


博士后:沙君、熊倩、Muhammad Mubashar、程绍哲

博士研究生:江婧宇、许保林、郭小和、李莉莉、王子敏、Rabail Zulekha、Muzammil Sultan




      张学治(硕士:环境工程   博士:环境科学)



















淡水有毒微囊藻的盐胁迫应答和适应过程研究 2022-2024













1.  Nian Wei,Chenlin Hu,Elke Dittmann,Lirong Song,Nanqin Gan*,The biological functions of microcystins. Water Research,2024 (minor revision)

2.   Jingyu Jiang,Jiaying Zeng,Jingkai Wang,Jun Zuo,Nian Wei,Lirong Song,Kun Shan*,Nanqin Gan*,Changes in CO2 concentration drive a succession of toxic and non-toxic strains of Microcystis blooms. Water Research,2024(250):121056

3.   Yang Siyu,Zuo Jun*,Hans-Peter Grossart,Guofei Dai,Jin Liu,Lirong Song,|Gan Nanqin*,Evaluating microcystinase A-based approach on microcystins degradation during harvested cyanobacterial blooms. Environmental Pollution,2024,123878

4.  Li L.,Xue S.,Zhang Y.,Gao Y.,Yang J.,Zhang X.*,Zhang W*. A Chemical-free magnetophoretic approach for recovering magnetic particles in microalgae removal through magnetic separation. Journal of Cleaner Production,2024.

5.  Li L.,Chen X.,Shao S.,Zhang X.,Zhang H*. Study on the mechanism of hydrodynamic manipulation of floc structure to achieve high-flux of coagulation macro-filtration for the rapid removal of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. Journal of Cleaner Production,2024,434: 140397.

6.  Cheng S.,Zhang H.,Wang H.,Mubashar M.,Li L.,Zhang X*. Influence of algal organic matter in the in-situ flotation removal of Microcystis using positively charged bubbles. Bioresource Technology,2024,397: 130468.

7.  Wang H.,Li L#.,Cheng S.,Chen L., Zhang H.,Zhang X*. Production and release of 2-MIB in Pseudanabaena: Effects of growth phases on cell characteristics and 2-MIB yield. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2024,274: 116198.

8.   Zhang H.,Li L.,Ding W.,Cheng Z.,Lin Z.,Zhu L*., Zhang X*. Effect mechanism of metal cations on the interface interaction of cell-collector-bubble for microalgal foam flotation. Chemosphere,2024,349: 140899.


9.  Lirong Song# ,Yunlu Jia#,Boqiang Qin, Renhui Li,Wayne W. Carmichael, Nanqin Gan, Hai Xu, Kun Shan, and Assaf Sukenik. Harmful cyanobacterial blooms: biological traits,mechanisms,risks,and control strategies. Annual Review of Environment and Resources,2023,48: 123-147.

10.Liang Zhao,Li-Zhou Lin,Ying Zeng,Wen-Kai Teng,Meng-Yun Chen,Jerry J. Brand,Ling-Ling Zheng,Nan-Qin Gan,Yong-Hui Gong,Xin-Yi Li,Jin Lv,Ting Chen,Bo-Ping Han*,Li-Rong Song* & Wen-Sheng Shu*.The facilitating role of phycospheric heterotrophic bacteria in cyanobacterial phosphonate availability and Microcystis bloom maintenance. Microbiome,2023,11(1):1-16

11.  Nian Wei,Aifa Chen,Xiaohe Guo,Shubing Zhang,Lirong Song,Nanqin Gan,Lingling Zheng,Yunlu Jia*,Jie Li*. Changes in nitrogen metabolism of phosphorus-starved bloom-forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa: Implications for nutrient management. Science of The Total Environment,2023,903: 166832.

12.Fang Bai,Yunlu Jia*,Jie Li,Zhongxing Wu,Lin Li,Lirong Song*. Paraquat induces different programmed cell death patterns in Microcystis aeruginosa and Chlorella luteoviridis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2023,249: 114429.

13.  Fang Bai,Guangbin Gao,Tianli Li,Jin Liu,Lin Li,Yunlu Jia*,Lirong Song. Integrated physiological and metabolomic analysis reveals new insights into toxicity pathways of paraquat to Microcystis aeruginosa. Aquatic Toxicology,2023,259: 106521.

14.Zhang H.,Li L.,Cheng S.,Li C.,Liu F.,Wang P.,Sun L.,Huang J.,Zhang W.*,Zhang X*. Enhanced Microcystis aeruginosa removal and novel flocculation mechanisms using a novel continuous co-coagulation flotation (CCF). Science of the Total Environment,2023,857(Pt 2):159532.

