1. 藻类群落及其对干扰的响应和适应机制:以三峡为主战场,覆盖长江流域,探讨藻类群落对物理干扰(温度光照变化、流速流量改变、水位波动等)、化学干扰(营养加富、酸雨等)、生物干扰(鱼类放流、捕食压力等)等的响应与生态适应机制,从藻类初级生产者的角度认识水域生态系统对不同干扰的耐受弹性和恢复能力,确认水域生态系统可承受的干扰类型和强度,为水域生态环境建设和保护提供支撑。
2. 藻类生物多样性:将传统分类鉴定手段与现代分子生物学技术相结合,从形态多样性、遗传多样性、功能多样性等方面了解不同水体藻类多样性的时空格局,认识环境过滤作用下藻类群落的适应机制及其参与生物地化循环能力的差异,据此了解水域生态系统生态服务功能的差异。
3. 应用藻类学:在藻类生物量和初级生产力调控方面,一方面开展水华防控和生态环境治理技术的研发,探索低成本高效率的适用技术,推动相关核心技术的产业化;另一方面开展经济微藻的规模化培养及其在水产养殖和人类健康中的应用研究。
1. Binliang Wang, Xi Wang, Yiwei Hu, Mingxian Chang, Yonghong Bi, Zhengyu Hu. The combined effects of UVC radiation and H2O2 on Microcystis aeruginosa, a bloom forming cyanobacterium. Chemosphere, 2015,141: 34–43
SCI IF:3.34
2. Wenmin Huang, Yonghong Bi, Zhengyu Hu, Kongxian Zhu, Wei Zhao, Xigong Yuan. Spatio-temporal variations of GHG emissions from surface water of Xiangxi River in Three Gorges Reservoir region, China. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 83: 28–32 SCI IF:2.58
3. Qingyun Yan, Yonghong Bi, Ye Deng, Zhili He, Liyou Wu,Joy D. Van Nostrand,Zhou Shi, Jinjin Li, Xi Wang, Zhengyu Hu, Yuhe Yu, Jizhong Zhou. Impacts of the Three Gorges Dam on microbial structure and potential function. Sci. Rep.2015, 5, 8605; DOI:10.1038/srep08605. SCI IF:5.578
4. Mingyang Gao,Kongxian Zhu,Yonghong Bi, Zhengyu Hu. Spatiotemporal patterns of surface-suspended particulate matter in the Three Gorges Reservoir. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2015, DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-5598-9. SCI IF:2.828
5. Ai Ying, Bi Yonghong, Hu Zhengyu. Changes in phytoplankton communities along nutrient gradients in Lake Taihu: evidence for nutrient reduction strategies. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2015,33( 2): 447-457. SCI IF:0.657
6. Bei Zhou, Jianlin Hu, Lei Chen,Yijun Yuan, Chunxiang Xia, Xia Yang, Zhengyu Hu, Yonghong Bi. Spatio-temporal patterns of diatom communities in front of the Three Gorges Dam: evidence of the effects of hydrodynamics. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2015, 24(8a):2593-2602. SCI IF:0.378
7. Rui Ma, Fan Lu, Yonghong Bi, Zhengyu Hu. Effects of light intensity and quality on phycobiliprotein accumulation in the cyanobacterium Nostoc sphaeroides Ku¨tzing. Biotechnol Lett., 2015, DOI 10.1007/s10529-015-1831 -3. SCI IF:1.591
8. Holbach A., Bi Y., Yuan Y., Wang L., Zheng B., Norra S.. Environmental water body characteristics in a major tributary backwater of the unique and strongly seasonal Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5EM00201J SCI IF:2.171
9. Jingxian Wang, Yonghong Bi,Bernhard Henkelmann, Gerd Pfister, Liang Zhang, Karl–Werner Schramm. PAHs and PCBs accumulated by SPMD- based virtual organisms and feral fish in Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Science of total environment, 2015, DOI:10.1016/J.scitotenv.2015.10.134 SCI IF:4.099
10. Dominik Deyerling, Jingxian Wang, Yonghong Bi, Chengrong Peng, Gerd Pfister, Bernhard Henkelmann, Karl–Werner Schramm. Depth profile of persistent and emerging organic pollutants upstream of the Three Gorges Dam gathered in 2012/13. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2015, DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-5598. SCI IF:2.828
11. 严平川,王军,肖贵清,毕永红.江汉平原湖群藻相特征及其环境状况评价[J].湖泊科学, 2015, 27( 2) : 297-304.
