姓 名: | 梅洁 |
性 别: | 男 |
职 称: | 研究员 |
电 话: | |
电子邮件: | jmei@ihb.ac.cn |
梅洁,博士生导师,中国科学院引才计划、国家特支计划青年拔尖人才、现代农业产业技术体系“黄颡鱼种质资源与品种改良”岗位科学家。主要从事鱼类遗传育种研究,以通讯作者在National Science Review、Molecular Biology and Evolution、Science Bulletin、GigaScience等刊物发表SCI论文40余篇,参编中英文专著各一部,授权国家发明专利6项,培育了国家水产新品种杂交黄颡鱼“黄优1号” 和黄颡鱼“全雄2号”;主持了十四五国家重点研发计划“海洋农业与淡水渔业科技创新”重点专项项目、国家自然科学基金项目、湖北省杰出青年基金等多个项目。
担任中国鱼类学会理事、中国水产学会淡水养殖分会委员;兼任Frontiers in Genetics、Aquaculture and Fisheries、水生生物学报等期刊编委。
1. Wang T, Gong G, Li Z, Niu JS, Du WX, Wang ZW, Wang Y, Zhou L, Zhang XJ, Lian ZQ, Mei J*, Gui JF*, Li XY*. Genomic anatomy of homozygous XX females and YY males reveals early evolutionary trajectory of sex-determining gene and sex chromosomes in Silurus fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2024,41(8):msae169.
2.Gong G, Xiong Y, Xiao S, Li X, Huang P, Liao Q, Han Q, Lin Q, Dan C, Zhou L, Ren F, Zhou Q, Gui JF*, Mei J*. Origin and chromatin remodelling of young X/Y sex chromosomes in catfish with sexual plasticity. National Science Review, 2023, 10(2):nwac239.
3. Ren F, Miao R, Xiao R*, Mei J*. m6A reader Igf2bp3 enables germ plasm assembly by m6A-dependent regulation of gene expression in zebrafish. Science Bulletin,2021,66(11):1119-1128.
4. Xiong S, Tian J, Ge S, Li Z, Long Z, Guo W, Huang P, He Y, Xiao T, Gui JF, Mei J*. The microRNA-200 cluster on chromosome 23 is required for oocyte maturation and ovulation in zebrafish. Biology of Reproduction. 2020,103(4):769-778.
5. Ren F, Lin Q, Gong G, Du X, Dan H, Qin W, Miao R, Xiong Y, Xiao R, Li X, Gui JF, Mei J*. Igf2bp3 maintains maternal RNA stability and ensures early embryo development in zebrafish. Communications Biology,2020,3(1):94.
6. Xiong Y, Wang S, Gui JF, Mei J*. Artificially induced sex-reversal leads to transition from genetic to temperature-dependent sex determination in fish species. Science China Life Science,2020,63(1):157-159.
7.Gong G, Dan C, Xiao S, Guo W, Huang P, Xiong Y, Wu J, He Y, Zhang J, Li X, Chen N, Gui JF*, Mei J*. Chromosomal-level assembly of yellow catfish genome using third-generation DNA sequencing and Hi-C analysis. GigaScience,2018,7(11):giy120.
8. Dan C, Lin Q, Gong G, Yang T, Xiong S, Xiong Y, Huang P, Gui JF*, Mei J*. A novel PDZ domain-containing gene is essential for male sex differentiation and maintenance in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco). Science Bulletin,2018,63: 1420-1430.
9.Xiong S, Ma W, Jing J, Zhang J, Dan C, Gui JF*, Mei J*. An miR-200 Cluster on Chromosome 23 Regulates Sperm Motility in Zebrafish. Endocrinology,2018,159(5):1982-1991.
10.Lin Q, Mei J*, Li Z, Zhang X, Zhou L, Gui JF*. Distinct and Cooperative Roles of amh and dmrt1 in Self-Renewal and Differentiation of Male Germ Cells in Zebrafish. Genetics,2017,207(3):1007-1022.
11.Mei J, Gui JF*. Genetic basis and biotechnological manipulation of sexual dimorphism and sex determination in fish. Sci China Life Sci,2015,58(2):124-36.