姓 名: 刘家寿
性 别:
职 称: 研究员
电 话: 86-27-68780105
电子邮件: jsliu@ihb.ac.cn


  1963年生,博士,中国科学院水生生物研究所研究员、博士生导师;国家淡水渔业工程技术研究中心(武汉)副主任;湖北省有突出贡献的中青年专家,国务院政府特殊津贴专家。1985年毕业于华中农业大学,获学士学位;1988年获华中农业大学硕士学位;1992.10-1993.10在丹麦淡水中心做访问学者;1997年获中国科学院水生生物研究所博士学位; 2000年受聘为研究员。  

  社会兼职包括中国生态学会淡水生态学专业委员会副主任委员、中国鱼类学会理事、国家(水产)标准化委员会委员、湖北省海洋湖沼学会理事;英国水产学会中国国家代表;《Reviews in Aquaculture》、《湖泊科学》等刊物的编委。  







  1)  Quan Yuan, Qidong Wang, Tanglin Zhang, Zhongjie LiJiashou Liu. 2017. Effects of water temperature on growth, feeding and molting of juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture. 468:169-174.  

  2) Qidong Wang, Jiashou Liu, Shengyu Zhang, Yuxi Lian, Huaiyu Ding, Xue Du, Zhongjie Li, Sena S. De Silva. 2016. Sustainable farming practices of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) around Hongze Lake, lower Yangtze River Basin, China. Ambio. 45:361–373. 

  3)  Yuguo Xia, J.LLORET, Zhongjie Li, Tanglin Zhang, Shaowen Ye, Wei Li, Jing Yuan, H.A.C.C. PERERA, Jiashou Liu. 2016. Status of two Coreius species in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 34(1): 19-33.  

  4) Qidong Wang, Zhongjie Li, Yuxi Lian, Xue Du, Shengyu Zhang, Jing Yuan, Jiashou Liu, Sena S. De Silva. 2016. Farming system transformation yields significant reduction in nutrient loading: Case study of Hongze Lake, Yangtze River Basin, China. Aquaculture. 457: 109–117.  

  5) 夏雨果, 陈晓文, 贺江燕, 刘家寿, 殷战. 2016. 野生圆口铜鱼卵巢成熟内分泌信号表达分析. 水生生物学报. 03:431-442.  

  6) 马达文, 钱静, 刘家寿, 桂建芳. 2016. 稻渔综合种养及其发展建议.中国工程科学. 03:96-100. 

  7) Chuanbo Guo, Sovan Lek, Shaowen Ye, Wei Li, Jiashou Liu, Zhongjie Li. 2015. Uncertainty in ensemble modelling of large-scale species distribution: Effects from species characteristics and model techniques. Ecological Modelling. 306: 67-75. 

  8) Qidong Wang, Lin Cheng, Jiashou Liu, Zhongjie Li, Shouqi Xie, Sena S. De Silva. 2015. Freshwater aquaculture in PR China: trends and prospects. Reviews in Aquaculture. 7(4):283-302. 

  9) Shaowen Ye, Mingli Lin, Lin Li, Jiashou Liu, Lirong Song, Zhongjie Li. 2015. Abundance and spatial variability of invasive fishes related to environmental factors in a eutrophic Yunnan Plateau lake, Lake Dianchi, southwestern China. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 98(1): 209-224. 

  10) Mingli Lin, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, Rodolphe E. Gozlan, Sovan Lek, Tanglin Zhang, Shaowen Ye, Wei Li, Jing Yuan. 2015. Maintaining Economic Value of Ecosystem  Services  Whilst Reducing Environmental Cost: A Way to Achieve Freshwater Restoration in China, Plos One. 10(3): 1-11. 

  11) Guo, Z., Liu, J., Lek, S., Li, Z., Zhu, F., & Tang, J., et al. 2015. Coexisting invasive gobies reveal no evidence for temporal and trophic niche differentiation in the sublittoral habitat of Lake Erhai, China. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. DOI: 10.1111/eff.12249  

  12) Guo, Z., Liu, J., Lek, S., Li, Z., Zhu, F., & Tang, J., et al. 2015. Age, growth and population dynamics of two congeneric and invasive gobies, Rhinogobius giurinus, and R. cliffordpopei, (actinopterygii, gobiidae) in a plateau lake, southwestern china. Hydrobiologia.763: 1-11.  

