





  1. Liu Xudong, Zhu Huan, Liu Benwen, Liu Guoxiang* & Hu Zhengyu 2017. Classification of Planctonema-like algae, including a new genus Planctonemopsis gen. nov., a new species Planctonema gelatinosum sp. nov. and a reinstated genus Psephonema (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology. 53:869-879 

  2. Zhu Huan, Hu Zhengyu & Liu Guoxiang*. 2017. Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Trentepohliales (Chlorophyta) from China. European Journal of Phycology, 52:330-341. 

  3. Liu Xudong, Zhu Huan, Liu Benwen, Liu Guoxiang* & Hu Zhengyu. 2017. Phylogeny and morphology of genus Nephrocytium (Sphaeropleales, Chlorophyceae, Chlorophyta) from China. Phytotaxa, 319: 84–92. 

  4. Song Huiyin, Hu Yuxin, Zhu Huan, Wang Qinghua, Liu Guoxiang*, Hu Zhengyu. 2016. Three novel coccoid green algae within the Watanabea clade (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) from China. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 66(12): 5465-5477. 

  5. Zhang Qi, Zhu Huan, Hu Zhengyu and Liu Guoxiang*. 2016. Blooms of the woloszynskioid dinoflagellate Tovellia diexiensis sp. nov. (Dinophyceae) in Baishihai Lake at the eastern edge of Tibetan Plateau. Algae, 31(3): 205-217. 

  6. Liu Benwen, Liu Xudong, Hu Zhengyu, Zhu Huan and Liu Guoxiang*. 2016. Phylogenetic Position and Morphological Observation of the Ctenocladus circinnatus Borzi, a rare green alga from Changtang Plateau, China. Phytotaxa, 260: 75-82. 

  7. Zhao Zhijuan, Zhu Huan, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu. 2016. Rhizoclonium ramosum sp. nov. (Cladophorales, Chlorophyta), a new fresh-water algal species from China. Fottea, 16(1): 12–21. 

  8. 刘旭东,刘国祥*,胡征宇。2016。一株耐受高浓度硫酸镁单细胞绿藻的分类学鉴定及单盐胁迫对其生长的影响。海洋与湖沼,47:61-70。 

  9. 张琪,宋会银,郑凌凌,宋立荣,刘国祥*。2016。中国淡水共球藻纲新记录属种---土佐牧野藻(Makinoella tosaensis Okada)。热带亚热带植物学报,24:406-412。 

  10. 朱欢,宋会银,王清华,胡愈炘,胡征宇,刘国祥*。2016。中国球状绿藻新记录属---索囊藻属Choricystis。海洋与湖沼,47:1116-1125。 

  11. 胡愈炘,邢伟越,朱欢,宋会银,刘旭东,刘国祥*,胡征宇。2016。团藻目群体鞭毛类的中国新记录。水生生物学报,40:1257-1265. 

  12. Zhang Qi, Song Huiyin, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu. 2015. Morphological examination and phylogenetic position of the newly recorded heterotrophic brackish dinoflagellate Diplopsalis caspica (Dinophyceae) in freshwater habitat from China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 53(6): 512–519. 

  13. Song Huiyin, Zhang Qi, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu. 2015. Polulichloris henanensis gen. et sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), a novel subaerial coccoid green alga. Phytotaxa, 218(2): 137–146. 

  14. Xia Shuang, Cheng Yingyin, Zhu Huan, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu. 2015. Distribution and population dynamics of cryptomonads in a Chinese lake with three basins varying in their trophic state. Phycological Research, 63:93-101. 

  15. Zhu Huan, Leliaert Frederik, Zhao ZhiJuan, Xia Shuang, Hu ZhengYu and Liu GuoXiang*. 2015. Ulvella tongshanensis (Ulvellaceae, Chlorophyta), a new freshwater species from China, and an emended morphological circumscription of the genus Ulvella. Fottea, 15: 95–104. 

  16. Zhu Huan, Zhao Zhijuan, Xia Shuang, Hu Zhengyu and Liu Guoxiang*. 2015. Morphological examination and phylogenetic analyses of Phycopeltis spp. (Trentepohliales, Ulvophyceae) from tropical China. PLoS ONE, 10(2): e0114936. 

  17. Pei Guofeng*,Wang Qing and Liu Guoxiang. 2015. The role of periphyton in phosphorus retention in shallow lakes with different trophic status, China. Aquatic Botany, 125:17–22. 

  18. Yang Ying, Cao Jinxiang, Pei Guofeng* and Liu Guoxiang. 2015. Using benthic diatom assemblages to assess human impacts on streams across a rural to urban gradient. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22:18093–18106. 

  19. 赵志娟,刘国祥*,胡征宇。2015。淡水刚毛藻目一新组合种及其系统发育分析。植物科学学报。33:281-290。 

  20. 宋会银,张琪,胡愈炘,刘国祥*,胡征宇。2015。球状绿藻的隐性生物多样性及其分类学进展。生物多样性,23:383–397。 

  21. 张琪,郑凌凌,李天丽,宋会银,刘国祥*,宋立荣。2015。一株淡水水华胞甲藻的形态观察和系统发育分析。植物科学学报。33:458-465。 

  22. Zhang Qi, Liu Guoxiang* and Hu Zhengyu. 2014. Description of a new freshwater bloom-forming dinoflagellate with a diatom endosymbiont, Peridiniopsis minima sp. nov. (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae) from China. Algological Studies. 145/146: 119-133. 

  23. Zhu Huan, Zhao Zhijuan, Xia Shuang, Hu Zhengyu and Liu Guoxiang*. 2014. Morphology and phylogenetic position of Stomatochroon reniformis var. chinensis var. nov. (Trentepohliales, Ulvophyceae), a rare endobiotic alga from China. Phycologia. 53: 493-504. 

  24. Zhao Zhijuan, Zhu Huan, Hu Zhengyu and Liu Guoxiang*. 2014. Occurrence of true branches in Rhizoclonium (Cladophorales, Ulvophyceae) and the reinstatement of Rhizoclonium pachydermum Kjellman. Phytotaxa. 166 (4): 273–284. 