12. 卢逸扬,毕永红.附生桔色藻的碳汇作用研究[J].环境科学与技术,2015, 38(6P): 276-280.
13. 潘婷婷,赵雪,袁轶君,宋会银,朱孔贤,毕永红,胡征宇.三峡水库沉积物不同赋存形态磷的时空分布[J].环境科学学报,2015,DOI: 10.13671/j.hjkxxb.2015.0695.
14. 陈磊,朱孔贤,胡征宇,李钟杰,刘家寿,高 勇,叶少文,毕永红. 三峡水库社区渔业浅析[J]. 水生生物学报,2015, 39(5):1027-1034.
15. 张琪,陈磊,潘婷婷,袁轶君,高勇,毕永红,胡征宇.三峡水库香溪河库湾基于初级生产力的渔产潜力估算[J]. 水生生物学报,2015, 39(5):948-953.
16. 王玺,王斌梁,夏春香,毕永红,陈 磊,胡征宇.鲢对藻类摄食效应的室内模拟研究[J]. 水生生物学报,2015, 39(5):940-947.
17. 叶少文,杨洪斌,陈永柏,刘家寿,胡征宇,毕永红,李钟杰.三峡水库生态渔业发展策略与关键技术研究分析[J]. 水生生物学报,2015, 39(5):1035-1040.
1. Ai Ying, Bi Yonghong, Hu Zhengyu. Response of predominant phytoplankton species to anthropogenic impacts in Lake Taihu. Journal of Freshwater Ecology,2014, DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2014.992052. SCI IF:0.65
2. Wenmin Huang, Yonghong Bi, Zhengyu Hu. Effects of Fertilizer-Urea on Growth, Photosynthetic Activity and Microcystins Production of Microcystis aeruginosa Isolated from Dianchi Lake. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2014) 92:514–519. SCI IF:1.255
3. Dominik Deyerling, JingxianWang, Wei Hu, BernhardWestrich, Chengrong Peng, Yonghong Bi, Bernhard Henkelmann, Karl-Werner Schramm. PAH distribution and mass fluxes in the Three Gorges Reservoir after impoundment of the Three Gorges Dam. Science of the Total Environment (2014) 491:123-130. SCI IF:4.099
4. Andreas Holbach, Stefan Norra, Lijing Wang, Yuan Yijun, Wei Hu, Binghui Zheng, Yonghong Bi. Three Gorges Reservoir: Density Pump Amplification of Pollutant Transport into Tributaries. Environ. Sci. Technol (2014) 48(14):7798- 7806. SCI IF:5.33
5. Jingxian Wang,Toine F.H. Bovee,Yonghong Bi, Silke Bernh?ft, Karl-Werner Schramm. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) inducers and estrogen receptor (ER) activities in surface sediments of Three Gorges Reservoir, China evaluated with in vitro cell bioassays. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2014) 21:3145–3155. SCI IF:2.828
6. Jingxian Wang, Bernhard Henkelmann,Yonghong Bi ,Kongxian Zhu,Gerd Pfister,Wei Hu,Cedrique Temoka,Bernhard Westrich, Karl-Werner Schramm.Temporal variation and spatial distribution of PAH in water of Three Gorges Reservoir during the complete impoundment period. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2013) 20:7071–7079 SCI IF:2.828
7. 彭成荣,陈磊,毕永红,夏春香,类咏梅,,杨毅,,简铁柱,,胡征宇. 三峡水库洪水调度对香溪河藻类群落结构的影响.中国环境科学2014,34(7):1863~1871. EI
8. 周贝,毕永红,胡征宇. 温度对铜绿微囊藻细胞浮力的调控机制.中国环境科学 2014,34(7): 1847~1854. EI
9. 袁轶君,毕永红,朱孔贤,胡征宇.三峡水库沉积物中碱性磷酸酶的活性.环境科学与技术,2014, 37(1):60-65.
10. 王斌梁,张琪,王玺,毕永红,胡征宇.长江中游故道藻相特征及水质分析, 2014, 37(6):166-171.