  13) Du, X., García-Berthou, E., Wang, Q., Liu, J., Zhang, T., & Li, Z. 2015. Analyzing the importance of top-down and bottom-up controls in food webs of Chinese lakes through structural equation modeling. Aquatic Ecology. 49(2): 199-210. 

  14) Liu, Y., Zhongjie, L. I., Zhang, T., Yuan, J., Mou, Z., & Liu, J. 2015. Growth and energy budget of juvenile lenok Brachymystax lenok in relation to ration level. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 33(2): 347-355.  

  15) Guo, C., Lek, S., Ye, S., Li, W., Liu, J., & Chen, Y., et al. 2015. Predicting fish species richness and assemblages with climatic, geographic and morphometric factors: a broad-scale study in Chinese lakes. Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters. 54: 66-74. 

  16) 李为, 林明利, 连玉喜, 张堂林, 刘家寿, 李钟杰. 2015. 肖四海湖五种渔具的鳜渔获结构特征及其对鳜资源的影响. 水产学报. 05:712-719. 

  17) 王静雅, 汪志聪, 李翀, 叶少文, 连玉喜, 刘家寿, 张堂林, 李钟杰. 2015. 三峡水库坝前水域浮游植物群落时空动态研究. 水生生物学报.  05:877-884. 

  18) 连玉喜, 叶少文, 黄耿, Margorzata Godlewska, 王静雅, 刘家寿, 李钟杰. 2015. 三峡库区香溪河鱼类资源水声学探测效果的昼夜差异研究.水生生物学报. 05:1041-1045. 

  19) 夏雨果, 张黎, 陈思宝, H.A.C.C.PERERA, 李钟杰, 张堂林, 叶少文, 苑晶, 刘家寿. 2015. 三峡水库蓄水后铜鱼和圆口铜鱼肌肉和肝脏中重金属水平. 水生生物学报. 05:861-868.  

  20) 陈思宝, 廖传松, 赵修江, 叶少文, 李钟杰, 张堂林, 刘家寿. 2015. 三峡水库秀丽白虾生长与繁殖生物学特征研究. 水生生物学报, 05:989-996.  

  21) 陈磊, 朱孔贤, 胡征宇, 李钟杰, 刘家寿, 高勇, 叶少文, 毕永红. 2015. 三峡水库社区渔业浅析. 水生生物学报. 05:1027-1034. 

  22) 叶少文, 杨洪斌, 陈永柏, 刘家寿, 胡征宇, 毕永红, 李钟杰. 2015. 三峡水库生态渔业发展策略与关键技术研究分析. 水生生物学报. 05:1035-1040. 

  23) 王丹, 程庆武, 杨镇宇, 连玉喜, 叶少文, 刘家寿, 李钟杰, 罗相忠, 邹桂伟. 2015. 三峡库区鲌属鱼类线粒体CO基因遗传多样性的初步分析. 水生生物学报. 05:1054-1058. 

  24) Jayasinghe U. Asanka D., Garcia-Berthou Emili, Zhongjie Li, Wei Li, Tanglin Zhang, Jiashou Liu. 2014. Co-occurring bighead and silver carps show similar food preference but different isotopic niche overlap in different lakes. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 98(4): 1185-1199.  

  25) Zhiqiang Guo, Jiashou Liu, Sovan Lek, Zhongjie Li, Fengyue Zhu,Jianfeng Tang, Julien Cucherousset. 2014. Trophic niche differences between two congeneric goby species: evidence for ontogenetic diet shift and habitat use. Aquatic Biology. 20: 23–33.  

  26) Xue Du, Weisong Feng, Wei Li, Shaowen Ye, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Zhongjie Li. 2014. Response of rotifer community to environmental changes in five shallow lakes in the middle reach of Changjiang River, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 32(5): 1083-1091. 

  27) Mingzhong Luo, Tanglin Zhang, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu. 2014. Maximum handling size, prey size and type selection by snakehead (Channa argus) feeding on juvenile Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis). Aquaculture Research. 45:720-727. 

  28) Li, W., Hicks, B. J., Guo, C., Li, Z., Liu, J., & Zhang, T. 2014. Does hatchery-reared Siniperca chuatsi, (actinopterygii, perciformes) compete significantly with two wild siniperca populations for diets in a shallow lake? Hydrobiologia. 741(1): 125-138. 

  29) Fengyue Zhu, Andrew L. Rypel, Brian R. Murphy, Zhongjie Li, Tanglin Zhang, Jing Yuan, Zhiqiang Guo, Jianfeng Tang, Jiashou Liu. 2014. Rapid life-history diversification of an introduced fish species across a localized thermal gradient. Plos One. 9(2), e88033.  

