 24(1): 61-88, 2022.  

  Yang HJ, Hu CX*. Soil chemistry and nutrients influence the distribution of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria and eukaryotic phototrophic microorganisms of physical soil crusts at different elevations on the Tibetan Plateau, Microb Ecol, 83: 100-113, 2022. 

  Zhao L, Lin LZ, Chen MY, Teng WK, Zheng LL, Peng L, Lv J, Brand JJ, Hu CX, Han BP*, Song LR*, Shu WS*. The widespread capability of methylphosphonate utilization in flamentous cyanobacteria and its ecological signifcance. Wat Res, 217: 118385, 2022. 

  葛红梅, 周雅茹, 柳诗莺, 王贤哲, 韩兴烨, 汪淑廉, 胡春香*. 营养缺失对具鞘微鞘藻胞外多糖和糖原分配模式的影响. 水生生物学报, 46(2): 203-209, 2022. 

  Zang XM, Zhang S, Li LL, Wang GH, Zhang HY, Zhang XZ. Effects of extracellular organic matter on chitosan coagulation-microfiltration harvesting of Microcystis flos-aquae.Sep Purif Technol,287: 120548, 2022 

  Li LL, Yu TB, Cheng SZ, Li J, Li CX, Wang GH, Tan DY, Li L, Zhang, HY, Zhang XZ. Removal of cyanobacteria using novel pre-pressurized coagulation: The effect of cellular properties and algogenic organic matter characteristics. Sep Purif Technol, 282: 119927, 2022 


  Li YL, Hu CX*. Biogeographical patterns and mechanisms of microbial community assembly that underlie successional biocrusts across northern China. NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes, 15, 2021. 

  Li H, et al. Multiple diversity facets of crucial microbial groups in biological soil crusts promote soil multifunctionality. Global Ecol Biogeogr, 30:1204-1217, 2021. 

  Wang Q, Han YC, Lan SB, Hu CX*. Metagenomic insight into patterns and mechanism of nitrogen cycle during biocrust succession. Front microbiol, 12:633428, 2021. 

  Lan SB, Thomas AD, Rakes JB, Garcia-Pichel F, Wu L, Hu CX. Cyanobacterial community composition and their functional shifts associated with biocrust succession in the Gurbantunggut Desert. Env Microbiol Rep, 13(6):884-898, 2021. 

  Wang B, Ye T, Li XY, Bian P, Liu YY, Wang GH*. Survival of desert algae Chlorella exposed to Mars-like near space environment. Life Sci Space Res, 29: 22-29, 2021 

  Ye T, Wang B, Li CY, Bian P, Chen L, Wang GH*. Exposure of cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. to the Mars-like stratosphere environment. J Photochem Photobiol B, 224: 112307, 2021. 

  Mubashar M, Ahmad Z, Li C, Zhang HY, Xu C, Wang GH, Qiu DR, Song LR, Zhang XZ. Carbon-negative and high-rate nutrient removal using mixotrophic microalgae. Bioresource Technol, 340:125731, 2021. 


  Li H, et al. Multifunctionality of biocrusts is positively predicted by network topologies consistent with interspecies facilitation. Mol Ecol, 29:1560-1573, 2020  

  Lan SB, Thomas AD, Tooth S, Wu L, Hu CX. Effects of vegetation on bacterial communities, carbon and nitrogen in dryland soil surfaces: implications for shrub encroachment in the southwest Kalahari. Sci Total Environ,78:936-948, 2020. 

  Yang HJ, Hu CX*. Regulation and remodeling of intermediate metabolite and membrane lipid during NaCl-induced stress in freshwater microalga Micractinium sp. XJ-2 for biofuel production. Biotechnol Bioeng, 117: 3727-3738, 2020. 

  Chen MY, Teng WK, Zhao L, Hu CX, Zhou YK, Han BP*, Song LR*, Shu WS*. Comparative genomics reveals insights into cyanobacterial evolution and habitat adaptation. ISME J, 15: 211-227, 2020. 

