论文标题: Conventional soil test phosphorus failed to accurately predict dissolved phosphorus release in agricultural hydromorphic soils in Brittany, Western France
作者: Gu, Sen; Couic, Ewan; Gruau, Gerard; Casquin, Antoine
出版日期: SEP
出版年份: 2023
DOI: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2023.e00689
论文摘要: Researches have proved that agricultural phosphorus (P) loss contributes significantly to surface water eutrophication. Various soil test P (STP) methods have been developed to assess the P loss risk from agricultural soils. In the intensively-cultivated Brittany region of Western France, hydromorphic soils in wetland domains exhibit high risks of leaching and transferring dissolved P -the most bio-available form of P -to surface waters. It remains unclear whether STP conventionally developed for well-drained soils can accurately predict the risk of dissolved P release from these hydromorphic soils. In this study, we measured the dissolved reactive P (DRP) concentrations in soil solutions sampled in situ from 26 hydromorphic soils in the Brittany region and examined their relationship with several STPs available on the corresponding soils, such as the degree of soil P saturation, the equilibrium soil P concentration, or the soil Olsen P, Dyer P, and water extractable P contents. DRP concentrations ranged from 0.01 to 0.310 mg P l- 1 (mean = 0.075 mg P l- 1), highlighting the potential of hydromorphic soils as hotspots for DRP release in agricultural landscapes. Correlations between DRP concentrations and STPs were relatively weak (0.09 < r2 < 0.64), indicating that conventional STPs are generally unable to accurately predict the DRP release risks in hydromorphic soils. Tentatively, Olsen P showed promises as a useful risk indicator, with a relatively high r2 value of 0.6 and wide inclusion in the current STP database, especially in the Brittany region. Nevertheless, this hypothesis requires further evaluation with additional data. This study confirms the high risk of dissolved P release from hydromorphic soils in agricultural wetland domains and emphasizes the need for developing specific risk assessment tools to these hydromorphic soils.
== 实验室与学会 ==
  • == 实验室与学会 ==
  • 淡水生态与生物技术国家重点实验室
  • 中国科学院藻类生物学重点实验室
  • 农业部淡水养殖病害防治重点实验室
  • 武汉白暨豚保护基金会
  • 湖北省海洋湖沼学会
  • 中国动物学会原生动物学分会
  • 中国动物学会斑马鱼分会
  • 湖北省暨武汉动物学会
  • 中国水产学会鱼病学专业委员会
  • 中国鱼类学会
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  • “一带一路”海域赤潮数据库
  • 国家水生生物种质资源库
  • 国家斑马鱼资源中心
  • 中国科学院淡水藻种库
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  • 湿地生态系统观测研究野外站联盟
  • 中国科学院水生生物研究所分析测试中心
  • 中国科学院超级计算武汉分中心
  • 水生生物博物馆
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