姓 名: 张堂林
性 别:
职 称: 研究员
电 话: 86-027-68780369
电子邮件: tlzhang@ihb.ac.cn







[1] Wei Li, Tanglin Zhang*, Brendan J. Hicks, Chaowen Zhang, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu. Neutral effects of turbidity across a gradient of vegetation density on the predation of juvenile mandarin fish (Siniperca chuatsi). International Review of Hydrobiology. 2019, 104(5-6): 99–105 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, IF2018=2.533, 5IF=1.833, 海洋与淡水生物学领域排名前25%: 25/108-Q1). 

[2] Yan Ren, Mantang Xiong, Jixin Yu, Wei Li, Bo Li, Jiashou Liu & Tanglin Zhang*. Effects of artificial submersed vegetation on consumption and growth of mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi (Basilewsky) foraging on live prey. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2019, 34 (1): 433–444 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, 5IF=1.018, 生态学领域排名: 137/165-Q4). 

[3] Shiyu Jin, Lisa Jacquin, Feng Huang, Mantang Xiong, Ruojing Li, Sovan Lek, Wei Li, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang*. Optimizing reproductive performance and embryonic development of red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii by manipulating water temperature. Aquaculture, 2019, 510:32–42 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, IF2018=3.022, 5IF=3.256, 渔业领域排名前20%: 9/52-Q1). 

[4] Shiyu Jin, Lisa Jacquin, Mantang Xiong, Ruojing Li, Wei Li, Sovan Lek, Tanglin Zhang*. Reproductive pattern and population dynamics of commercial red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) from China: implications for sustainable aquaculture management. PeerJ, 2019: 1-24 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, 5IF=2.7, 多学科领域排名: 27/69-Q2). 

[5] Shiyu Jin, Lisa Jacquin, Yan Ren, Jixin Yu, Wei Li, Sovan Lek, Jiashou Liu, Zhongjie Li, Tanglin Zhang*. Growth performance and muscle composition response to reduced feeding levels in juvenile red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852). Aquaculture Research. 2019, 50(3):1–10 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, 5IF=1.626, 渔业领域排名: 30/52-Q3). 

[6] Jixin Yu, Elvis Genbo Xu, Wei Li, Shiyu Jin, Ting Yuan, Jiashou Liu, Zhongjie Li and Tanglin Zhang*. Acute toxicity of an emerging insecticide pymetrozine to Procambarus clarkii associated with rice-crayfish culture (RCIS). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15(5): 984 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, IF2018=2.468, 5IF=2.948, 公共环境和职业保健领域排名前25%: 38/164-Q1). 

[7] Jixin Yu, Yan Ren, Tao Xu, Wei Li, Mantang Xiong, Tanglin Zhang*, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu. Physicochemical water quality parameters in typical rice-crayfish integrated systems (RCIS) in China. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 2018, 11(3): 54-60 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, IF2018=1.349, 5IF=1.465, 农业工程领域排名: 6/13-Q2). 

[8] Wei Li, Brendan Hicks, Mingli Lin, Chuanbo Guo, Tanglin Zhang*, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, David A Beauchamp. Impacts of hatchery-reared mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi stocking on wild fish community and water quality in a shallow Yangtze lake. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 11481 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, IF2018=4.011, 5IF=4.525, 多学科领域排名前25%: 15/69-Q1). 

[9] Tingbing Zhu, Lihong Zhang, Tanglin Zhang*, Yaping Wang, Wei Hu, Olsen Rolf Eric, Zuoyan Zhu. Preliminarily study on the maximum handling size, prey size and species selectivity of growth hormone transgenic and non-transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio when foraging on gastropods. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2018, 36(4):1425-1433 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, 5IF=0.907). 

[10] Jixin Yu , Elvis Genbo Xu, Yan Ren, Shiyu Jin, Tanglin Zhang*, Jiashou Liu and Zhongjie Li. Mixture toxicity of bensulfuron-methyl and acetochlor to red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) behavioral, morphological and histological effects. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017, 14(12), 1466 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, IF2017=2.145, 5IF=2.608, 公共环境和职业保健领域排名前25%: 38/164-Q1). 

[11] Lijun Tang, Lisa Jacquin, Sovan Lek, Huanzhang Liu, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu and Tanglin Zhang*. Differences in anti-predator behavior and survival rate between hatchery-reared and wild grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Annales De Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology 2017, 53: 361-367 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, IF2017=0.889, 5IF=1.228, 湖沼生物学领域排名: 18/21-Q4). 

