姓 名: | 刘碧云 |
性 别: | 女 |
职 称: | 研究员 |
电 话: | 86-027-68780038 |
电子邮件: | liuby@ihb.ac.cn |
博士、中国科学院水生生物研究所研究员,博士生导师。长期围绕湖泊等水体退化与生态修复开展工作,包括水生植物与藻类(含大型丝状绿藻)化学生态学关系,大型丝状藻类异常增殖机制及环境效应,沉水植物恢复的稳态调控等方向的基础研究和技术研发。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,重点项目,湖北省重点研发计划项目、“十一五”、“十二五”国家水专项,国家科技支撑计划,国家重点研发计划及地方委托等科研任务30余项;在领域TOP期刊Water Research,Journal of Hazardous Materials等发表研究论文120余篇,参与撰写此领域专著3部,授权发明专利14项。有关成果已被应用到国家 “十一五”和“十二五”重大科技专项杭州西湖的水生态修复保护与修复等方案中为杭州西湖水生态保护和修复提供了重要技术支持。
1. Zhang L, Huang S Z, Peng X, Liu B Y*, Zhang X Y, Ge F J, Zhou Q H, Wu Z B. Potential ecological implication of Cladophora oligoclora decomposition: Characteristics of nutrient migration, transformation, and response of bacterial community structure, Water Research, 2021, 190:116741.
2. Peng X, Zhang L, Li Y, Lin Q W, He C, Huang S Z, Li H, Zhang X Y, Liu B Y*, Ge F J, Zhou Q H, Zhang Y, Wu Z B. The changing characteristics of phytoplankton community and biomass in subtropical shallow lakes: Coupling effects of land use patterns and lake morphology. Water Research, 2021, 200:117235,
3. Lin Q W, Fan M J, Peng X, Ma J M, Zhang Y, Yu F, Wu Z B, Liu B Y*. Response of Vallisneria natans to aluminum phytotoxicity and their synergistic effect on nitrogen, phosphorus change in sediments,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020, 400, 1231;
4. Peng X, Lin Q W, Liu B Y*, Huang S Z, Yan W H, Zhang L, Ge F J, Zhang Y, Wu Z B. Effect of submerged plant coverage on phytoplankton community dynamics and photosynthetic activity in situ, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 301:113822,
5. Huang S Z, Zhu J Y, Zhang L, Peng X, Zhang X Y, Ge F J, Liu B Y *, Wu Z B. Combined Effects of Allelopathic Polyphenols on Microcystis aeruginosa and Response of Different Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020. 11:614570.
6. Peng X, Yi K L, Lin Q W, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Liu B Y*, Wu Z B. Annual changes in periphyton communities and their diatom indicator species, in the littoral zone of a subtropical urban lake restored by submerged plants,Ecological Engineering, 2020, 155, 105958.
7. Lin Q W, Peng X, Liu B Y *, Min F L, Zhang Y, Zhou Q H, Ma J M, Wu Z B. Aluminum distribution heterogeneity and relationship with nitrogen, phosphorus and humic acid content in the eutrophic lake sediment. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 253, 516-524.
8. Zhang L, Huang S Z, Peng X, Liu B Y*, Zhang Y, Zhou Q H, Wu Z B. The Response of Regeneration Ability of Myriophyllum spicatum Apical Fragments to Decaying Cladophora oligoclona. Water, 2019, 11(5).
9. Zhang L, Liu B Y*, Ge F J, Liu Q, Zhang Y Y, Zhou Q H, Xu D, Wu Z B. Interspecifc Competition for Nutrients between Submerged Macrophytes (Vallisneria natans, Ceratophyllum demersum) and Filamentous Green Algae (Cladophora oligoclona) in a Co-Culture System. Polish journal of environmental studies, 2019, 28 (3): 1-12.
10. Zhang L, Peng X, Liu B Y*, Zhang Y, Zhou Q H, Wu Z B. Effects of the decomposing liquid of Cladophora oligoclona on Hydrilla verticillata turion germination and seedling growth. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 157, 81-88.
11. Lu Z Y, Zhang Y Y, Gao Y N, Liu B Y*, Sun X M, He F, Zhou Q H*, Wu Z B. Effects of pyrogallic acid on Microcystis aeruginosa: oxidative stress related toxicity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016, 132:413-419.
12. Lin Q W, Liu B Y*, Min F L, Zhang Y, Ma J M, He F*, Zeng L, Dai Z G, Wu Z B. Effects of aluminate flocculant on turion germination and seedling growth of Potamogeton crispus. Aquatic Toxicology, 2017, 193: 236-244.
