姓 名: 张鹗
性 别:
职 称: 研究员
电 话: 86-27-68780260
电子邮件: zhange@ihb.ac.cn


1965年出生。1986年获华中农业大学学士学位;1991年获中国科学院水生生物研究所硕士学位;1999年获中国科学院水生生物研究所博士学位。承担多项中国国家自然科学基金项目,参加了美国国家自然科学基金项目: All Cypriniformes, Phase II of a PBI (Planetary Biodiversity of Inventory) of the Otophysi (2010-2015)。目前与美国阿拉斯加费尔班克斯大学和圣路易斯大学,以及法国巴黎自然历史博物馆和美国佛罗里达自然历史博物馆保持着密切联系,并已开展相关的合作研究。









1. Zhang, E 2012.Sinigarra napoense, a new genus and species of labeonin fishes (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) fromGuangxi Province, South China (in press)

2. Zhu, D. E Zhang* & J.H. Lan. 2012. Rectoris longibarbus, a new styglophic labeonine species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from South China, with a note on the taxonomy of R. mutabilis (Lin, 1933).

3. Zhu, Y. E Zhang*, M. Zhang, Y.Q. Han, 2011. Cophecheilus bamen, a new genus and species of labeonine fishes (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from South China. Zootaxa, 2881: 39-50.

4. Gu, J.H. & E Zhang. 2011. Homatula laxiclathra (Teleostei: Balitoridae), a new species of nemacheiline loach from the Yellow River drainage in Shaanxi Province, northern China. Environmental Biology of Fishes., online, DOI 10.1007/s10641-011-9965-1

5. Yuan L.Y. & E Zhang*, 2010. Type locality and identity of the cyprinid species Acrossocheilus kreyenbergii (Regan, 1908), a senior synonym of Acrossocheilus cinctus (Lin, 1931). Zootaxa, 2684: 36–44.

6. Yuan L.Y. & E Zhang*, 2010. Morphological variations in the cyprinid species Acrossocheilus hemispinus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: Barbinae), with comments on its taxonomic status. Zootaxa, 2684: 45–56.

7.  Hu, Y.T. & E Zhang. 2010. Homatula pycnolepis, a new species of nemacheiline loach from the upper Mekong River drainage, South China (Teleostei: Balitoridae). Ichthyological exploitation of freshwaters, 21: 51-62.

8.  Xin, Q., E Zhang & W.X. Cao, 2009. Onychostoma virgulatum, a new species of cyprinid fish (Pisces: Teleostei) from southern Anhui Province, South China. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 20: 255-266.

9.  Cheng, J.L., A. Lopez & E Zhang*. 2009. Pseudobagrus fui Miao, a valid bagrid species from the Yangtze River drainage, South China (Teleostei: Bagridae). Zootaxa, 2072: 56–68.

10.  Gan, X., J.H. Lan & E Zhang*. 2009. Metzia longinasus, a new cyprinid species (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) from the Pearl River drainage in Guangxi Province, South China. Ichthyological Research, 56: 55–61.

11.  Lopez, A., E Zhang & J.L. Cheng. 2008. Case 3455. Pseudobagrus Bleeker, 1858 (Osteichthyes, Siluriformes, Bagridae): proposed conservation. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 65(3): 22-204.

12.  Yuan, L.Y., Zhang, E* & Huang Y. F. 2008. Revision of the Labeonine Genus Sinocrossocheilus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from South China. Zootaxa, 1809: 36- 48 (SCI).

13.  He, C.L., Z.B. Song & E Zhang*. 2008. Triplophysa lixianensis, a new nema- cheiline loach species (Pisces: Balitoridae) from the upper Yangtze River drainage in Sichuan Province, South China. Zootaxa. 1739: 41–52 (SCI).

14.  Zhang, E*, Xin Qiang & Lan Jia-Hu. 2008. Description of a new genus and two new species of Labeonine fishes from South China (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Zootaxa, 1682: 33-44 (SCI).

15.  Cao, L & E Zhang*. 2008. Triplophysa waisihani, a new species of nemacheiline loach from Northwest China (Pisces: Balitoridae). Zootaxa, 1932: 33–46. (SCI)

16.  Cheng,J.L., H Ishihara & E Zhang*. 2008. Pseudobagrus brachyrhabdion, a new catfish (Teleostei:Bagridae) from the middle Yangtze River drainage, South China. Ichthyological Research. Ichthyological Research, 55:112–123 (SCI).

17.  Zhang, E, 2006. Garra rotundonasa, a new species of cyprinid fish (Pisces: Teleo- stei) from the upper Irrawaddy River basin in China. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 54 (2): 447-453.

18.  Zhang, E & M. Kottelat. 2006. Akrokolioplax, a new genus of Southeast Asian Labeonine fishes (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Zootaxa, 1225: 21-30.

19.  Zhang, E & Y.Y. Chen. 2006. Revised diagnosis of the genus Bangana Hamilton, 1822 (Pisces: Cyprinidae), with taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on its Chinese species. Zootaxa, 1281: 42-54.

20.  Yuan, L.Y., Z.Q. Wu & E Zhang. 2006. Acrossocheilus spinifer, a new barred species of cyprinid fish from South China (Pisces: Teleostei). Journal of Fish Biology, 68: 163-173.

21.  Zhang, E, S.O. Kullander, & Y.Y. Chen. 2006. Fixation of the type species of the genus Sinilabeo and description of S. hummeli, a new species from the upper Chang Jiang basin, China (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Copeia, 2006(1): 96-102.

22.  Zhang, E, 2005. Acrossocheilus malacopterus, a new non-barred species of cyprinid fish from South China (Teleostei: Cypriniformes). Cybium: 29 (3): 252-260.

23.  Zhang, E. 2005. Garra bispinosa, a new species of cyprinid fish (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) from Yunnan, South China. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 13: 9-15.

24.   Zhang, E. 2005. Phylogenetic relationships of the labeonine cyprinids of the disc- bearing group (Pisces: Teleostei). Zoological studies, 44: 130- 143.

25.   Zhang, E & Fang Fang, 2005. Linichthys, a new genus of Chinese cyprinid fishes (Teleostei: Cypriniformes). Copeia, 2005(1): 61-67.


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