[12] Tingbing Zhu, Lihong Zhang, Tanglin Zhang*, Yaping Wang, Wei Hu, Ring? E., Zuoyan Zhu. Sustained predation effects of fast-growth transgenic common carp on gastropods in artificial environments. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2017, 33(1):22-28 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, 5IF=1.030, 海洋与淡水生物学领域排名: 81/108-Q3). 

[13] Wei Li, J H Brendan, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu and Tanglin Zhang*. 2014. Does hatchery-reared Siniperca chuatsi compete significantly with two wild Siniperca populations for diets in a shallow lake? Hydrobiologia, 2014, 741: 125-138 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, IF2014=2.275, 5IF=2.321, 海洋与淡水生物学领域排名前30%: 32/108-Q2). 

[14] Lihong Zhang, R E Gozlan, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang*, Hu Wei, Zhu Zuoyan. 2014. Rapid growth increases intrinsic predation risk in genetically modified Cyprinus carpio: Implications for environmental risk. Journal of Fish Biology, 84(5): 1527-1538(*通讯作者, SCI论文, IF2014=1.658, 5IF=1.857, 渔业领域排名: 19/52-Q2). 

[15] Ming Duan, Tanglin Zhang*, Wei Hu, Songguang Xie, L F Sundstr?m, Zhongjie Li & Zuoyan Zhu. Risk-taking behaviour may explain high predation mortality of GH-transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio. Journal of Fish Biology, 2013, 83(5): 1183–1196 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, IF2013=1.734, 5IF=1.870, 渔业领域排名: 19/52-Q2). 

[16] Tingbing Zhu, Tanglin Zhang*, Yaping Wang, Yushun Chen, Wei Hu, Zuoyan Zhu. 2013. Effects of growth hormone transgene and nutrition on growth and bone development in common carp. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 319A: 451–460 (*通讯作者, SCI论文, IF2013=1.349, 5IF=1.554, 动物学领域排名: 50/153- Q2). 

[17] Ting Yuan, Qidong Wang, Wei Li, Chao Guo, Tanglin Zhang, Jiashou Liu. Water quality, nutrient budgets and growth performance in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco Richardson) and lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn) co-culture systems. Aquaculture Research, 2019, 50(10):3050–3059 (SCI论文, 5IF=1.626, 渔业领域排名: 30/52-Q3). 

[18] Xingwei Cai, Shaowen Ye, Wei Li, Hourui Fan, Zhongjie Li, Tanglin Zhang, Jiashou Liu. Spatio-temporal variability of small fishes related with environmental factors in a typical domestic tap water lake, Eastern China. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2019, 37(1):278-289 (SCI论文). 

[19] Ying Xiong, Wei Li, Jing Yuan, Tanglin Zhang, Genetic structure and demographic histories of two sympatric Culter species in eastern China. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2019 (SCI论文). 

[20] Quan Yuan, Jing Qian, Yan Ren, Tanglin Zhang, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu. Effects of stocking density and water temperature on survival and growth of the juvenile Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis, reared under laboratory conditions. Aquaculture, 2018, 495: 631-636 (SCI论文, IF2018=3.022, 5IF5=3.256, 渔业领域排名前25%: 9/52-Q1). 

[21] Chuansong Liao, Sibao Chen, Sena S. De Silva, Sandra Bibiana Correa, Jing Yuan, Zhongjie Li, Tanglin Zhang, Jiashou Liu. Spatial changes of fish assemblages in relation to filling stages of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2018, 34(6): 1293-1303 (SCI论文, 5IF=1.034).  

[22] Chuansong Liao, Sibao Chen, Shaowen Ye, Tanglin Zhang, Zhongjie Li, Brian R. Murphy, Jiashou Liu. Species-specific plasticity in reproductive biology of three yellow catfish species (Pelteobagrus spp.) in relation to habitats in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Plos One, 2018, 13(7): 1-17 (SCI论文, IF2018=2.776, 5IF=3.337, 多学科科学领域排名: 24/69-Q2). 

[23] Qingman Li, Lei Xu, Lijing Xu, Yiguang Qian, Yang Jiao, Yonghong Bi, Tanglin Zhang, Wen Zhang, Yanjie Liu. Influence of consecutive integrated rice–crayfish culture on phosphorus fertility of paddy soils. Land Degradation & Development, 2018, 29(10):3413–3422 (SCI论文, IF2018=4.275, 5IF=4.866, 环境科学领域排名前25%: 54/251-Q1). 

