姓 名: | 曹特 |
性 别: | 男 |
职 称: | 研究员 |
电 话: | 86-027-68780620 |
电子邮件: | caote@ihb.ac.cn |
2018.12-- 中国科学院水生生物研究所研究员
(1)Hui Fu, Jiayou Zhong, Guixiang Yuan, Ping Xie, Longgen Guo, Xiaolin Zhang, Jun Xu, Zhongqiang Li, Wei Li, Te Cao*, Leyi Ni. 2014. Trait-based community assembly of aquatic macrophytes along a water depth gradient in a freshwater lake; Freshwater Biology, 2014, 59: 2462-2471.
(SCI,唯一通讯作者,5IF=3.722,排名5/106,领域:Marine and Freshwater Biology)
(2)Yuan, G., T. Cao*, H. Fu, L. Ni, X. Zhang, W. Li, X. Song, P. Xie, and E. Jeppesen. 2013. Linking carbon and nitrogen metabolism to depth distribution of submersed macrophytes using high ammonium dosing tests and a lake survey. Freshwater Biology 2013, 58:2532-2540.
(SCI,唯一通讯作者,5IF=3.722,排名5/106,领域:Marine and Freshwater Biology)
(3)Guixiang Yuan, Hui Fu, Jiayou Zhong, Qian Lou, Leyi Ni, Te Cao*. Growth and C/N metabolism of three submersed macrophytes in response to water depths. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2016, 122: 94–99.
(SCI,唯一通讯作者,5IF=4.234,排名25/223,领域:Plant sciences)
(4)Xin Tang, Xiaolin Zhang, Te Cao?, Leyi Ni, Ping Xie. 2018. Reconstructing clear water state and submersed vegetation on behalf of repeated flocculation with modified soil in an in situ mesocosm experiment in Lake Taihu. Science of the Total Environment 625: 1433–1445.
(SCI,唯一通讯作者,5IF=4.984,排名27/242,领域: Environmental sciences)
(5) Guorong Zhu, Changbo Yuan, Guilan Di, Meng Zhangd, Leyi Ni?, Te Cao?, Rongting Fang, GongguoWu, 2018. Morphological and biomechanical response to eutrophication and hydrodynamic stresses. Science of the Total Environment, 421-435.
(SCI,共同通讯作者,通讯作者2人,5IF=4.984,排名27/242,领域: Environmental sciences)
(6)Jianfeng Chen, Te Cao?, Xiaolin Zhang, Yilong Xi, Leyi Ni, Erik Jeppesen. Differential photosynthetic and morphological adaptations to low light affect depth distribution of two submersed macrophytes in lakes. Scientific Report, 2016, 6: 34028.
(SCI,唯一通讯作者,5IF=4.609,排名12/64,领域:Multidisciplinary sciences)
(7)Hui Fu, Jiayou Zhong*, Guixiang Yuan, Chunjing Guo, Qian Lou,Wei Zhang, Jun Xu, Leyi Ni, Ping Xie, Te Cao*. Predicting Changes in Macrophyte Community Structure from Functional Traits in a Freshwater Lake: A Test of Maximum Entropy Model. PLOS ONE, 2015, 10(7): e0131630.
(SCI,共同通讯作者,通讯作者2人,5IF=3.352,排名15/64,领域: Multidisciplinary sciences)
(8)Zhu, G., T. Cao*, M. Zhang, L. Ni*, and X. Zhang. Fertile sediment and ammonium enrichment decrease the growth and biomechanical strength of submersed macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum in an experiment. Hydrobiologia 2014, 727:109-120.
(SCI,共同通讯作者,通讯作者2人,5IF=2.444,排名31/106,领域:Marine and Freshwater Biology)
(9)Wei Li, Jiayou Zhong, Guixiang Yuan, Hui Fu, Leyi Ni1, Ping Xie, Houbao Fan, Te Cao*. 2017. Stoichiometric characteristics of four submersed macrophytes in three plateau lakes with contrasting trophic statuses. Ecological Engineering, 99 (2017) 265–270.
(SCI,唯一通讯作者,5IF=3.430,排名73/242,领域: Environmental sciences)
(10)Li, W., T. Cao*, L. Ni, X. Zhang, G. Zhu, and P. Xie. Effects of water depth on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of five submersed macrophytes in an in situ experiment. Ecological Engineering 2013, 61:358-365.
(SCI,唯一通讯作者,5IF=3.430,排名73/242,领域: Environmental sciences)
(11) Tianshun Zhu, Te Cao?, Leyi Ni, Liang He, Chunlong Yi, Changbo Yuan,Ping Xie. Improvement of water quality by sediment capping and re-vegetationwith Vallisneria natans L.: A short-term investigation using an in situenclosure experiment in Lake Erhai, China. Ecological Engineering 2016, 86: 113–119.
(SCI,唯一通讯作者,5IF=3.430,排名73/242,领域: Environmental sciences)
(12)Guixiang Yuan, Hui Fu, Jiayou Zhong, Te Cao?, Leyi Ni?, Tianshun Zhua, Wei Li, XinSong. Nitrogen/carbon metabolism in response to NH4+ pulse for two submersed macrophytes. Aquatic Botany, 2015, 121: 76–82.
(SCI,共同通讯作者,通讯作者2人,5IF=1.931,排名85/223,领域:Plant sciences)
(13)Zhong, A., T. Cao*, L. Ni*, and P. Xie. Growth and membrane permeability of two submersed macrophytes in response to ammonium enrichment. Aquatic Biology 2013, 19:55-64.
