姓 名: | 邱东茹 |
性 别: | 男 |
职 称: | 研究员 |
电 话: | 86-27-68780215 |
电子邮件: | qiu@ihb.ac.cn |
博士,研究员,学科组长,博士生导师。1989年本科毕业于华中师范大学生物系,获学士学位。1992年同校植物学专业硕士研究生毕业后到中科院水生所工作,任研究实习员和助理研究员,从事水生植物和净化生物学研究。曾在欧、美、日多家研究开发机构接受训练和从事科研工作10余年。在美国科学院院刊(PNAS)、Water Research、Applied and Environmental Microbiology (AEM,共4篇)和Microbiology(UK-SGM,共2篇)等国际主流期刊和国内核心期刊上发表学术论文50余篇,其中包括SCI高频引用论文4篇;授权中国专利1项,授权美国专利三项。目前主要从事细菌分子遗传(活性污泥菌动胶杆菌、假单胞菌、希瓦氏菌、枯草芽胞杆菌和纳豆菌)和环境生物技术研究。
1. Liu S#, Dai J#, Wei H, Li S, Wang P, Zhu T, Zhou J, Qiu D*. 2020. DNRA and denitrification pathways are leveraged by cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP) paralogues based on electron donor/acceptor limitation in Shewanella loihica PV-4. Appl Environ Microbiol. AEM.01964-20. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01964-20. Online ahead of print.
2. Li S, Zhao L, Han J, Liu S, Dai J, Fu G, Qiu D*. 2020. Azoarcus halotolerans sp. nov., a novel member of Rhodocyclaceae isolated from activated sludge collected in Hong Kong. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004476. Online ahead of print.
3. Rasulov BA#*, Dai J#, Pattaeva MA, Yong-Hong L, Yili A, Aisa HA, Qiu D, Li WJ. 2020. Gene expression abundance dictated exopolysaccharide modification in Rhizobium radiobacter SZ4S7S14 as the cell's response to salt stress. Int J Biol Macromol. S0141-8130(20)34393-2.
4. Dai J, Dong A*, Xiong G, Liu Y, Hossain MS, Liu S, Gao N, Li S, Wang J, Qiu D*. 2020. Production of Highly Active Extracellular Amylase and Cellulase From Bacillus subtilis ZIM3 and a Recombinant Strain With a Potential Application in Tobacco Fermentation. Front Microbiol. 11:1539. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01539. eCollection 2020.
5. Han F, Zhang Y, Liu Z, Wang C, Luo J, Liu B, Qiu D, He F, Wu Z*. 2020. Effects of maifanite on growth, physiological and phytochemical process of submerged macrophytes Vallisneria spiralis. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 189:109941. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.109941.
6. Lu Z, Dai J, Zheng L, Teng Z, Zhang Q, Qiu D, Song L*. 2019. Disodium 2-oxoglutarate promotes carbon flux into astaxanthin and fatty acid biosynthesis pathways in Haematococcus. Bioresour Technol. Bioresour Technol. 2020 Mar;299:122612.
7. Dai J, Liu Y, Liu S, Li S, Gao N, Wang J, Zhou J, Qiu D*. 2019. Differential gene content and gene expression for bacterial evolution and speciation of Shewanella in terms of biosynthesis of heme and heme-requiring proteins. BMC Microbiol. 19(1):173.
8. Gao N*, Xia M*, Dai J, Yu D, An W, Li S, Liu S, He P, Zhang L, Wu Z, Bi X, Chen S, Haft DH, Qiu D*. 2018. Both widespread PEP-CTERM proteins and exopolysaccharides are required for floc formation of Zoogloea resiniphila and other activated sludge bacteria. Environ Microbiol. 20(5):1677-1692.
9. Yu D, Xia M, Zhang L, Song Y, Duan Y, Yuan T, Yao M, Wu L, Tian C, Wu Z, Li X, Zhou J, Qiu D*. 2017. RpoN (σ54) Is Required for Floc Formation but Not for Extracellular Polysaccharide Biosynthesis in a Floc-Forming Aquincola tertiaricarbonis Strain. Appl Environ Microbiol. 83(14):e00709-17. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00709-17.