[24] Jingya Wang, Shaowen Ye, Zhicong Wang, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Sovan Lek, Zhongjie Li. Temporal and spatial variation of phytoplankton functional groups and main driving factors in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Freserius Environmental Bulletin, 2018, 27(2): 947-959 (SCI论文, 5IF=0.637). 

[25] Quan Yuan, Qidong Wang, Tanglin Zhang, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu. Effects of water temperature on growth, feeding and molting of juvenile Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. Aquaculture, 2017, 468:169-174 (SCI论文, 5IF=2.773, 渔业领域排名前25%: 9/52 Q1). 

[26] Wei Li, Huaiyu Ding, Fengyin Zhang, Tanglin Zhang, Jiashou Liu and Zhongjie Li. Effects of water spinach Ipomoea aquatica cultivationon water quality and performance of Chinese soft-shelled turtle Pelodiscus sinensis pond culture. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 2016, 8: 567-574 (SCI论文, IF2016=2.905, 5IF=3.030, 渔业领域排名前30%: 15/52-Q2). 

[27] Yuguo Xia, J. Lloret, Zhongjie Li, Tanglin Zhang, Ye Shaowen, Wei Li, Jing Yuan, H.A.C.C. Perera, Jiashou Liu. Status of two Coreius species in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2016, 34 (1):19-33 (SCI论文, 5IF= 0.696). 

[28] Mingli Lin, Zhongjie Li, Jiashou Liu, Rodolphe E. Gozlan, Sovan Lek, Tanglin Zhang, Shaowen Ye, Wei Li, Jing Yuan. Maintaining economic value of ecosystem services whilst reducing environmental cost: a way to achieve freshwater restoration in China. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10 (3): e0120298 (SCI, IF2015=3.057, 5IF=3.535, 多学科领域排名: 24/69-Q2). 

[29] Yang Liu, Zhongjie Li, Tanglin Zhang, Jing Yuan, Zhenbo Mou, Jiashou Liu. Growth and energy budget of juvenile lenok Brachymystax lenok in relation to ration level. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2015, 33(2): 347-355 (SCI论文, IF2015=0.547, 5IF= 0.696). 

[30] U. Asanka D. Jayasinghe, Emili García-Berthou, Zhongjie Li, Wei Li, Tanglin Zhang, Jiashou Liu. Co-occurring bighead and silver carps show similar food preference but different isotopic niche overlap in different lakes. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2015, 98(4):1-15 (SCI论文, IF2015=1.404, 5IF=1.580). 

[31] Xue Du, Emili Garcia-Berthou, Qidong Wang, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Zhongjie Li. Analyzing the importance of top-down and bottom-up controls in food webs of Chinese lakes through structural equation modeling. Aquatic Ecology, 2015, 49: 199-210 (SCI论文, IF2015=1.797 , 5IF=1.820, 湖沼生物学领域排名前25%: 3/21-Q1). 

[32] Jiajia Ni, Qingyun Yan, Yuhe Yu* & Tanglin Zhang. Factors influencing the grass carp gut microbiome and its effect on metabolism. FEMS Microbiological Ecology, 2014, 87: 704–714 (SCI论文, IF2014=3.568, 5IF=4.087, 微生物学领域排名: 36/133-Q2). 

[33] Jiajia Ni, Qingyun Yan, Yuhe Yu* & Tanglin Zhang. Fish gut microecosystem: a model for detecting spatial pattern of microorganisms. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2014, 32 (1): 54-57  (SCI论文, IF2014=0.657, 5IF=0.734).  

[34] J. Li, J. Ni, J. Li, C. Wang, X. Li, S. Wu, T. Zhang, Y. Yu, Q. Yan. Comparative study on gastrointestinal microbiota of eight fish species with different feeding habits. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2014, 117(6):1750-1760 (SCI论文, IF2014=2.479, 5IF=2.611, 微生物学领域排名: 63/119-Q3).  

[35] Fengyue Zhu, Shaowen Ye, Zhongjie Li, Tanglin Zhang, Jing Yuan, Zhiqiang Guo, Jianfeng Tang and Jiashou Liu. Growth and reproduction of the non-native icefish Neosalanx taihuensis Chen,1956 (Salangidae) in a plateau lake, southwestern China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2014, 30: 862-869 (SCI论文, IF2014=0.867, 5IF=1.077). 

