论文标题: Protein Kinase Inhibitors as Potential Antimicrobial Drugs Against Tuberculosis, Malaria and HIV
作者: Cheng, Yong; Schorey, Jeffrey S.; Zhang, Cheng-Cai; Tan, Xuejuan
出版年份: 2017
卷/期: 29
DOI: 10.2174/1381612823666170612122429
论文摘要: Infectious diseases that are caused by pathogenic microbes such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi remain the top major cause of death across the world, particularly in low income countries, and may be transmitted from person to person, or from insects or animals. In general, infectious diseases may be treated with antimicrobial agents including antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal or antiparasitic medications. The therapeutic application of antimicrobial drugs in the 20th century substantially contributed to the global control of infectious diseases worldwide. However, pathogenic microbes have evolved various mechanisms to render the antimicrobial drugs less effective. This has resulted in an increasing number of people infected with pathogenic microbes that are resistant to antimicrobial drugs, and in some cases leading to untreatable infections. Therefore, new antimicrobial drugs are urgently needed to prevent possible recurrence and emergence of previously treatable infectious diseases. In the past decades, protein kinase inhibitors have become an attractive area in the development of novel antimicrobial drugs. In the current review, we will describe the recent efforts in the development of microbial and host protein kinase-targeting inhibitors as potential antimicrobial drugs against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.
== 实验室与学会 ==
  • == 实验室与学会 ==
  • 淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室
  • 中国科学院藻类生物学重点实验室
  • 农业部淡水养殖病害防治重点实验室
  • 武汉白暨豚保护基金会
  • 湖北省海洋湖沼学会
  • 中国动物学会原生动物学分会
  • 中国动物学会斑马鱼分会
  • 湖北省暨武汉动物学会
  • 中国水产学会鱼病学专业委员会
  • 中国鱼类学会
== 平台建设 ==
  • == 平台建设 ==
  • “一带一路”海域赤潮数据库
  • 国家水生生物种质资源库
  • 国家斑马鱼资源中心
  • 中国科学院淡水藻种库
  • 中国科学院武汉生命科学大型仪器区域中心
  • 湿地生态系统观测研究野外站联盟
  • 中国科学院水生生物研究所分析测试中心
  • 中国科学院超级计算武汉分中心
  • 水生生物博物馆
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  • 农业农村部
  • 科学技术部
  • 生态环境部
  • 国家自然科学基金委员会
  • 中国科学院武汉分院
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  • 湖北省生态环境厅
  • 湖北省农业农村厅