1. Kongxian Zhu, Yonghong Bi, Zhengyu Hu. Responses of phytoplankton functional groups to the hydrologic regime in the Daning River, a tributary of Three Gorges Reservoir [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 450-451: 169-177. SCI IF:4.099
2. Lei Chen, Yonghong Bi, Kongxian Zhu, Zhengyu Hu, Wei Zhao, Bernhard Henkelmann, Silke Bernh?ft, Cedrique Temoka, Karl-Werner Schramm. Contamination status of dioxins in sediment coresfrom the Three Gorges Dam area, China [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013,20:4268-4277. SCI IF:2.828
3. Irene Kranzioch, Claudia Stoll, Andreas Holbach, Hao Chen, Lijing Wang, Binghui Zheng, Stefan Norra, Yonghong Bi, Karl-Werner Schramm, Andreas Tiehm. Dechlorination and organohalide-respiring bacteria dynamics in sediment samples of the Yangtze Three Gorges Reservoir [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, Environ Sci Pollut Res (2013) 20:7046–7056 SCI IF:2.828
4. Jingxian Wang, Bernhard Henkelmann, Yonghong Bi, Kongxian Zhu, Gerd Pfister, Wei Hu, Cedrique Temoka, Bernhard Westrich, Karl-Werner Schramm. Temporal variation and spatial distribution of PAH in water of Three Gorges Reservoir during the complete impoundment period. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2013) 20:7071–7079. SCI IF:2.828
5. Anja Wolf, Axel Bergmann, Rolf-Dieter Wilken, Xu Gao, Yonghong Bi, Hao Chen, Christoph Schüth. Occurrence and distribution of organic trace substances in waters from the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2013) 20:7124–7139. SCI IF:2.828
6. 袁希功,黄文敏,毕永红,胡征宇,赵玮,朱孔贤. 香溪河库湾春季pCO2与浮游植物生物量的关系[J]. 环境科学, 2013, 34(5): 1754-1760.
7. 黄文敏,朱孔贤,袁希功,赵玮员,余博识,冯瑞杰,毕永红,胡征宇.香溪河秋季水--气界面温室气体通量日变化观测及影响因素分析[J]. 环境科学, 2013, 34(4):46-52.
8. 赵玮,朱孔贤,黄文敏,毕永红,袁希功,余博识,胡征宇.三峡水库湖北段甲烷排放通量时空特征及其影响因素分析[J]. 水生生物学报.2013,(4): 776-781.
1. Zhou Guangjie, Xuemin Zhao, Yonghong Bi, Zhengyu Hu. Effects of rainfall on spring phytoplankton community structure in Xiangxi Bay of the Three-Gorges Reservoir. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012, 21: 3533-3541 SCI IF:0.378
2. Zhou Lirong, Bi Yonghong, Chen Wenqing, et al., Effect of Black Wattle (Acacia mearnsii) Extract on Blue-Green Algal Bloom Control and Plankton Structure Optimization: A Field Mesocosm Experiment, Water Environment Research, 2012,84(12):2133-2143. SCI IF:0.865
3. Chen Lanzhou, Xie Mu, Bi Yonghong, et al., The combined effects of UV-B radiation and herbicides on photosynthesis, antioxidant enzymes and DNA damage in two bloom-forming cyanobacteria, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2012,80:224–230. SCI IF: 2.762
4. Schramm K.R., Wang J.X., Bi Y.H., et al., The Yangtze-Project: understanding changes in the water quality of the Three Gorges Dam Reservoir. Environ Sci Pollut R., 2012,19(4):1341-1344. SCI IF: 2.828
5. 黄文敏,毕永红,胡征宇,王浩,冯瑞杰,胡佳东.丹江口水库农业面源污染特征研究[J].环境科学与管理,2012,37(1):33-38. 通讯作者
6. 朱孔贤,毕永红,胡建林,艾鹰,胡征宇.三峡水库神农溪2008年夏季铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)水华暴发特性[J].湖泊科学,2012,24(2):220-226.
7. 梅裕,毕永红,胡征宇.环境因子对香溪河库湾淹没土壤磷释放的影响[J].环境科学与技术.35:11-15.
8. 杨敏,毕永红,胡征宇.人工控制条件下水流速对香溪河库湾浮游植物影响的初步研究[J].长江流域资源与环境,21:220-224.
