论文标题: Dispersal syndromes mediate phylogenetic distance decay relationships in a dendritic stream network
作者: Ge, Yihao; Garcia-Giron, Jorge; Heino, Jani; Liu, Zhenyuan; Zhang, Chen; Yan, Yunzhi; Xie, Zhicai; Li, Zhengfei
出版日期: MAY
出版年份: 2023
DOI: 10.1111/jbi.14583
论文摘要: Aim: Understanding the mechanisms underlying the structure and connectivity of ecological communities is a central issue in biogeography. Dispersal syndromes are tightly woven into organisms' life history seen across populations and communities, but measuring dispersal is still complicated in practice. We investigated the role of dispersal syndromes (here, associated with body size, adult flying ability and voltinism) to predict phylogenetic distance decay relationships (DDRs) of aquatic insect assemblages in dendritic stream networks.Location: Du River Basin, China.Taxon: Aquatic insects (Coleoptera, Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Megaloptera, Odonata, Plecoptera and Trichoptera).Methods: We applied multiple methods (i.e. deconstruction approach, null models, Mantel tests and partial Mantel tests) to enhance our basic understanding of phylogenetic distance decay patterns. To provide additional insights into correlates of phylogenetic dissimilarity between stream sites, we modelled potential dispersal routes based on overland, watercourse and cost distances.Results: Overland distances were among the main correlates of phylogenetic distance decay in the stream networks studied, suggesting that aquatic insects disperse overland seeking for habitats suitable for survival and reproduction. However, local environmental filtering was generally more important for phylogenetic DDRs than geographical distances alone. The interaction between environmental vs. dispersal processes in driving spatial patterns of phylogenetic dissimilarity was contingent on different dispersal syndromes. More specifically, significant phylogenetic DDRs were detected only for subsets of large-bodied, univoltine taxa with strong adult flying abilities, such as dragonflies.Main Conclusions: Overall, historical constraints affect the phylogenetic DDRs in aquatic insects. Dispersal syndromes associated with body size, adult flying ability and voltinism are key features underlying distance decay in phylogenetic assemblage similarity and the evolutionary legacies of aquatic insects in dendritic stream networks.
== 实验室与学会 ==
  • == 实验室与学会 ==
  • 淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室
  • 中国科学院藻类生物学重点实验室
  • 农业部淡水养殖病害防治重点实验室
  • 武汉白暨豚保护基金会
  • 湖北省海洋湖沼学会
  • 中国动物学会原生动物学分会
  • 中国动物学会斑马鱼分会
  • 湖北省暨武汉动物学会
  • 中国水产学会鱼病学专业委员会
  • 中国鱼类学会
== 平台建设 ==
  • == 平台建设 ==
  • “一带一路”海域赤潮数据库
  • 国家水生生物种质资源库
  • 国家斑马鱼资源中心
  • 中国科学院淡水藻种库
  • 中国科学院武汉生命科学大型仪器区域中心
  • 湿地生态系统观测研究野外站联盟
  • 中国科学院水生生物研究所分析测试中心
  • 中国科学院超级计算武汉分中心
  • 水生生物博物馆
== 相关网站推荐 ==
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  • 中国科学院
  • 农业农村部
  • 科学技术部
  • 生态环境部
  • 国家自然科学基金委员会
  • 中国科学院武汉分院
  • 湖北省科学技术厅
  • 湖北省生态环境厅
  • 湖北省农业农村厅