15.Zhang H.,Li C.,Li L.,Cheng S.,Wang P.,Sun L.,Huang J.,Zhang X*. Uncovering the optimal structural characteristics of flocs for microalgae flotation using Python-OpenCV. Journal of Cleaner Production,2023,385: 135748.

16.  Liu M.,Li L.,Mubashar M.,Su X.,Liang Y., Zhang H.,Zhang X*. Techno-economic analysis for the selection of cost-effective treatment for algae removal in drinking water treatment plants [J]. Water,2023,15(2):243.

17.Liu M.,Zhang J.,Wang L., Zhang H.,Zhang W.*,Zhang X*. Removal of Microcystis aeruginosa and microcystin-LR using chitosan (CTS)-modified cellulose fibers and ferric chloride. Separation and Purification Technology,2023,308: 122889

18.  Li L.,Zhang H.,Mubashar M.,Chen L.,Cheng S.,Zhang X*. Parallel filtration for solid-liquid separation: A case study of highly-efficient algal removal under parallel configuration driven by magnetic force. Separation and Purification Technology,2023,310: 123098


19.  Chen,Meng-Yun,Wen-Kai Teng,Liang Zhao,Bo-Ping Han*,Li-Rong Song*,and Wen-Sheng Shu*. Phylogenomics Uncovers Evolutionary Trajectory of Nitrogen Fixation in Cyanobacteria. Molecular Biology and Evolution,2022,39: msac171

20.  Zhao,Liang,Li-Zhou Lin,Meng-Yun Chen,Wen-Kai Teng,Ling-Ling Zheng,Liang Peng,Jin Lv,Jerry J. Brand,Chun-Xiang Hu,Bo-Ping Han*,Li-Rong Song*,and Wen-Sheng Shu*. The Widespread Capability of Methylphosphonate Utilization in Filamentous Cyanobacteria and Its Ecological Significance. Water Research,2022,217: 118385

21.  Wei Huimin#,Yunlu Jia*,and Zhi Wang. Microcystin Pollution in Lakes and Reservoirs: A Nationwide Meta-Analysis and Assessment in China. Environmental Pollution,2022,309: 119791

22.  Yunlu Jia,Yi Huang,Jin Ma,Shangwei Zhang,Jin Liu,Tianli Li,and Lirong Song. Toxicity of the Disinfectant Benzalkonium Chloride (C14) Towards Cyanobacterium Microcystis Results from Its Impact on the Photosynthetic Apparatus and Cell Metabolism. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2022

23.  Yang,Zihan,Baolin Xu,Jin Liu,Jiao Zhan,and Lirong Song. Dynamic Changes of Growth and Physiological Parameters of Spirulina Cultivated Outdoors—a Case Study in Spirulina Industrial Park in Inner Mongolia,China. Journal of Applied Phycology,2022,34: 1163-75

24.  Zang X.,Zhang S.,Li L.,Wang G.,Zhang H.*,Zhang X*. Effects of extracellular organic matter on chitosan coagulation-microfiltration harvesting of Microcystis flos-aquae. Separation and Purification Technology,2022,287: 120548

25.  Nie X.,Zhang H.#,Cheng S.,Mubashar M.,Xu C.,Li Y.,Tan D.,Zhang X*. Study on the cell-collector-bubble interfacial interactions during microalgae harvesting using foam flotation. Science of the Total Environment,2022,806(Pt 4):150901.

26.  Mubashar M.,Zhang J.,Liu Q.,Chen L.,Li J.,Naveed M.,Zhang X*. In-situ removal of aquaculture waste nutrient using floating permeable nutrient uptake system (FPNUS) under mixotrophic microalgal scheme. Bioresource Technology,2022,363: 128022.

27.  Li L., Yu T.#, Cheng S., Li J., Li C., Wang G., Tan D., Li L., Zhang H.*, Zhang X*. Removal of cyanobacteria using novel pre-pressurized coagulation: The effect of cellular properties and algogenic organic matter characteristics. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 282: 119927.

28.  Cheng S., Zhang H.#, Li L., Yu T., Wang Y., Tan D., Zhang X*. Harvesting of Microcystis flos-aquae using dissolved air flotation: The inhibitory effect of carboxyl groups in uronic acid-containing carbohydrates. Chemosphere, 2022, 300: 134466.
