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2.  胡瑶,彭成荣,李敦海*。金属尾矿库生物土壤结皮的类型及物种组成。水生生物学报,2020,44(3):622-630.

3.  李双双,代亮亮,郑娇莉,李敦海*。东湖生物膜的建群过程及其生理特性研究。水生态学杂志,2020,41(2):45-52。

4.  李莉杰,李国辉,李根保*。环境条件变化下滇池冬春季节浮游植物的演替特征。水生态学杂志,2020,41(3):57-68。

5.  代亮亮,张云,周维成,郭亮亮,李根保*. 草型清水态维持与长效运行的营养盐响应机制——以滇池大型围隔试验为例. 中国环境科学,2020,40(9):3849-3858。

6.Xuening Song,Jinli Zhang,Chengrong Peng*,Dunhai Li. Replacing nitrogen fertilizer with nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria reduced nitrogen leaching in red soil paddy fields. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment,2021,321: 107320.

7.Jinli Zhang,Xuening Song, Hui Wei, Weicheng Zhou, Chengrong Peng*, Dunhai Li. Effect of substituting nitrogen fertilizer with nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria on yield in a double-rice cropping system in southern China. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2021, 33:2221–2232.

8.  Weicheng Zhou, Xiaoyu Li, Yuming Wang, Jinglong Wang, Jinli Zhang, Hui Wei, Chengrong Peng,Zhicong Wang, Genbao Li, Dunhai Li*. Physiological and transcriptomic changes of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos-larvae in response to 2-MIB exposure. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 416: 126142.

9.   Shun Huang, Chengrong Peng*, Zhicong Wang, Xiong Xiong, Yonghong Bi, Yangyang Liu, Dunhai Li. Spatiotemporal distribution of microplastics in surface water, biofilms, and sediments in the world’s largest drinking water diversion project. Science of the Total Environments, 2021, 789: 148001.


11.Xuening Song, Jinli Zhang, Dunhai Li*, Chengrong Peng*. Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria have the potential to improve nitrogen use efficiency through the reduction of ammonia volatilization in red soil paddy fields. Soil & Tillage Research, 2022, 217: 105274.

12.Xuening Song, Chengrong Peng,Dunhai Li*. Fate of nitrogen fixed by nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in rice and soil during the vegetative growth period of rice. Journal of Applied Phycology, (2022) 34:2051–2061.

13.  Weicheng Zhou, Yuming Wang, Jinglong Wang, Chengrong Peng,Zhicong Wang, Hongjie Qin, Genbao Li, Dunhai Li*.β-Ionone causesendocrine disruption, hyperpigmentation and hypoactivity inzebrafish early life stages. Science of the Total Environment, 834 (2022) 155433.

14.  Yuchen Geng, Chengrong Peng,Zhicong Wang,Shun Huang, Panpan Zhou, Dunhai Li*. Insights into the spatiotemporal differences in tailings seepage pollution by assessing the diversity and metabolic functions of the soil microbial community. Environmental Pollution, 306 (2022) 119408.

15.  Yuchen Geng, Chengrong Peng, Weicheng Zhou, Shun Huang, Panpan Zhou, Zhicong Wang, Hongjie Qin, Dunhai Li*. Gradient rise in seepage pollution levels in tailings ponds shapes closer linkages between phytoplankton and bacteria. Journal of Hazardous Materials437 (2022) 129432.

16.Zhicong Wang, Qidong Wang, Jinlong Wang, Hui Wei, Jing Qian, Yinzhe Zhang, Kai Feng, Qinyi Chen, Jing Yuan, Jiashou Liu, Dunhai Li*. Evaluation of the control effect of bighead carp and silver carp on cyanobacterial blooms based on the analysis of differences in algal digestion processes. Journal of Cleaner Production 375 (2022) 134106.

17.Liangliang Guo,Liangliang Dai, Jiaoli Zheng, Weicheng Zhou, Chengrong Peng, Dunhai Li, Genbao Li*. Environmental factors associated with the filamentous green algae Cladophora blooms: A mesocosm experiment in a shallow eutrophic lake. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 313: 114977.

18.  Ming Xia, Fei Xiong*, Xuemei Li, Dunhai Li, Zhicong Wang, Dongding Zhai, Hongyan Liu, Yuanyuan Chen, Jixin Yu, Ying Wang. Different Assembly Patterns of Planktonic and Sedimentary Bacterial Community in a Few Connected Eutrophic Lakes. Water 2022, 14, 723.

19.Chengrong Peng,Wenxuan Zou, Dunhai Li, Genbao Li, Yonghong Bi* Distinct effects of sediment regulation on phytoplankton community assembly in the tributaries and mainstream of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Journal of Cleaner Production 368 (2022) 133082.

20.  Zhou, Weicheng; Wang, Yuming; Wang, Jinglong; Peng, Chengrong; Wang, Zhicong; Qin, Hongjie; Li, Genbao; Li, Dunhai*. Geosmin disrupts energy metabolism and locomotor behavior of zebrafish in early life stages. Science of the Total Environment 859 (2023) 160222.

