姓 名: 谢志才
性 别:
职 称: 研究员
电 话: 86-27-68780623
电子邮件: zhcxie@ihb.ac.cn








1. Jiang X.M., Z.C. Xie*, and Y.F. Chen. 2013. Longitudinal patterns of macroinvertebrate communities in relation to environmental factors in a Tibetan Plateau river system. Quaternary International. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2013.02.034).

2. 蒋小明,陈毅峰,谢志才*。2013。西藏尼洋河大型无脊椎动物群落结构与水质生物评价。水生态学杂志。(接收)

3. Song Z.Y., J.Q. Zhang, X.J. Jiang, C.M.Wang, and Z.C. Xie*. 2013. Population structure of an  endemic gastropod in Chinese plateau lakes: evidence for population decline. Freshwater Science 32 (2): 450-461.

4. Jiang X.M., J. Xiong, Z.Y. Song, J.C. Morse, F.C. Jones, and Z.C. Xie*. 2013. Is coarse taxonomy sufficient for detecting macroinvertebrate patterns in floodplain lakes? Ecological Indicators 27:48-55.

5. 张超文,张堂林,朱挺兵,李为,谢志才。2012. 洪泽湖大型底栖动物群落结构及其环境因子的关系。水生态学杂志 33(3): 27–33。

6. Li L., J. Xiong, B.D. Xiao, L.R. Song, and Z.C. Xie*. 2012. Dynamics of macrozoobenthos assemblages in the Fubao Bay of Lake Dianchi and their relation to organic pollutants. African Journal of Biotechnology 11(55): 11830–11837.

7. Shen Q., J. Chen, and Z.C. Xie*. 2012. Mesenchytraeus monodiverticulus, a new enlarged ventral chaeta enchytraeid (Annelida, Clitellata) from Changbaishan Mountain, China. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 125(3):215–227.

8. Xie Z.C.* 2012. Mesenchytraeus gigachaetus, new name, a replacement name for Mesenchytraeus megachaetus Shen et al., 2011. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 125(1):18.

9. Zhang J.Q., Z. Wang, Z. Y. Song, and Z.C. Xie*, L. Li & L.R. Song. 2012. Bioaccumulation of microcystins in two freshwater gastropods from a large cyanobacteria bloom plateau lake, Lake Dianchi. Environmental Pollution 164:227–234.

10. Shen Q., J. Chen and Z.C. Xie*. 2012. Mesenchytraeus anisodiverticulus, a new giant enchytraeid with enlarged ventral chaeta (Annelida, Clitellata) from northeastern China. Italian Journal of Zoology 79(1):86–91.

11. 熊晶,蒋小明,王丑明,谢志才*,敖鸿毅,刘建彤。2012。宁波市东钱湖大型底栖动物的群落动态及水质生物学评价。环境科学研究 25(3):38–45。

12. 蒋小明,程建丽,熊晶,张鹗,谢志才*。2011。黄盖湖水系河源区—皤河大型无脊椎动物群落与水质评价。长江流域资源与环境 21(9):1040–1046。

13.  熊晶,谢志才*,蒋小明,胡纬,张堂林,舒少武。2011。转基因鱼试验湖泊铜锈环棱螺种群动态及次级生产力研究。生态学报 31(23):1–7。

14.  Lian H., J. Chen, J. Xiong, X.M Jiang, and Z.C. Xie*. 2011. Structure and distribution of enchytraeid communities from Mountain Changbaishan in China, with emphasis on the influence of environmental variables. European Journal of Soil Biology 47:223–229.

15.  王丑明,张君倩,蒋小明,熊晶,谢志才*。2011。洱海湖滨带大型底栖动物群落结构。水生态学杂志32(2):25–30。

16.  Shen Q., J. Chen, and Z.C. Xie*. 2011. Mesenchytraeus megachaetus, a new enchytraeid with enlarged ventral chaetae (Annelida, Clitellata) from Changbaishan Mountain, China. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 124(2):127–133.

17. Jiang X.M, J. Xiong, Z.C. Xie* and Y.F. Chen. 2011. Longitudinal patterns of macroinvertebrate functional feeding groups in a Chinese river system: A test for river continuum concept (RCC). Quaternary International 244: 289–295.

18. 王丑明, 谢志才*, 宋立荣, 肖邦定, 李根保, 李 林。2011。滇池大型无脊椎动物的群落演变与成因分析。动物学研究 32(2):212–221.

19. 张君倩,谢志才*,王智,宋立荣,李林,甘南琴。2011。微囊藻毒素在滇池螺蛳各组织中的积累及动态分布。长江流域资源与环境 20(2):172–177。

20. 熊晶,谢志才*,陈静,张君倩,舒少武,张堂林,胡炜。2010。转基因鲤鱼对大型底栖动物群落结构及多样性影响。长江流域资源与环境 19(4):377–381。

21. 熊晶,谢志才*,张君倩,蒋小明,方涛,敖宏毅,邓永良。2010。傀儡湖大型底栖动物群落与水质评价长江流域资源与环境。长江流域资源与环境 19(supp.1):132–137。

22. Jiang X.M, J. Xiong, J.W. Qiu, J.M. Wu, J.W. Wang, and Z.C. Xie*. 2010. Structure of Macroinvertebrate Community in Association with Environmental Variables in a Subtropical Asian River System. International Review of Hydrobiology. 95:42–57.

23. Chen J., and Z.C. Xie*. 2009. Fridericia liangi sp. nov. (Enchytraeidae, Oligochaeta) from Changbaishan Mountain, China. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 122(4): 399–404.

24. Shao M.L., L.L. He, X.Q. Han, Z.C. Xie, D.F. Li, and Q.H. Cai*. 2008. Seasonal patterns of sedimentation and their associations with benthic communities in XiangXi Bay of the three Gorges Reservoir, China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 23(1): 151–160.

25. Shao M.L., Z.C. Xie, X.Q. Han, M. Cao, and Q.H. Cai*. 2008. Macroinvertebrate Community Structure in Three–Gorges Reservoir, China. International Review of Hydrobiology 93(2): 175–187.

26. Xie Z.C.*, S.W. Shu, J.Q. Zhang, J. Chen, and Q.H. Cai. 2008. Structure and distribution of Oligochaeta from one lake district in China, with emphasis on the influence of environmental variables. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 23(2):237–244.

27. Chen J., and Z.C. Xie*. 2008. Fridericia dianchiensis sp. nov. (Enchytraeidae, Oligochaeta) from Yunnan province. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 121(2): 283–288.

28. Xie Z.C.*, and J. Chen. 2008. A Redescription of Pieguetiella denticulata Liang & Xie (Oligochaeta, Naididae) From China, with a key to genus Pieguetiella. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 121(3):321–325.

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