  30) 唐丽君, 张筱帆, 张堂林, 李钟杰, 刘家寿, 程庆武. 2014. 水温对鲢早期发育的影响. 华中农业大学学报. 01:92-96. 

  31) 都雪, 王齐东, 张超文, 李为, 冯伟松, 张堂林, 刘家寿, 李钟杰. 2014. 洪泽湖轮虫群落结构及其与环境因子的关系. 湖泊科学. 02:269-276. 

  32) 李为, 朱挺兵, 郭传波, 张堂林, 刘家寿, 李钟杰. 2014. 肖四海不同渔业发展阶段的水环境特征分析. 长江流域资源与环境. 08:1090-1096. 

  33) S. Ye, Y. Lian, M. Godlewska, J. Liu and Z. Li. 2013. Day-night differences in hydroacoustic estimates of fish abundance and distribution in Lake Laojianghe, China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.29:1423-1429. 

  34) TANG Jianfeng , YE Shaowen, LI Wei, LIU Jiashou, ZHANG Tanglin , GUO Zhiqiang , ZHU Fengyue , LI Zhongjie . 2013. Status and historical changes in the fish community in Erhai Lake . Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 31(4):712-723. 

  35) Tang J. F., S. W. Ye, J. S. Liu, T. L. Zhang, F. Y. Zhu, Z. Q. Guo and Z. J. Li. 2013. Composition and length-weight relationships of fish species in Lake Erhai, southwestern China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 29:1179-1182. 

  36) Li W., T. Zhang, S. Ye, J. Liu and Z. Li. 2013. Feeding habits and predator-prey size relationships of mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi (Basilewsky) in a shallow lake, central China. Journal ofApplied Ichthyology. 29:56-63. 

  37) Wei Li, Tanglin Zhang, Chaowen Zhang, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, Brendan J. Hicks. 2013. Effects of turbidity and light intensity on foraging success of juvenile mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi (Basilewsky). Environ Biol Fish. 96:995-1002. 

  38) Zhiqiang Guo, Julien Cucherousset , Sovan Lek, Zhongjie Li, Fengyue Zhu, Jianfeng Tang, Jiashou Liu.2 013. Comparative study of the reproductive biology of two congeneric and introduced goby species: implications for management strategies. Hydrobiologia. 709:89-99.  

  39) Chuanbo Guo, Shaowen Ye, Sovan Lek, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Jin Yuan, Zhongjie Li. 2013. The need for improved fishery management in a shallow macrophytic lake in the Yangtze River basin: Evidence from the food web structure and ecosystem analysis. Ecological Modelling. 267:138-147. 

  40) Ye, S., Li, Z., Zhang, T., Liu, J., & Xie, S. 2013. Assessing fish distribution and threats to fish biodiversity in the Yangtze river basin, China. Ichthyological Research. 61(2):183-188. 

  41) H. A. C. C. Perera, A. L. Rypel, B. R. Murphy, Z. Li1, Y. Xia and J. Liu. 2013. Population characteristics of yellow catfish (Peltobagrus fluvidraco) along the longitudinal profile of Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 29:1061-1066.  

  42) 朱峰跃, 刘家寿, 李钟杰, 张堂林, 叶少文, 苑晶, 郭志强, 张超文. 2013. 傀儡湖鲢、鳙的生长特性及渔业利用.淡水渔业. 43(2):32-35.  

  43) 林明利, 张堂林, 叶少文, 李为, 任鹏, 杨战伟, 刘家寿, 李钟杰. 2013. 洪泽湖鱼类资源现状、历史变动和渔业管理策略. 水生生物学报. 376):1118-1127. 

  44) 李为, 都雪, 林明利, 张超文, 张堂林, 刘家寿, 丁怀宇, 张胜宇, 李钟杰. 2013. 基于PCA SOM 网络的洪泽湖水质时空变化特征分析. 长江流域资源与环境. 22(12):1593-1601. 

  45) 崔方天, 张堂林, 刘家寿, 李钟杰. 2013. 鳜对猎物种类选择性的初步研究. 淡水渔业. 43(6):29-34. 

  46) 李为, 都雪, 林明利, 张超文, 张堂林, 刘家寿, 丁怀宇, 张胜宇, 李钟杰. 2013. 基于PCASOM网络的洪泽湖水质时空变化特征分析. 长江流域资源与环境. 12:1593-1601. 

