姓 名: | 张义兵 |
性 别: | 男 |
职 称: | 研究员 |
电 话: | 86-27-68780663 |
电子邮件: | ybzhang@ihb.ac.cn |
中国科学院水生生物研究所研究员,博士。1991年毕业于湖北大学生物系;1996年获中国科学院水生生物研究所硕士学位;2003年获中国科学院研究生院理学博士学位,同年获中国科学院院长特别奖。2007年12月至2008年11月在美国德州大学MD Anderson Cancer Center免疫学系做访问研究。1996年进入中国科学院水生生物研究所工作,先后主持包括国家自然科学基金项目、国家“863”课题、国家“973”项目子课题、中科院院长奖获得者科研启动专项、武汉市科技晨光计划等多项研究。已在Journal of Immunology, Journal of Virology, Immunity, Molecular Immunology, Gene, Immunogenetics, Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Fish & Shellfish Immunology, Disease of Aquatic Organisms, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication,《科学通报》等国内外刊物上发表研究论文60多篇。
1. Feng H, Zhang QM, Zhang YB*, Li Z, Zhang J, Xiong YW, Wu M, Gui JF. 2016. Zebrafish IRF1, IRF3, and IRF7 differentially regulate IFNΦ1 and IFNΦ3 expression through assembly of homo- or heteroprotein complexes. Journal of Immunology, 197(5):1893-904.
2. Chen C, Zhang YB*, Gui JF. 2015. Expression characterization, genomic structure and function analysis of fish ubiquitin-specific protease 18 (USP18) genes. Dev Comp Immunol, 52:112–122。
3. Feng H, Zhang YB*, Zhang QM, Li Z, Zhang QY, Gui JF*. 2015. Zebrafish IRF1 regulates IFN antiviral response through binding to IFNj1 and IFNj3 promoters downstream of MyD88 signaling. Journal of Immunology, 194: 1225–1238.
4. Li S, Lu LF, Feng H, Wu N, Chen DD, Zhang YB, Gui JF, Nie P, Zhang YA. 2014. IFN regulatory factor 10 is a negative regulator of the IFN responses in fish. J Immunol,193(3):1100-9.
5. Zhang J, Zhang YB*, Wu M, Wang B, Chen C, Gui JF*. 2014. Fish MAVS is involved in RLR pathway-mediated IFN response. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 41 (2): 222-230
6. Wang B, Zhang YB*, Liu TK, Shi J, Sun F, Gui JF*. 2014. Fish viperin exerts a conserved antiviral function through RLR-triggered IFN signaling pathway. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 47(1):140–149
7. Wang B, Zhang YB*, Liu TK, Gui JF*. 2014. Sequence analysis and subcellular localization of crucian carp Carassius auratus viperin. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 39(2):168–177.
8. Sun F, Zhang YB*, Jiang J, Wang B, Chen C, Zhang J, Gui JF*. 2014. Gig1, a novel antiviral effector involved in fish interferon response. Virology, 448:322–332
9. Shi J, Zhang YB*, Zhang JS, Gui, JF*. 2013. Expression regulation of zebrafish interferon regulatory factor 9 by promoter analysis. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 41 (4): 534–543
10. Liu Y, Zhang YB*, Liu TK, Gui JF*. 2013. Lineage-specific expansion of IFIT gene family: an insight into coevolution with IFN gene family. PLoS ONE 8(6):e66859. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066859.
11. Zhang YB*, Liu TK, Jiang J, Shi J, Liu Y, Li S, Gui JF*. 2013. Identification of a novel Gig2 gene family specific to non-amniote vertebrates. PLoS ONE 8(4): e60588.
12. Zhang YB*, Gui JF*. 2012. Molecular regulation of interferon antiviral response in fish. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 38:193-202 (review paper)
13. Shi J, Zhang YB*, Liu TK, Sun F, Gui JF*. 2012. Subcellular localization and functional characterization of a fish IRF9 from crucian carp Carassius auratus. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 33(2):258-66.
14. Li S, Sun F, Zhang YB, Gui JF, Zhang QY. 2012. Identification of DreI as an Antiviral Factor Regulated by RLR Signaling Pathway. PLoS ONE 7(3): e32427.
15. Wang XH, Zhang YB, Yang XO, Nurieva RI, Chang, SH, Ojeda SS, Kang HS, Schluns, KS, Gui JF, Jetten AM, and Dong C. 2012. Transcription of Il17 and Il17f is controlled by conserved noncoding sequence 2. Immunity. 36(1): 23-31.
16. Liu TK, Zhang YB*, Liu Y, Sun F, Gui JF*. 2011. Cooperative roles of fish protein kinase containing Z-DNA binding domains and double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase in interferon-mediated antiviral response. Journal of Virology. 85(23):12769-80.
17. Sun F, Zhang YB*, Liu TK, Shi J, Wang B, Gui JF*. 2011. Fish MITA serves as a mediator for distinct fish IFN gene activation dependent on IRF3 or IRF7. Journal of Immunology. 187(5):2531-9.
18. Sun F, Zhang YB*, Liu TK, Gan L, Yu FF, Liu Y, Gui JF*. 2010. Characterization of fish IRF3 as an IFN-inducible protein reveals evolving regulation of IFN response in vertebrates. Journal of Immunology. 185:7573-7582.
19. Yu FF, Zhang YB*, Liu TK, Liu Y, Sun F, Jiang J, Gui JF*. 2010. Fish virus-induced interferon exerts antiviral function through Stat1 pathway. Molecular Immunology. 47(14):2330-2341.
