论文标题: Periphyton biofilm development and its role in nutrient cycling in paddy microcosms
作者: Su, Jing; Kang, Du; Xiang, Wu; Wu, Chenxi
出版日期: MAR
出版年份: 2017
卷/期: 3
DOI: 10.1007/s11368-016-1575-2
论文摘要: Periphyton exists commonly in paddy field but its characteristics and role in nutrient cycling are poorly understood. In this work, microcosm experiments were carried out for 6 weeks to study the development and succession of periphyton in paddy soil and to evaluate the roles of periphyton in N and P cycling in the rice paddy system. The development and role of periphyton was investigated using microcosms prepared from paddy soil from the field with and without fertilization. Nutrient levels in water, periphyton layer, and soil layers were monitored overtime. Total nitrogen (TN), ammonia, nitrate, total phosphorous (TP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), and pH were analyzed in water. Periphyton samples were analyzed for chlorophyll a, total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), TP, and P fractionation, and DNA was extracted for Hiseq sequencing. Upper and lower soil samples were only analyzed for TKN and TP. Development of periphyton was observed on the soil/water interface with or without the addition of fertilizer and caused an increase in water pH. In both treatments, nutrient levels declined rapidly overtime in the first few weeks but gradually slowed down toward the end of the experiment. Hiseq sequencing showed a considerable variation of microbial community in periphyton over time in both treatments. For algae, fertilization resulted in an increase in the relative abundance of Chlorophyta, but as nutrient became deficient Diatomea became dominant. For prokaryotes, Chloroflexi was dominated in the initial and former growth phases, while Cyanobacteria dominated the latter growth and mature phases regardless of nutrient levels. Periphyton can develop on the interface of soil and water in paddy system regardless of the nutrient status. Its microbial compositions can vary overtime and are related to the nutrient levels. Presence of periphyton accelerates the nutrient removal from overlaying water although the removal was rapid even without periphyton.
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  • 淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室
  • 中国科学院藻类生物学重点实验室
  • 农业部淡水养殖病害防治重点实验室
  • 武汉白暨豚保护基金会
  • 湖北省海洋湖沼学会
  • 中国动物学会原生动物学分会
  • 中国动物学会斑马鱼分会
  • 湖北省暨武汉动物学会
  • 中国水产学会鱼病学专业委员会
  • 中国鱼类学会
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  • “一带一路”海域赤潮数据库
  • 国家水生生物种质资源库
  • 国家斑马鱼资源中心
  • 中国科学院淡水藻种库
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  • 湿地生态系统观测研究野外站联盟
  • 中国科学院水生生物研究所分析测试中心
  • 中国科学院超级计算武汉分中心
  • 水生生物博物馆
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