  47) 林明利, 张堂林, 叶少文, 李为, 任鹏, 杨战伟, 刘家寿, 李钟杰. 2013. 洪泽湖鱼类资源现状、历史变动和渔业管理策略. 水生生物学报. 06:1118-1127. 

  48) 解绶启, 刘家寿, 李钟杰. 2013. 淡水水体渔业碳移出之估算. 渔业科学进展, 01:82-89. 

  49) 吴朗, 刘家寿, 张国, 刘宗娟, 柳明, 谢松光. 2013. 太湖新银鱼卵巢发育不同阶段个体生化组成和能量密度研究. 水生生物学报. 03:444-449. 

  50) 崔方天, 张堂林, 刘家寿, 李钟杰. 2013. 鳜对猎物种类选择性的初步研究. 淡水渔业. 06:29-34. 

  51) Mingli Lin, Yuguo Xia, Brian R. Murphy, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang , Shaowen Ye. 2012. Size-Dependent Effects of Coded Wire Tags on Mortality and Tag Retention in Redtail Culter Culter mongolicus. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 32(5):968-973. 

  52) Mingli Lin, Qidong Wang, Yuguo Xia, Brian R. Murphy, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Shaowen Ye. 2012. Effects of Two Anesthetics on Survival of Juvenile Culter mongolicus during a Simulated Transport Experiment. North American Journal of Aquaculture. 74(4):541-546. 

  53) Zhiqiang Guo, Jiashou Liu, Sovan Lek, Zhongjie Li, Shaowen Ye, Fengyue Zhu, Jianfeng Tang, Julien Cucherousset. 2012. Habitat segregation between two congeneric and introduced goby species. Fundam. Appl. Limnol. 181(3):241-251.  

  54) Xiaowu Li, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, Brian R. Murphy. 2012. Growth, precocity, enzyme activity and chemical composition of juvenile Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis, fed different dietary protein-to-energy ratio diets. Aquaculture Research. 43:1719-1728.  

  55) Wang, X., Xiang, J., Liu, J., Liu, M., Wu, L., & Murphy, B. R., et al. 2012. Reduced growth and reproductive investment of Hemiculter leucisculus(cyprinidae) in a reservoir with introduced icefish Neosalanx taihuensis (salangidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes. 96(7): 895-903. 

  56) Wangbao Gong, Lang Wu, Shouqi Xie, Jiashou Liu, Brian R. Murphy, & Songguang Xie. 2012. Variation in early growth of Neosalanx taihuensis between two populations above and below the three gorges dam, china. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 28(1): 1-8. 

  57) 叶少文, 张堂林, 李钟杰, 刘家寿. 2012. 牛山湖两种优势小型鱼类空间分布与沉水植被的关系. 应用生态学报. 23(9):2566-2572. 

  58) 杨战伟, 李钟杰, 刘家寿*, 张堂林, 叶少文, 张华. 2012. 丹江口水库太湖新银鱼不同繁殖群体的繁殖特征比较. 淡水渔业. 42(5):58-62. 

  59) 罗鸣钟, 张堂林, 张超文, 李钟杰, 刘家寿, 吴小平. 2012. 七种捕食性鱼类对中华绒螯蟹幼蟹捕食风险的评估. 水生生物学报. 36(5):932-398. 

  60) 曾文涛, 刘家寿, 张堂林, 叶少文, 李钟杰. 2012. 长江中游三个湖泊中华绒螯蟹生长变化研究. 淡水渔业. 42(2):47-54. 

  61) 王星璐, 向建国, 刘家寿, 柳明, 吴朗, 谢松光. 2012. 太湖新银鱼移植对早期摄食和生长的影响. 水生生物学报. 02:276-283. 

  62) 罗鸣钟, 张堂林, 张超文, 李钟杰, 刘家寿, 吴小平. 2012. 七种捕食性鱼类对中华绒螯蟹幼蟹捕食风险的评估. 水生生物学报. 05:932-938. 

  63) Xiaowu Li, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Chaowen Zhang. 2011. Effects of light intensity on molting, growth, precocity, digestive enzyme activity, and chemical composition of juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture International. 19(2):301-311.  

  64) X. Li, Z. Li, J. Liu, Sena S. De Silva. 2011. Advances in precocity research of the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture International. 19:251–267.  

  65) Wenxiang, L. I., Wei, L. I., Lin, M., Wang, Y., Liu, J., & Zhongjie, L. I. 2011. In situ nutrient removal from aquaculture wastewater by the aquatic vegetable Ipomoea aquatica on floating beds. Water Science & Technology. 31(8): 1670-1675. 