13. Lin Q W, He F, Ma J M*, Zhang Y, Liu B Y*, Min F L, Dai Z G, Zhou Q H, Wu Z B. Impacts of residual aluminum from aluminate flocculant on the morphological and physiological characteristics of Vallisneria natans and Hydrilla verticillata. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 145: 266-273.
14. Cheng L, He Y, Tian Y, Liu B Y*, Zhang Y Y, Zhou Q H*, Wu Z B. Comparative biotoxicity of N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine and N-Phenyl-2-naphthylamine on cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa. Chemosphere, 2017,176: 183-193.
15. Gao Y N, Liu B Y*, Ge F J, He Y, Lu Z Y, Zhou Q H, Zhang Y Y, Wu Z B. Joint effects of allelochemical nonanoic acid, N-phenyl-1-naphtylamine and caffeic acid on the growth of Microcystis aeruginosa. Allelopathy Journal, 2015,35(2):249-258.
16. Chen Z L, Zhou Q H*, Zou D D, Tian Y, Liu B Y*, Zhang Y Y, Wu Z B. Chloro-benzoquinones cause oxidative DNA damage through iron-mediated ROS production in Escherichia coli. Chemosphere, 2015, 135: 379-386.
17. He Y, Zhou Q H, Liu B Y*, Cheng L, Tian Y, Zhang Y Y, Wu Z B*. Programmed cell death in the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa induced by allelopathic effect of submerged macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum in co-culture system. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2016: 28(5):2805-2814.
18. Min F L, Zuo J C, Zhang Y, Lin Q W, Liu B Y*, Sun J, Zeng L, He F*, Wu Z B. The Biomass and Physiological Responses of Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara to Epiphytic Algae and Different Nitrate-N Concentrations in the Water Column. Water, 2017, 9, 863.
19. Min F L, Zuo J C, Lin Q W, Zhang Y, Liu B Y*, Sun J, He F*, Wu Z B. Impacts of Animal Herbivory and Water Depth on Seed Germination and Seedling Survival of Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara and Hydrilla verticillata (L. f.) Royle. Polish journal of environmental studies, 2017, 28(1), 1-7.
20. He Y, Cheng L, Tian Y, Chen Z L, Zhou Q H*, Zhang Y Y, Liu B Y*, Wu Z B. Effects of submerged macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum on ROS generation and cell damage in Microcystis aeruginosa. Allelopathy Journal, 2016, 38(2): 229-238.
21. 黄素珍,张璐,彭雪, 葛芳杰,刘碧云*,周巧红,吴振斌.信号分子介导藻类细胞程序性死亡的研究进展. 水生生物学报. 2020,05:1014-1019
22. 程龙, 张甬元, 何燕, 刘碧云*, 田云, 吴振斌.浮游植物中一氧化氮的生理作用研究进展. 水生生物学报, 2017, 41(1): 257-264.
23. 高云霓, 董静, 何燕, 葛芳杰, 刘碧云*, 吴振斌. 基于化感物质释放特性的沉水植物抑藻作用模式研究进展. 水生生物学报, 2016, 40(6): 1277-1294.
24. 刘永九,黄素珍,张璐,彭雪,张心怡,葛芳杰,刘碧云*,吴振斌. 洪湖国际重要湿地沉积物磷空间分布特征及释放风险, 环境科学, 2021, 42(07):3198-3205.
25. 彭雪, 张璐, 黄素珍, 蔺庆伟, 刘碧云*, 张义, 吴振斌. 基于回声探测监测沉水植物盖度的插值方法研究:以杭州西湖沉水植物盖度监测为例. 湖泊科学, 2020,32(02):472-482.
26. 易科浪,代志刚,刘碧云*,蔺庆伟,曾磊,徐栋,贺锋,吴振斌. 空间层次及人工基质对着生藻类建群特性的影响. 生态学报, 2016, 36(15): 1-9.
27. 闵奋力, 左进城, 刘碧云*, 代志刚, 曾磊, 贺锋*, 吴振斌. 穗状狐尾藻与不同生长期苦草种间竞争研究. 植物科学学报, 2016, 34(1): 47-55.
28. 张璐, 刘碧云*, 葛芳杰, 刘琪, 易科浪, 吴振斌. 丝状绿藻生长的环境影响因子及控制技术研究进展. 生态学杂志, 2017, 36(7): 2029-2035.
29. 代志刚, 蔺庆伟, 易科浪, 曾磊, 胡胜华, 刘碧云*, 贺锋, 吴振斌. 杭州西湖浮游植物群落对沉水植物恢复的响应. 水生态学杂志, 2017, 38(5): 35-45.
30. 高云霓, 葛芳杰, 刘碧云*, 鲁志营, 何燕, 张甬元, 吴振斌, 2015. 不同暴露方式下水生植物化感物质抑藻效应的比较研究. 生态环境学报, 24(4): 554-560.