1. Min Yang, Yonghong Bi, Jianlin Hu, Kongxian Zhu, Guangjie Zhou, and Zhengyu Hu. Seasonal variation in functional phytoplankton groups in Xiangxi Bay, Three Gorges Reservoir. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,2011, 29(5): 1057-1064. SCI IF:0.657
2. Qianfu Liu, Yonghong Bi, Zhengyu Hu. Simulation studies on decline phase of Microsystis blooms in Xiangxi River, Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2011,20:3226-3234. SCI IF:0.378
3. A. Bergmann, Y. Bi, L. Chen, T. Floehr, B. Henkelmann, et.al. The Yangtze-Hydro Project: a Chinese– German environmental program. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2011. SCI IF: 2.828
4. Guangjie Zhou, Xuemin Zhao, Yonghong Bi and Zhenyu Hu. Effects of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) on spring phytoplankton community structure of Three-Gorges Reservoir (China): results from an enclosure experiment. Journal of Limnology, 2011,70(1):26-32. SCI IF:1.178
5. 李娜,毕永红,高大文,胡征宇,任南琪.大气CO2浓度变化对铜绿微囊藻生长的影响[J].水生生物学报,2011,35(4):698-702.
6. 杨敏,毕永红,胡建林,胡征宇.三峡水库香溪河库湾春季水华期间浮游植物昼夜垂直分布与迁移[J].湖泊科学,2011,23(3):375-382.
7. 张琳,毕永红,胡征宇,梅裕.三峡水库湖北段沉积物磷形态及其分布特征[J].环境科学与技术,2011,6:69-77.
1.YH Bi, KX Zhu,ZY Hu, The effect of TGD's experimental impoundment on the phytoplankton community in the Xiangxi River, China. International Journal of environmental studies, 2010,67(2):207~221. EI
2. GJ Zhou, YH Bi, XM Zhao,YB Liang, ZY Hu. Phytoplankton variation and its relationship with the environment in Xiangxi Bay in spring after damming of the Three-Gorges, China. Environ. Monit. Assess.. 2010.176:125-141. SCI IF: 1.679
3. 赵学敏,毕永红,周广杰,胡征宇.培养条件下发菜的形态建成[J].水生生物学报,2010(2):323-329.
4. 李娜,毕永红,胡征宇,高大文.社会经济发展对丹江口水源区水质变化的影响,水利水电科学进展,2010,30(s1):152-155. 通讯作者
5. 李娜,毕永红,高大文,胡征宇.丹江口水库水位抬高面临的挑战及其对策[J].环境科学与管理,2010,35(10):128-131.
6. 艾鹰,毕永红.丹江口水库水环境及其与农业面源污染的关系, 见刘保存,赵同科主编,农业面源污染综合防控技术研究进展, 中国农业科学技术出版社,第1版(2010年6月1日). 通讯作者
7. 汤俊,毕永红,万能,胡征宇.葛仙米提取物诱导肝癌细胞HepG2凋亡的活性研究[J].安徽农业科学,2010(33):18643-18645,18656.
8. 梁宇斌,毕永红,刘国祥,胡征宇. 三种柑橘类果皮提取物对铜绿微囊藻生长的影响[J]. 武汉植物学研究,2010,01:43-48.
9. 马丽娜,毕永红,胡征宇. 三峡水库香溪河库湾夏季水华期间浮游植物的初级生产力[J]. 长江流域资源与环境,2011,S1:123-128.
发明人 |
专利授权号 |
专利名称 |
毕永红,彭成荣,袁轶君,张琪,杨毅,胡征宇 |
ZL201310386363.8 |
一种便携式浮游生物定量样品的浓缩装置 |
毕永红,王玺,赵雪 |
ZL201310641843.5 |
一种适用于河道型水库的拦鱼防逃设施及其管理维护方法 |
毕永红,黄文敏,米武娟,胡征宇 |
ZL201210274286.3 |
一种人工造流装置及其在藻类水华防控中的应用 |
毕永红,胡征宇 |
ZL200910272338.1 |
一种阻控农业面源污染的生态沟渠 |
毕永红,胡征宇,陈林 |
ZL200710052690.5 |
葛仙米野外资源的增殖方法 |
冯斌;毕永红;江涓;胡征宇;邱昌恩 |
ZL20051001820.3 |
一种雨生红球藻高密度培养的气升式光生物反应器 |
毕永红,胡征宇 |
ZL20051001814.9 |
土壤藻类对荒漠半荒漠土壤的改良方法 |
毕永红;胡征宇;徐敏;韩丹翔; |
ZL0213882.8 |
一种培养发菜细胞的方法 |