1, Zhang, Hanwen; Patterson, David J. ; He, Yue , Wang, Hongxia; Yuan, Danni;f Hu,
Qiang; Gong, Yingchun,Kinopus chlorellivorus gen. nov., sp. nov.
(Vampyrellida, Rhizaria), a new algivorous protist predator isolated from
large-scale outdoor cultures of Chlorella sorokiniana,Applied and
Environmental Microbiology,2022(SCI,通讯作者;IF5y=5.632;JCR=19.64%)
2, He, Qing; Zhang, Hanwen; Ma, Mingyang; He, Yue; Jia, Jing; Hu, Qiang; Gong,
Yingchun,Critical assessment of protozoa contamination and control measures in
mass culture of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum,BIORESOURCE TECHNOL,
3, Yuan, Danni; Liu, Junchu; Wang, Hongxia; Hu, Qiang; Gong, Yingchun,
Biodiversity and seasonal variation of microzooplankton contaminating pilot
scale cultures of Chlorella sorokiniana,ALGAL RES,2022,64(SCI,通讯作者;
4, Ma, Mingyang; Wei, Chaojun; Chen, Man; Wang, Hongxia; Gong, Yingchun; Hu,
Qiang,Effects of Nutritional Mode on the Physiological and Biochemical
Characteristics of the Mixotrophic Flagellate Poterioochromonas malhamensis and
the Potential Ecological Implications,MICROORGANISMS,2022,10(SCI,共同通
5, Ma, Mingyang; Wang, Fuchen; Wei, Chaojun; Chen, Jianping; Jin, Hu; Wang,
Hongxia; Song, Lirong; Hu, Qiang; Gong, Yingchun,Establishment of high-cell
density heterotrophic cultivation of Poterioochromonas malhamensis contributes
to achieving biological control of Microcystis,J APPL PHYCOL,2022,34(SCI,
6, He, Yue; Ma, Mingyang; Hu, Qiang; Gong, Yingchun,Assessment of for the control
of the predator flagellate Poterioochromonas malhamensis in pilot-scale culture
of Chlorella sorokiniana,ALGAL RES,2021,60(SCI,通讯作者;IF5y=5.813;
7, Wang, Xianhui; Li, Huannan; Zhan, Xueling; Ma, Mingyang; Yuan, Danni; Hu,
Qiang; Gong, Yingchun,Development and application of quantitative real-time
PCR based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene for early
detection of the grazer Poterioochromonas malhamensis contaminating Chlorella
culture,ALGAL RES,2021,53(SCI,通讯作者;IF5y=5.813;JCR=24.84%)
8, Yuan, Danni; Yao, Mimi; Wang, Lan; Li, Yanhua; Gong, Yingchun; Hu, Qiang,
Effect of recycling the culture medium on biodiversity and population dynamics
of bio-contaminants in Spirulina platensis mass culture systems,ALGAL RES,
9, Wei, Chaojun; Wang, Hongxia; Ma, Mingyang; Hu, Qiang; Gong, Yingchun,Factors
Affecting the Mixotrophic Flagellate Poterioochromonas malhamensis Grazing on
Chlorella Cells,J EUKARYOT MICROBIOL,2020,67(SCI,通讯作者;IF5y=2.867;
10,Ma, Mingyang; Wei, Chaojun; Wang, Hongxia; Sha, Cuicui; Chen, Man; Gong,
Yingchun; Hu, Qiang,Isolation and evaluation of a novel strain of Chlorella
sorokiniana that resists grazing by the predator Poterioochromonas
malhamensis,ALGAL RES,2019,38(SCI,共同通讯,通讯作者2人;IF5y=5.813;
11,Wang, Yao; Gong, Yingchun; Dai, Lili; Sommerfeld, Milton; Zhang, Chengwu; Hu,
Qiang,Identification of harmful protozoa in outdoor cultivation of Chlorella
and the use of ultrasonication to control contamination,ALGAL RES,2018,31
12,Yuan, Danni; Zhan, Xueling; Wang, Mengyun; Wang, Xianhui; Feng, Weisong; Gong,
Yingchun; Hu, Qiang,Biodiversity and distribution of microzooplankton in
Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis mass cultures throughout China,ALGAL RES,
13,Ma, Mingyang; Gong, Yingchun; Hu, Qiang,Identification and feeding
characteristics of the mixotrophic flagellate Poterioochromonas malhamensis, a2022/12/7
microalgal predator isolated from outdoor massive Chlorella culture,ALGAL
14,Ma, Mingyang; Yuan, Danni; He, Yue; Park, Minsung; Gong, Yingchun; Hu, Qiang,
Effective control of Poterioochromonas malhamensis in pilot-scale culture of
Chlorella sorokiniana GT-1 by maintaining CO2-mediated low culture pH,ALGAL
15,Wang, Lan; Yuan, Danni; Li, Yanhua; Ma, Mingyang; Hu, Qiang; Gong, Yingchun,
Contaminating microzooplankton in outdoor microalgal mass culture systems: An
ecological viewpoint,ALGAL RES,2016,20(SCI,共同通讯,通讯作者2人;
16,Gong, Yingchun; Patterson, David J.; Li, Yunguang; Hu, Zixuan; Sommerfeld,
Milton; Chen, Yongsheng; Hu, Qiang,Vernalophrys algivore gen. nov., sp nov
(Rhizaria: Cercozoa: Vampyrellida), a New Algal Predator Isolated from Outdoor
Mass Culture of Scenedesmus dimorphus,APPL ENVIRON MICROB,2015,81(SCI,第一
17,魏朝军, 熊丹妮, 王雨路, 冯伟松, 缪荣丽, 龚迎春,中国蒙镖水蚤属新记录种-湄公蒙镖
21,龚迎春, 冯伟松, 余育和, 代梨梨,,西藏尼洋河流域浮游动物群落结构研究,水生态学杂