姓 名: 熊杰
性 别:
职 称: 研究员
电 话: 86-027-68780209
电子邮件: xiongjie@ihb.ac.cn


2012.03--2015.12 中科院水生生物研究所助理研究员

(其间:2014.08--2015.08 美国密歇根大学安娜堡校区博士后)

2015.12--2021.12 中国科学院水生生物研究所副研究员

2021.12-- 中国科学院水生生物研究所研究员








(1)Xiong Jie, Yang Wentao, Chen Kai, Jiang Chuanqi, Ma Yang, Chai Xiaocui, Yan Guanxiong, Wang Guangying, Yuan Dongxia, Liu Yifan, Bidwell Shelby L, Zafar Nikhat, Hadjithomas Michalis, Krishnakumar Vivek, Coyne Robert S, Orias Eduardo, Miao Wei,Hidden genomic evolution in a morphospecies-The landscape of rapidly evolving genes in Tetrahymena., PLoS Biology, 17(6), pp e3000294, 2019-6 

(2)Xiong Jie#, Gao Shan#, Dui Wen, Yang Wentao, Chen Xiao, Taverna Sean D, Pearlman Ronald E, Ashlock Wendy, Miao Wei, Liu Yifan,Dissecting relative contributions of cis- and trans-determinants to nucleosome distribution by comparing Tetrahymena macronuclear and micronuclear chromatin., Nucleic Acids Research, 44(21), pp 10091-10105, 2016-12-1 

(3)Zhao Xiaolu#,Xiong Jie#, Mao Fengbiao#, Sheng Yalan, Chen Xiao, Feng Lifang, Dui Wen, Yang Wentao, Kapusta Aurelie, Feschotte Cedric, Robert S. Coyne, Wei Miao, Shan Gao and Yifan Liu,RNAi-dependent Polycomb repression controls transposable elements in Tetrahymena, Genes & Development, 2019. 

(4) Guangying Wang, Su Wang, Xiaocui Chai, Jing Zhang, Wentao Yang, Chuanqi Jiang, Kai Chen, Wei Miao*, Jie Xiong*, A strategy for complete telomere-to-telomere assembly of ciliate macronuclear genome using ultra-high coverage Nanopore data.Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal19 (2021): 1928-1932. 

(5)Wentao Yang, Jiang Chuanqi, Zhu Ying, Chen Kai, Wang Guangying, Yuan Dongxia, Miao Wei*,Xiong Jie*,Tetrahymena Comparative Genomics Database (TCGD): a community resource for Tetrahymena, Database, 2019, 2019 

(6) Wei, Wei, Chuanqi Jiang, Xiaocui Chai, Juyuan Zhang, Cheng-Cai Zhang, Wei Miao,Jie Xiong*. RNA Interference by Cyanobacterial Feeding Demonstrates the SCSG1 Gene Is Essential for Ciliogenesis during Oral Apparatus Regeneration inStentor.Microorganisms9, no. 1 (2021): 176. 

(7) Guangying Wang, Lu Fu, Jie Xiong*, Kazufumi Mochizuki, Yunxin Fu, and Wei Miao*. Identification and characterization of base-substitution mutations in the macronuclear genome of the ciliateTetrahymena thermophila.Genome biology and evolution13, no. 1 (2021): evaa232. 

(8) Jinming Wang, Kai Chen, Qiaoyun Ren, Ying Zhang, Junlong Liu, Guangying Wang, Aihong Liu, Youquan Li, Guangyuan Liu, Jianxun Luo, Wei Miao,Jie Xiong*, Hong Yin*, Guiquan Guan*. Systematic Comparison of the Performances of De Novo Genome Assemblers for Oxford Nanopore Technology Reads From Piroplasm. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology (2021): 653. 

(9) Jing Zhang, Kai Chen, Chuanqi Jiang, Wentao Yang, Siyu Gu, Guangying Wang, Yishan Lu, Wei Miao,Jie Xiong*. Bacteria-Derived Hemolysis-Related Genes Widely Exist in Scuticociliates.Microorganisms8, no. 11 (2020): 1838. 

(10) Wei, Wei, Chuanqi Jiang, Wentao Yang, Wei Miao, andJie Xiong*. Proteomic identification and expression of oral apparatus constituents in cell regeneration of giant ciliate Stentor coeruleus (strain WHEL).Gene743 (2020): 144624. 

(11) JinMei Feng, Chuan-Qi Jiang, Zong-Yi Sun, Cong-Jie Hua, Jian-Fan Wen, Wei Miao*,Jie Xiong*. Single-cell transcriptome sequencing of rumen ciliates provides insight into their molecular adaptations to the anaerobic and carbohydrate-rich rumen microenvironment.Molecular phylogenetics and evolution143 (2020): 106687. 

(12)Wei Wei, Kai Chen, Wei Miao, Wentao Yang*,Jie Xiong*,Pseudocohnilembus persalinus genome database - the first genome database of facultative scuticociliatosis pathogens, BMC Genomics, 19(1), pp 676, 2018-12 

(13)Ruanlin Wang, Miao, Wei, Wang, Wei,Jie Xiong*, Liang, Ai-hua*,EOGD: the Euplotes octocarinatus genome database, BMC Genomics, 19, pp 63, 2018-1-19 

(14)Weijie Mu, Wang, Qi, Bourland, William A, Jiang, Chuanqi, Yuan, Dongxia, Pan, Xuming, Miao, Wei, Chen, Ying*,Jie Xiong*,Epidermal growth factor-induced stimulation of proliferation and gene expression changes in the hypotrichous ciliate, Stylonychia lemnae, Gene, 592(1), pp 186-192, 2016-10-30 

(15)熊杰#,陈建平#,陈晓光#,陈瑛#,冯耀宇#,高凤#,高珊#,顾福康#,黄兵#,梁爱华#,龙红岸#,赖德华#,伦照荣#,缪炜#,倪兵#,邱子健#,邵晨#,汪建国#,文建凡#,徐奎栋#,余育和#,张龙现#,张西臣#,赵元莙#,宋微波,进展中的原生动物学研究:热点领域与新格局,中国科学:生命科学, 2019, 49 

(16)杨文涛,张晶,闫冠雄,田苗,袁冬霞,缪炜,曾宏辉*,熊杰*,四膜虫功能基因组数据库增量更新2016:生活史和减数分裂转录组及磷酸化蛋白组资源建设,基因组学与应用生物学, (06), pp 1443-1450, 25-6-2016 

(17)程俊,杨文涛,袁冬霞,缪炜,熊杰*,鲁义善*,一株养殖大菱鲆体表溶血性蜡状芽胞杆菌的分离鉴定及基因组分析,基因组学与应用生物学, (11), pp 3094-3104, 2016 

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  • 中国科学院藻类生物学重点实验室
  • 农业部淡水养殖病害防治重点实验室
  • 武汉白暨豚保护基金会
  • 湖北省海洋湖沼学会
  • 中国动物学会原生动物学分会
  • 中国动物学会斑马鱼分会
  • 湖北省暨武汉动物学会
  • 中国水产学会鱼病学专业委员会
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