21.  Jinglong Wang, Qinyi Chen, Shun Huang, Zhicong Wang⁎, Dunhai Li. Cyanobacterial organic matter (COM) positive feedback aggravates lake eutrophication by changing the phosphorus release characteristics of sediments. Science of the Total Environment 892 (2023) 164540.

22.  Yuchen Geng, Yuang Ding, Panpan Zhou, Zhicong Wang, Chengrong Peng, Dunhai Li*. Soil microbe-mediated carbon and nitrogen cycling during primary succession in tailings pond. Science of the Total Environment. 2023: 164969.

23.Yuming Wang, Panpan Zhou, Weicheng Zhou, Shun Huang, Chengrong Peng, Dunhai Li, Genbao Li. Network analysis indicates microbial assemblage differences in life stages of Cladophora. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2023, 89(3): e02112-22.

24.  Jinglong Wang, Weicheng Zhou, Shun Huang, Xiaomei Wu, Panpan Zhouc, Yuchen Geng, Yu Zhu, Yuming Wang, Yundong Wu, Qinyi Chen, Yuang Ding, Zhicong Wang *, Dunhai Li*. Promoting effect and mechanism of residual feed organic matter on the formation of cyanobacterial blooms in aquaculture waters. Journal of Cleaner Production. 202313806.

25.Yuang Ding, Yuchen Geng, Weicheng Zhou, Dunhai Li*. Habitat-specific environmental factors regulate the spatial variability of biological soil crust microbial communities on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Submitted to Science of the Total Environment.

26.Qinyi Chen, Zhicong Wang*, Hui Wei, Jinglong Wang, Weicheng Zhou, Panpan Zhou, Dunhai Li. Anionic surfactants in lake surface microlayers enhance the toxicity ofMicrocystisblooms: insight from photosynthesis, interspecies competition, and MC production. Water Research. 2023:120430.

27.  Jiaoli Zheng, Dengcheng Zhang, Hua Li, Chengrong Peng, Yongding Liu, Dunhai Li*. Rhizoid-associated cyanobacteria are the main contributors to biological nitrogen fixation in restored moss crust. Rhizosphere, 2023: 100816.


29.  李晓宇,周维成,韦慧,黄顺,李敦海*。微囊藻对束丝藻生长及土臭素合成与释放的影响。水生生物学报,2023,47(7):1052-1059.



32.  Yuchen Geng, Panpan Zhou, Zhicong Wang, Chengrong Peng, Genbao Li, Dunhai Li*. The roles of rare and abundant microbial species in the primary succession of biological soil crusts are differentiated in metal tailings ponds with different states. Journal of Hazardous Materials 472 (2024) 134577.

33.Xiao Liang, Yu Zhu, Huiyao Liu, Zuoming Xie, Genbao Li, Dunhai Li, Yuting Liang, Chengrong Peng*. Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria enhance microbial carbon utilization by modulating the microbial community composition in paddy soils of the Mollisols region. Science of the Total Environment 929 (2024) 172609.

34.  Xixi Cai, Jianying Li, Haoping Wu, Siyu Yang, Yi You,Dunhai Li,Wei Xing, Chunping Zou, Xiaoyu Guo, Jibing Li, Hongjie Qin*. Using rice straw-augmented ecological floating beds to enhance nitrogen removal in carbon-limited wastewater. Bioresource Technology 402 (2024) 130785.

35.  Yundong Wu, Chengrong Peng*, Genbao Li*, Feng He, Licheng Huang, Xiuqiong Sun, Sirui Wu. Integrated evaluation of the impact of water diversion on water quality index and phytoplankton assemblages of eutrophic lake: A case study of Yilong Lake. Journal of Environmental Management 357 (2024) 120707.


1.彭成荣,张金丽,张云,黄顺,宋学宁,李敦海。发明专利:一种低成本大量培养固氮蓝藻的方法。申请号:ZL 201710755178.0。授权日期:2020-3-3。

2.李敦海,张金丽,彭成荣,宋学宁,张云,黄顺。发明专利:一种利用固氮蓝藻改良酸化土壤和提升地力的方法。申请号:ZL 2017 1 1280406.X;授权日期:2020-8-11。。

3.李根保,李露,郭亮亮。发明专利:一种刚毛藻快速培养方法及装置。申请号:ZL 2016 1 0983668.1;授权日期:2020-03-20。

4.李敦海,汪志聪,彭成荣,黄顺。发明专利:一种车载式着生藻类自动收集和藻水分离装置。专利号:ZL 201810644187.7;;授权日期:2021-07-13。

5.彭成荣,黄顺,张云,李小燕,汪志聪,李敦海。发明专利:一种便携式着生藻类采样器。专利号:ZL 2018 1 0898374.8;授权日期:2021-03-05。

6.汪志聪,李敦海,彭成荣,周维成,王景龙。发明专利:基于微积分原理的浮游藻类初级生产力测量装置及方法。专利号:ZL 2021 1 0265283.2;授权日期:2021-12-03。