20. Jiang J, Zhang YB*, Li S, Yu FF, Sun F, Gui JF*. 2009. Expression regulation and functional characterization of a novel interferon inducible gene Gig2 and its promoter. Molecular Immunology. 46(15):3131-40.
21. Zhu R, Zhang YB, Zhang QY, Gui JF. 2009. Subcellular localization and inductive expression of the dsRNA-dependent protein kinase PKR from Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Progress on Natural Science. 19(10):1227-1234.
22. Lan J, Lei MG, Zhang YB, Wang JH, Feng XT, Xu DQ, Gui JF, Xiong YZ. 2009. Characterization of the porcine differentially expressed PDK4 gene and association with meat quality. Molecular Biology Reports. 152(2):161-170.
23. Zhong XP, Wang D, Zhang YB, Gui JF. 2009. Identification and characterization of hypoxia-induced genes in Carassius auratus blastulae embryonic cells using suppression subtractive hybridization. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. 152(2):161-70.
24. Zhao JG, Zhou L, Jin JY, Zhao Z, Lan J, Zhang YB, Zhang QY, Gui JF. 2009. Antimicrobial activity-specific to Gram-negative bacteria and immune modulation-mediated NF-kappaB and Sp1 of a medaka beta-defensin. Dev Comp Immunol. 33(4):624-37
25. Zhang FT, Zhang YB, Chen YD, Zhu R, Dong CW, Li YY, Zhang QY, Gui JF. 2008. Expressional induction of Paralichthys olivaceus cathepsin B gene in response to virus, polyI:C and lipopolysaccharide. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 25(5):542-9.
26. Zhu R, Zhang YB, Zhang QY, Gui JF. 2008. Functional domains and the antiviral effect of the dsRNA-dependent protein kinase PKR from Paralichthys olivaceus. Journal of Virology, 82(14):6889-901.
27. Shi Y, Zhang YB, Zhao Z, Jiang J, Zhang QY, Gui JF. 2008. Molecular characterization and subcellular localization of Carassius auratus interferon regulatory factor-1. Dev Comp Immunol. 32(2):134-46.
28. Zhang YB, Wang YL, Gui JF. 2007. Identification and characterization of two homologs of interferon stimulated gene ISG15 in crucian carp. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 23(1), 52-61.
29. Dong CW, Zhang YB, Lu AJ, Zhu R, Zhang FT, Zhang QY, Gui JF. 2007. Molecular characterization and inductive expression of a fish protein arginine methyltransferase 1 gene in response to virus infection. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 22(4):380-93.
30. Zhang YB, Jiang J, Chen YD, Zhu R, Shi Y, Zhang QY, Gui JF. 2007.The innate immune response to grass carp hemorrhage virus (GCHV) in cultured Carassius auturas blastula (CAB) cells. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 31(3), 232-243.
31. Zhang YB, Gui JF. 2006. Identification of interferon system genes from a cultured fish cell line in response to virus infection. In Barbara A. Veskler edited, Focus on Immunology Research. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. N.Y. USA, 2006, pp77-120.
32. Zhu R, Zhang YB, Chen YD, Dong CW, Zhang FT, Zhang QY, Gui JF. 2006. Molecular characterization and stress-induced expression of a cDNA encoding Paralichthys olivaceus heme-regulated initiation factor 2α kinase. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 30:1047-1059.
33. Dong CW, Zhang YB, Zhang QY, Gui JF. 2006, Differential expression of three Paralichthys olivaceus Hsp40 genes in responses to virus infection and heat shock. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 21:146-158.
34. Chen YD, Zhang YB, Zhu R, Zhang FT, Jiang J, Shi Y, Zhang QY, Chen SL, Gui JF. 2005. Inductive expression and characterization analysis of Paralichthys olivaceus pigment epithelium-derived factor in a virally infected cell line. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication. 335:799-809.
35. Zhang YB, Li Q, Gui JF. 2004. Differential expression of two Carassius auratus Mx genes in cultured CAB cells induced by grass carp hemorrhage virus and interferon. Immunogenetics. 56:68-75.
36. Zhang YB, Gui JF. 2004. Molecular characterization and IFN signal pathway analysis of Carassius auratus CaSTAT1 identified from the cultured cells in response to virus infection. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 28:211-227.
37. Zhang YB, Gui JF. 2004. Identification and expression analysis of two IFN-inducible genes in crucian carp (Carassius auratus L.). Gene. 325:43-51.
38. Zhang YB, Gui JF. 2004. Identification of two novel IFN-stimulated genes from cultured CAB cells induced by UV-inactivated grass carp hemorrhage virus. Disease of Aquatic Organisms. 60:1-9.
39. Hu CY, Zhang YB, Huang GP, Zhang QY, Gui JF. 2004. Molecular cloning and characterization of a fish PKR homologue CaPKR from the cultured CAB cells induced by UV-inactivated virus. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 17:353-366.
40. Zhang YB, Zhang QY, Xu DQ, Hu CY and Gui JF. 2003. Identification of antiviral-relevant genes in the cultured fish cells induced by UV-inactivated virus. Chinese Science Bulletin. 48(6):581-588.
41. Zhang YB, Hu CY, Zhang J, Huang GP, Wei LH, Zhang QY and Gui JF. 2003. Molecular cloning and characterization of crucian carp (Carassius auratus L.) interferon regulator factor 7. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 15:453-466.
42. Wei WH, Zhang J, Zhang YB, Zhou L, Gui JF. 2003. Analysis of different clonal lines of gynogenetic silver crucian carp by flow cytometry. Cytometry. 56A(1): 46-52.