[36] Fengyue Zhu, A L Rypel, B R Murphy, Zhongjie Li, Tanglin Zhang, Jing Yuan, Zhiqiang Guo, Jianfeng Tang, Jiashou Liu*. Rapid life-history diversification of an introduced fish species across a localized thermal gradient. PloS ONE, 2014, 9 (2): e88033  (SCI论文, IF2014= 3.234, 5IF=3.702, 多学科科学领域排名:24/69-Q2). 

[37] Shaowen Ye, Zhongjie Li, Tanglin Zhang, Jiashou Liu, Songguang Xie. Assessing fish distribution and threats to fish biodiversity in the Yangtze River Basin, China. Ichthyological Research, 2014, 61:183–188 (SCI论文, IF2014=0.810,  5IF= 0.752, 动物学领域排名:103/170-Q3).   

[38] Shaowen Ye, J. Moreau, Wentao Zeng, Tanglin Zhang, Jiashou Liu and Zhongjie Li. Growth and mortality of two small fishes, Toxabramis swinhonis Gunther, 1873 and Hyporhamphus intermedius (Cantor, 1842), in a Yangtze shallow lake (China) assessed by length frequency analysis. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2014, 30: 479–484 (SCI论文, IF2014=0.867, 5IF5=1.077, 渔业领域排名: 40/52-Q4). 

[39] Shaowen Ye, Zhongjie Li, Tanglin Zhang, Jiashou Liu, Songguang Xie. Abundance and spatial variability of invasive fishes related to environmental factors in a eutrophic Yunnan Plateau lake, Lake Dianchi, southwestern China. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2015, 98: 209-224  (SCI论文, IF2014=1.570, 5IF=1.404, 海洋与淡水生物学领域排名: 69/108-Q3). 

[40] Mingli Lin, M Chevalier, Sovan Lek, Lihong Zhang, R E Gozlan, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Shaowen Ye, Wei Li, Zhongjie Li*. Eutrophication as a driver of r-selection traits in a freshwater fish. Journal of Fish Biology, 2014, 85 (2): 343-354  (SCI论文, IF2014=1.658, 5IF=1.857, 渔业领域排名:19/52-Q2). 

[41] Xue Du, Weisong Feng, Wei Li, Shaowen Ye, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Zhongjie Li. Response of rotifer community to environmental changes in five shallow lakes in the middle reach of Changjiang River, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2014, 32 (5): 1083-1091 (SCI论文, IF2014=0.657, 5IF=0.734). 

[42] Lin Cheng, Simon Blanchet, Géraldine Loot, Sebastien Villéger, Tanglin Zhang, Sovan Lek, Sithan Lek-Ang and Zhongjie Li. Temporal changes in the taxonomic and functional diversity of fish communities in shallow Chinese lakes: the effects of river-lake connections and aquaculture. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2014, 24 (1): 23-34 (SCI论文, IF2014=2.136, 5IF=2.270 , 海洋与淡水生物学领域排名前15%: 15/108-Q1). 

[43] Chengrong Zhong, Yanlong Song, Yaping Wang, Tanglin Zhang, Ming Duan, Y. Li, Lanjie Liao, Zuoyan Zhu and Wei Hu. Increased food intake in growth hormone-transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) may be mediated by upregulating Agouti-related protein (AgRP). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2013, 192: 81-88  (SCI论文, IF2013=2.674, 5IF=3.055, 内分泌与代谢学领域排名: 95/145-Q3). 

[44] Jianfeng Tang, Shaowen Ye, Wei Li, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Zhiqiang Guo, Fengyue Zhu, Zhongjie Li. Status and historical changes in the fish community in Erhai Lake. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2013, 31(4): 712-723  (SCI论文, IF2013=0.684, 5IF=0.71, 湖沼生物学领域排名: 19/21-Q4). 

[45] Jianfeng Tang, Shaowen Ye, Wei Li, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Zhiqiang Guo, Fengyue Zhu, Zhongjie Li. Composition and length-weight relationships of fish species in Lake Erhai, southwestern China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2013, 29(5): 1179–1182 (SCI论文, IF2013=0.903, 5IF=1.127, 渔业领域排名: 40/52-Q4). 

[46] Chuanbo Guo, Shaowen Ye, Sevon Lek, Jiashou Liu, Tanglin Zhang, Jing Yuan and Zhongjie Li. The need for improved fishery management in a shallow macrophytic lake in the Yangtze River basin: Evidence from the food web structure and ecosystem analysis. Ecological Modelling, 2013, 267: 138-147 (SCI论文, IF2013=2.326, 5IF=2.540, 生态学领域排名: 63/165-Q2). 

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