(SCI,共同通讯作者,通讯作者2人,5IF=1.931,排名85/223,领域:Plant sciences)
(14)Fu, H., J. Zhong*, G. Yuan, L. Ni, P. Xie, and T. Cao*. Functional traits composition predict macrophytes community productivity along a water depth gradient in a freshwater lake. Ecology and Evolution 2014, 4:1516-1523.
(15)Wei Li, Te Cao*, Leyi Ni*, Xiaolin Zhang, Guorong Zhu, Hui Fu, Xin Song, Ping Xie. Size-dependent C, N and P stoichiometry of three submersed macrophytes along water depth gradients. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 74 (5): 3733-3738.
(SCI,共同通讯作者,通讯作者2人,5IF=1.650,排名160/242,领域: Environmental sciences)
(16)Guorong Zhu, Te Cao*, Meng Zhang, Leyi Ni*. Associations between the morphology and biomechanical properties of submerged macrophytes: implications for survival and ecosystem distribution in Erhai Lake. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 74 (5): 3907-3916.
(SCI,共同通讯作者,通讯作者2人,5IF=1.650,排名160/242,领域: Environmental sciences)
(17)Liang He, Tianshun Zhu, Te Cao* , Wei Li, Meng Zhang, Xiaoling Zhang, Leyi Ni*, Ping Xie. Characteristics of early eutrophication encoded in submerged vegetation beyond water quality: a case study in Lake Erhai, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 4 (5): 3701-3708.
(SCI,共同通讯作者,通讯作者2人,5IF=1.650,排名160/242,领域: Environmental sciences)
(18)Fu, H., G. Yuan, T. Cao*, L. Ni*, M. Zhang, and S. Wang. An alternative mechanism for shade adaptation: implication of allometric responses of three submersed macrophytes to water depth. Ecological Research 2012, 27:1087-1094.
(19)Liang He, Te Cao*, Xu Hu , Huan Zhang , Xiaolin Zhang, Leyi Ni*, Ping Xie. Effects of NH4+ and K+ enrichments on carbon and nitrogen metabolism, life history and asexual reproduction of Vallisneria natans L. in aquarium experiments. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2015, 30 (3): 391 – 406.
(20)Fu, H., G. Yuan, T. Cao i*, L. Ni i*, W. Li, and G. Zhu. Relationships between relative growth rate and its components across 11 submersed macrophytes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 2012, 27:471-480.
(21)Zhu, G., M. Zhang, T. Cao*, L. Ni*, A. Zhong, and H. Fu. Effects of sediment type on stem mechancal properties of the submersed macrophyte Hydrilla verticillata (L.F.) Royle Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2012, 21:468-474.
(SCI,共同通讯作者,通讯作者2人,5IF=0.611,排名235/242,领域: Environmental sciences)
(22)Li, Z. Q., L. Y. Kong, L. F. Yang, M. Zhang, T. Cao, J. Xu, Z. X. Wang, and Y. Lei. Effect of substrate grain size on the growth and morphology of the submersed macrophyte Vallisneria natans L. Limnologica 2012, 42:81-85.
(23)Fu, H., G. Yuan, J. Zhong, T. Cao, L. Ni, and P. Xie. Environmental and Ontogenetic Effects on Intraspecific Trait Variation of a Macrophyte Species across Five Ecological Scales. Plos One 2013, 8(4): e62794.
(24)Li, Z., M. Zhang, T. Cao, M. Zhang, L. Ni, P. Xie, and J. Xu. 2011. Variation in stable isotope signatures of the submersed macrophyte Vallisneria natans collected from several shallow lakes in China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 2011, 26:429-433.
(25)Li, Z., S. Wang, L. Kong, M. Zhang, T. Cao, and J. Xu. 2011. Suppressed growth of the submersed macrophyte Vallisneria natans in a non-rooted suspended state. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 2011, 26:423-428.
(26)Jianfeng Che, Xu Hu, Te Cao, Xiaolin Zhang, Yilong Xi, Xinli Wen, Haojie Su, Wasana de Silva, Tianshun Zh, Leyi Ni, Ping Xie. 2017. Root-foraging behavior ensures the integrated growth of Vallisneria natans in heterogeneous sediments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24 (9): 8108-8119.
(27)符辉, 袁桂香, 曹特, 钟家有, 张霄林, 过龙根, 张萌, 倪乐意, 王圣瑞. 洱海近50a来沉水植被演替及其主要驱动要素. 湖泊科学2013,25(6):854-861.
(28)钟爱文, 曹特, 张萌, 倪乐意,谢平. 光照和黑暗条件下苦草(Vallisneria natans)和穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)对铵态氮的吸收. 湖泊科学,2013,25(2):289-294.
(29)李威, 何亮, 朱天顺, 曹特, 张霄林,倪乐意. 洱海苦草(Vallisneria natans)水深分布和叶片C、N、P化学计量学对不同水深的响应. 湖泊科学,2014,26(4):585-592.
(30)宋鑫, 曹特, 祝国荣, 李威, 张霄林,倪乐意. 微齿眼子菜与马来眼子菜对水深变化的适应性比较研究. 长江流域资源与环境,2014,23(8):1081-1089.
(31)钟爱文,宋鑫,张静,何亮,易春2,倪乐意,曹特*. 2014 年武汉东湖水生植物多样性及其分布特征. 环境科学研究,2017,30( 3) : 398-405.