10. An W, Guo F, Song Y, Gao N, Bai S, Dai J, Wei H, Zhang L, Yu D, Xia M, Yu Y, Qi M, Tian C, Chen H, Wu Z, Zhang T*, Qiu D*. 2016. Comparative genomics analyses on EPS biosynthesis genes required for floc formation of Zoogloea resiniphila and other activated sludge bacteria. Water Res, 102:494-504. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2016.06.058.
11. Qiu D#, Xie M#, Dai J#, An W, Wei H, Tian C, Kempher ML, Zhou A, He Z, Gu B, Zhou J*. 2016. Differential regulation of the two ferrochelatase paralogues in Shewanella loihica PV-4 in response to environmental stresses. Appl Environ Microbiol, 82(17):5077-5088.
12. Li R, Withers RT, Dai J, Ruan J, Li W, Dai Y, An W, Yu D, Wei H, Xia M, Tian C, Yu HD, Qiu D*. 2016. Truncated type IV pilin PilA108 activates the intramembrane protease AlgW to cleave MucA and PilA108 itself in vitro. Arch Microbiol. doi:10.1007/s00203-016-1248-y
13. Wei H, Dai J, Xia M, Romine MF, Shi L, Beliav A, Tiedje JM, Nealson KH, Fredrickson JK, Zhou J, Qiu D*. 2016. Functional roles of CymA and NapC in reduction of nitrate and nitrite by Shewanella putrefaciens W3-18-1. Microbiology (SGM, UK), 162(6):930-941.
14. Dai J, Wei H, Tian C, Damron FH, Zhou J, Qiu D*. 2015. An extracytoplasmic function sigma factor-dependent periplasmic glutathione peroxidase is involved in oxidative stress response of Shewanella oneidensis. BMC Microbiol, 15:34.
15. Bai S, Dai J, Xia M, Ruan J, Wei H, Yu D, Li R, Jing H, Tian C, Song L, Qiu D*. 2015. Effects of intermediate metabolite carboxylic acids of TCA cycle on Microcystis with overproduction of phycocyanin. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 22(7):5531-7.
16. Yang Y, Chen J, Qiu D, Zhou J*. 2013. Roles of UndA and MtrC of Shewanella putrefaciens W3-18-1 in iron reduction. BMC Microbiol,13:267.
17. Qiu D#, Wei H#, Tu Q, Yang Y, Xie M, Chen J, Pinkerton MH Jr, Liang Y, He Z, Zhou J*. 2013. Combined genomics and experimental analyses of respiratory characteristics of Shewanella putrefaciens W3-18-1. Appl Environ Microbiol, 79(17):5250-5257.
18. Damron, HF, Qiu, D, Yu HD*. 2009. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa sensor kinase KinB negatively controls alginate production through AlgW-dependent MucA proteolysis. Journal of Bacteriology, 191: 2285-2295.
19. Qiu D,Damron HF, Mima T, Schweizer HP, Yu HD*. 2008. A series of PBAD-based shuttle vectors for functional analysis of toxic and highly-regulated genes in Pseudomonasa and Burkholderia spp. and other bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74: 7422-7426.
20. Qiu D, Eisinger VM, Head N, Pier G, Yu HD*. 2008. ClpXP proteases positively regulate overexpression of alginate and mucoid conversion in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Microbiology(SGM, UK), 154: 2119-2130.
21. Qiu D, Eisinger VM, Rowen DW, and Yu HD*. 2007. Regulated proteolysis controls mucoid conversion in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 104: 8107-8112.(Faculty of 1000 网站推介)
22. Qiu D, Fujita K, Sakuma K, Tanaka T, Ohashi Y, Ohshima H, Tomita M, Itaya M. 2004. Comparative analysis of the physical maps of four Bacillus subtilis (natto) genomes.Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70(10): 6247-6256.
23. Qiu D, Mao L, Kikuchi S, and Tomita M. 2004. Sustained MAPK activation depends on continual stimulation of NGF receptors.Development, Growth and Differentiation 46(5): 393-403.
24. Qiu D, Ohshima H, Ohashi Y, and Itaya M. 2003 Construction of physical maps ofBacillus subtilis (natto) strains. Nucleic Acids Research, supplement 3, 207-208.
25. Qiu D, Wu ZB, Liu BY, Deng JQ, Fu GP, He F. 2001. The restoration of aquatic macrophytes for improving water quality in a hytertrophic shallow lake in Hubei province, China. Ecological Engineering, 18: 147-156.