姓 名: 苏国欢
性 别:
职 称: 研究员
电 话:
电子邮件: suguohuan@ihb.ac.cn


苏国欢,研究员,博士生导师。2013-2016年,中国科学院水生生物研究所硕士(合作导师徐军研究员);2016-2020年法国图卢兹第三大学博士(合作导师Sébastien BrosseSébastien Villéger教授)。2021-2023年德国亥姆霍兹德累斯顿罗森多夫研究中心博士后(合作导师Justin M. Calabrese教授)。20234月回国加入水生所淡水生态学研究中心生态系统生态学学科组,继续从事宏观生态学研究。2022年获得“湖北省引才计划创新项目”,2023年中国科学院率先行动“引才计划”青年项目候选人。在Science,Nature Communications, Global Ecology and Biogeography等国际权威期刊上发表论文20余篇。






基于入侵鱼类与本地鱼类的功能性状差异性以及本地鱼类群落的功能结构,通过对鱼类的分布和功能性状数据的收集和测量,结合三种经典生物入侵假说(即生物接受,生物抵抗,人类干扰),同时从物种水平(即物种入侵能力,species invasiveness)和群落水平(即群落可入侵性,community invasibility)两个方面分析淡水鱼类的生物入侵机制。






1. Su, G.*, Logez, M., Xu, J., Tao S., Villéger, S. & Brosse, S. (2021) Human impacts on global freshwater fish biodiversity. Science, 371, 835–838. 

2. Su, G.*, Mertel, A., Brosse, S., & Calabrese, J. M. (2023). Species invasiveness and community invasibility of North American freshwater fish fauna revealed via trait-based analysis. Nature communications,14, 2332. 

3. Su, G.* & Xu J.* (2023). Editorial: Multiple Stressors and Ecological Response in Marine Fishery Ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. 1122772. 

4. Su, G.*, Tedesco, P., Toussaint, A.,Villéger, S. & Brosse, S. (2022). Contemporary drivers and historical legacy determine global patters of freshwater fish functional diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31, 700-713. 

5. Su, G.*, Villéger, S. & Brosse, S. (2020) Morphological sorting of introduced freshwater fish species within and between donor realms. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29, 803-813. 

6. Su, G.*, Villéger, S. & Brosse, S. (2019) Morphological diversity of freshwater fishes differs between realms, but morphologically extreme species are widespread. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28, 211-221. 

7. Su, G., Xu, J., Akasaka, M., Molinos, J. G., & Shin-ichiro, S. M. (2015). Human impacts on functional and taxonomic homogenization of plateau fish assemblages in Yunnan, China. Global Ecology and Conservation, 4, 470-478. 

8. Zhao, T., Su, G.*, Jiang, J., Li, N., Zhao, C., Sun, Z., & Khatiwada, J. R.* (2023). Functional diversity patterns reveal different elevations shaping Himalayan amphibian assemblages, highlighting the importance of morphologically extreme individuals. Ecological Indicators, 150, 110260. 

9. Xu, C., Su, G.*, Zhao, K., Wang, H., Xu, X., Li, Z., Hu, Q., . . . Xu, J.* (2023). Assessment of greenhouse gases emissions and intensity from Chinese marine aquaculture in the past three decades. Journal of Environmental Management, 329, 117025.

10. Xu, C., Su, G.*, Zhao, K., Xu, X., Li, Z., Hu, Q., . . . Xu, J. (2022). Current status of greenhouse gas emissions from aquaculture in China. Water Biology and Security, 100041. 

11. Zhao, K., He, Y., Su, G., Xu, C., Xu, X., Zhang, M., & Zhang, P. (2022). Implications for functional diversity conservation of China’s marine fisheries. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. 

12. Dias, M. S., Oikonomou, A., & Su, G. (2022). Biogeographic Regionalization: Freshwater. In Life Sciences: Elsevier. 

13. Brosse, S., Charpin, N., Su, G., Toussaint, A., Herrera-R, G., Tedesco, P., Villéger, S. (2021). FISHMORPH: a global database on morphological traits of freshwater fishes. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30, 2330– 2336. 

14. Xu, J., García Molinos, J., Su, G., Matsuzaki, S. i. S., Akasaka, M., Zhang, H., & Heino, J. (2019). Cross‐taxon congruence of multiple diversity facets of freshwater assemblages is determined by large‐scale processes across China. Freshwater Biology, 64, 1492-1503.  

15. Zhang, M., García Molinos, J., Su, G., Zhang, H., & Xu, J. (2019). Spatially structured environmental variation plays a prominent role on the biodiversity of freshwater macrophytes across China. Frontiers in plant science, 10, 161.  

16. Xu, J., Su, G., Xiong, Y., Akasaka, M., Molinos, J. G., Shin-ichiro, S. M., & Zhang, M. (2015). Complimentary analysis of metacommunity nestedness and diversity partitioning highlights the need for a holistic conservation strategy for highland lake fish assemblages. Global Ecology and Conservation, 3, 288-296.  

17. Sha, Y., Su, G., Zhang, P., Zhang, H., & Xu, J. (2015). Diverse dietary strategy of lake anchovy Coilia ectenes taihuensis in lakes with different trophic status. Journal of ichthyology, 55, 866-873.  

18. 苏国欢, 沙永翠, 熊鹰, 张培育, & 徐军. (2015). 大坝截流前后金沙江观音岩水电站鱼类群落功能多样性的变化. 长江流域资源与环境, 24, 965-970.

19. 沙永翠, 张培育, 张欢, 苏国欢, & 徐军. (2015). 栖息地环境对种群营养生态位的影响——以黄颡鱼为例. 生态学报, 35, 1321-1328.

20. 熊鹰, 张敏, 张欢, 苏国欢, 沙泳翠, & 徐军. (2015). 鱼类形态特征与营养级位置之间关系初探. 湖泊科学, 27, 466-474.


== 实验室与学会 ==
  • == 实验室与学会 ==
  • 淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室
  • 中国科学院藻类生物学重点实验室
  • 农业部淡水养殖病害防治重点实验室
  • 武汉白暨豚保护基金会
  • 湖北省海洋湖沼学会
  • 中国动物学会原生动物学分会
  • 中国动物学会斑马鱼分会
  • 湖北省暨武汉动物学会
  • 中国水产学会鱼病学专业委员会
  • 中国鱼类学会
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  • 中国科学院淡水藻种库
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  • 湿地生态系统观测研究野外站联盟
  • 中国科学院水生生物研究所分析测试中心
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