  66) 李文祥, 李为, 林明利, 王英雄, 刘家寿, 李钟杰. 2011. 浮床水蕹菜对养殖水体中营养物的去除效果研究. 环境科学学报. 31(8):1670-1675. 

  67) Wentao Zeng, Zhongjie Li, Shaowen Ye, Songguang Xie, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang and Ming Duan. 2010.  Effects of stocking density on growth and skin color of juvenile darkbarbel catfish Pelteobagrus vachelli (Richardson). Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 26: 925-929. 

  68) 常秀岭, 刘家寿, 胡传林, 彭建华, 俞伏虎. 2010. 湖北浮桥河水库悬浮物的季节变化. 湖泊科学. 02: 300-306.  

  69) 黎雨轩, 何文平, 刘家寿, 李钟杰, 谢松光. 2010. 长江口刀鲚耳石年轮确证和年龄与生长研究. 水生生物学报. 04:787-793. 

  70) 龚望宝, 吴朗, 程飞, 刘家寿, 解绶启, 李钟杰, 谢松光. 2010. 三峡水库太湖新银鱼春季和秋季繁殖群体的繁殖生物学特征比较. 水生生物学报. 05: 1065-1068. 

  71) 冯唐茂, 刘家寿, 张堂林, 叶少文, 李钟杰. 2010. 洪湖低湖田改造池塘河蟹养殖技术研究. 淡水渔业. 04:66-71. 

  72) Wangbao Gong, Lang Wu, Jiashou Liu, Shouqi Xie, Zhongjie Li, & Brian R. Murphy, et al. 2009. Variation in reproductive traits between populations of Neosalanx taihuensis above and below the three-gorges dam. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 24(4): 529-533. 

  73) 彭建华, 陈文祥, 刘家寿, 韩德举, 朱爱民. 2009. 三角帆蚌对水库水污染的水质调控模型及作用. 环境科学与技术. 02:46-48. 

  74) He, W., Li, Z., Liu, J., Li, Y., Murphy, B. R., & Xie, S. 2008. Validation of a method of estimating age, modelling growth, and describing the age composition of Coilia mystus from the Yangtze estuary, china. Ices Journal of Marine Science. 65(9):1655-1661. 

  75) 李文祥, 陈永柏, 刘家寿, 张堂林, 李钟杰. 2008. 三峡水库渔业发展对策探讨. 人民长江.  02:5-7+108. 

  76) Xie, S., Li, Z., Liu, J., Xie, S., Wang, H., & Murphy, B. R. 2007. Fisheries of the Yangtze river show immediate impacts of the three gorges dam. Fisheries. 32(7): 343-344. 

  77) 朱爱民, 刘家寿, 胡传林, 吴晓辉, 程临英, 彭建华, 俞伏虎, 杨大兴. 2007. 湖北浮桥河水库浮游植物初级生产力及其管理. 湖泊科学. 03:340-344. 

  78) 朱爱民, 陈文祥, 栾建国, 刘家寿, 梁少娟, 丘萍, 彭建华, 韩德举, 谭锦华, 程郁春. 2007. 水库浮式围圈种植蕹菜初步试验. 水利渔业. 04:60-61+71. 

  79) 夏文凯, 吴小平, 刘家寿, 李钟杰, 张堂林, 叶少文, 李文祥. 2007. 武湖的渔业资源及渔业利用初步意见. 水利渔业. 06:38-40. 

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  • 湖北省暨武汉动物学会
  • 中国水产学会鱼病学专业委员会
  • 中国鱼类学会
== 平台建设 ==
  • == 平台建设 ==
  • “一带一路”海域赤潮数据库
  • 国家水生生物种质资源库
  • 国家斑马鱼资源中心
  • 中国科学院淡水藻种库
  • 中国科学院武汉生命科学大型仪器区域中心
  • 湿地生态系统观测研究野外站联盟
  • 中国科学院水生生物研究所分析测试中心
  • 中国科学院超级计算武汉分中心
  • 水生生物博物馆
== 相关网站推荐 ==
  • == 相关网站推荐 ==
  • 中国科学院
  • 农业农村部
  • 科学技术部
  • 生态环境部
  • 国家自然科学基金委员会
  • 中国科学院武汉分院
  • 湖北省科学技术厅
  • 湖北省生态环境厅
  • 湖北省农业农村厅