  Rastogi A, Vieira FRJ, Anne-Flore Deton-Cabanillas, AF, Veluchamy A, Cantrel C, Wang GH, Vanormelingen P, Bowler C, Piganeau G, Hu HH, Tirichine L. A genomics approach reveals the global genetic polymorphism, structure and functional diversity of ten accessions of the marine model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. ISME J, 14: 347-363, 2020.  

  Tang H, Chen L, Dai Z, Zhang W, Wang T, Wu L, Wang G, Bian P. Enhancement of DNA damage repair potential in germ cells of Caenorhabditis elegans by a volatile signal from their irradiated partners, DNA Repair, 86: 102755, 2020.  

  Deng S, Zhang D, Wang G, Zhou X, Ye C, Fu T, Ke T, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Chen L. Biological soil crust succession in deserts through a 59-year-long case study in China: How induced biological soil crust strategy accelerates desertification reversal from decades to years. Soil Biol Biochem, 141: 107555, 2020.  


  Lan SB, Thomas AD, Tooth S, Wu L, Hu CX*. Small-scale spatial heterogeneity of photosynthetic fluorescence associated with biological soil crust succession in the Tengger Desert, China. Microb Ecol,78:936–948, 2019. 

  Ge HM, Wu HY, Wan DJ, Hu CX*. The partition pattern of glycogen and extracellular polysaccharides in two filamentous cyanobacteria from desert soil crusts. Fresen Environ Bull, 28(3): 1683-1692, 2019. 

  Zhang D, Tang J, Zhang DL*, Hu CX*. Responses of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in zebrafish liver exposed to sublethal doses of Aphanizomenon flosaquae DC-1 aphantoxins. Aquat Toxicol, 215, 105269, 2019 

  Wang B, Zhang F, Hu J, Gao X, Bian P, Liu YD, Wang GH*. Cre-miR914-regulated RPL18 is involved with UV-B adaptation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J Plant Physiol, 232: 151-159, 2019.  

  Deng CG, Wu JJ, Wang Ting, Wang GH, Wu LJ, Wu YJ, Bian P. Negative modulation of bystander DNA repair potential by X-Ray targeted tissue volume in Arabidopsis thaliana. Radiati Res, 191, 6: 556-565, 2019. 

  Sha J, Chen YS, Wang GH, Lu ZY, Ye J, Hu Q, Zhang XZ. The inhibition effect of recycled Scenedesmus acuminatus culture media: influence of growth phase, inhibitor identification and removal. Algal Res, 42, 101612, 2019. 

  Lu ZY, Sha J, Wang WX, Li YH, Wang GH, Chen YS, Hu Q, Zhang XZ. Identi?cation of auto-inhibitors in the reused culture media of the Chlorophyta Scenedesmus acuminatus. Algal Res, 2019, 44: 101665, 2019 


  Lan SB, Zhang QY, He QN, Yang HJ, Hu CX*. Resource utilization of microalgae from biological soil crusts: Biodiesel production associated with desertification control. Biomass Bioenerg, 2018, 116:189-197. 

  He QN, Yang HJ, Hu CX*. Effects of temperature and its combination with high light intensity on lipid production of Monoraphidium dybowskii Y2 from semi-arid desert areas. Bioresource Technol, 265: 407-414, 2018.   

  Yang HJ, He QN, Hu CX*. Feasibility of biodiesel production and CO2 emission reduction by Monoraphidium dybowskii LB50 under semi-continuous culture with open raceway ponds in desert area. Biotechnol Biofuels, 11:82, 2018.  

  Zhang QY, Wang Q, Ouyang HL, Lan SB, Hu CX*. Pyrosequencing reveals significant changes in microbial communities along the ecological succession of biological soil crusts in the Tengger Desert of China. Pedosphere, 28(2): 350-362, 2018.   

  Wu L, Zhu QH, Yang L, Li BL, Hu CX, Lan SB*. Nutrient transferring from wastewater to desert through artificial cultivation of desert cyanobacteria. Bioresource Technol, 247, 947-953, 2018.  

  Wu L, Lei YP, Lan SB*, Hu CX. Photosynthetic recovery and acclimation to excess light intensity in the rehydrated lichen soil crusts. PloS One, 12(3): e0172537, 2018. 

