姓 名: | 谢海侠 |
性 别: | 女 |
职 称: | 研究员 |
电 话: | 86-27-68780006 |
电子邮件: | xieh@ihb.ac.cn |
1995.09-1999.07 华中农业大学水产学院,名特水产养殖专业,农学学士
2000.09-2005.07 中国科学院水生生物研究所,水生生物学专业,理学博士
1999.07-2005.07 中国科学院水生生物研究所,研究实习员
2005.07-2008.01 新加坡国立大学,博士后
2008.09-2010.12 中国科学院水生生物研究所,助理研究员
2010.12-2018.12 中国科学院水生生物研究所,副研究员
2017.09-2018.09 帝国理工学院,访问学者
2018.12- 中国科学院水生生物研究所,研究员
1.Wang Ping#, Li Jie#, He Tian Tian, Li Nan, Mo Zhao Lan, Nie Pin*, Xie Hai Xia*. Pathogenic characterization of Aeromonas salmonicida subsp.masoucida turbot isolate from China. Journal of Fish Diseases, 2020, 43:1145-1154.
2.He Tian Tian, Zhou Ying, Liu Ying Li, Li Duan You, Nie Pin, Li Ai Hua*, Xie Hai Xia*. Edwardsiella piscicida type III protein EseJ suppresses apoptosis through down regulating type I fimbriae, which stimulate the cleavage of caspase-8. Cellular Microbiology, 2020, 22:e13193.
3.Zhang Qian#, He Tian Tian#, Li Duan You, Nie Pin*, Xie Hai Xia*. The Edwardsiella piscicida type III effector EseJ suppresses expression of type 1 fimbriae, leading to decreased bacterial adherence to host cells. Infection & Immunity, 2019, 87: e00187-19.
4.Liu Ying Li, He Tian Tian, Liu Lu Yi, Yi Jia, Nie Pin, Yu Hong Bing, Xie Hai Xia*. The Edwardsiella piscicida type III translocon protein EseC inhibits biofilm formation by sequestering EseE. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2019, 85:e02133-18.
5.Liu Lu Yi, Nie Pin*, Yu Hong Bing, Xie Hai Xia*. Regulation of type III secretion of translocon and effector proteins by the EsaB/EsaL/EsaM complex in Edwardsiella tarda. Infection & Immunity, 2017, 85:e00322-17.
6.Yi Jia, Xiao Shui Bing, Zeng Zhi Xiong, Lu Jin Fang, Liu Lu Yi, Laghari Zubair Ahmed, Nie Pin, Yu Hong Bing, Xie Hai Xia*. EseE of Edwardsiella tarda augments the secretion of translocon protein EseC and the expression of escC-eseE operon. Infection & Immunity 2016, 84:2336-2344.
7.Lu Jin Fang, Wang Wei Na, Wang Gai Ling, Zhang He, Zhou Ying, Gao Zhi Peng, Nie Pin*, Xie Hai Xia*. Edwardsiella tarda EscE (Orf13 protein) is a type III secretion system secreted protein that is required for the injection of effectors, secretion of translocators, and pathogenesis in fish. Infection & Immunity 2016, 84:2-10.
8.Gao Zhi Peng, Nie Pin, Lu Jin Fang, Liu Lu Yi, Xiao Tiao Yi, Liu Wei, Liu Jia Shou*, Xie Hai Xia*. Type III secretion system translocon component EseB forms filaments and mediates autoaggregation and biofilm formation in Edwardsiella tarda. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2015, 81:6078-6087.
9.Xie Hai Xia#, Lu Jin Fang#, Zhou Ying, Yi Jia, Yu Xiu-Jun*, Leung Ka Ying, Nie Pin*. Identification and functional characterization of the novel Edwardsiella tarda effector EseJ. Infection & Immunity 2015, 83:1650-1660.
10.Xie Hai Xia, Lu Jin Fang, Rolhion Nathalie, Holden David W., Nie Pin*, Zhou Ying, Yu Xiu-Jun*. Edwardsiella tarda-induced cytotoxicity depends on its type III secretion system and flagellin. Infection & Immunity 2014, 82:3436-3445.
11.Zhao Li Juan, Lu Jin Fang, Nie Pin*, Li Ai Hua, Xiong Bang Xi, Xie Hai Xia*. Roles of plasmid-encoded proteins, EseH, EseI and EscD in invasion, replication and virulence of Edwardsiella ictaluri. Veterinary Microbiology 2013, 166:233-41.
12.Xie Hai Xia, Yu Hong Bing, Zheng Jun, Foster Leonard J., Mok Yu-Keung, Finlay Brett B., Nie Pin, Leung Ka Yin*. EseG, an effector of the type III secretion system of Edwardsiella tarda triggers microtubule destabilization. Infection & Immunity 2010, 78:5011-5021.