论文标题: An efficient approach to synthesize sterile allopolyploids through the combined reproduction mode of ameiotic oogenesis and sperm-egg fusion in the polyploid Carassius complex
作者: Lu, Meng; Zhang, Qin-Can; Zhu, Zi-Yu; Peng, Fang; Li, Zhi; Wang, Yang; Li, Xi -Yin; Wang, Zhong-Wei; Zhang, Xiao-Juan; Zhou, Li; Gui, Jian-Fang
出版日期: MAY 30
出版年份: 2023
DOI: 10.1016/j.scib.2023.04.029
论文摘要: The association between polyploidy and reproduction transition, which is an intriguing issue in evolutionary genetics, can also be exploited as an approach for genetic improvement in agriculture. Recently, we generated novel amphitriploids (NA3n) by integrating the genomes of the gynogenetic Carassius gibelio and sexual C. auratus, and found gynogenesis was recovered in most NA3n females (NA3nyI). Here, we discovered a unique reproduction mode, termed ameio-fusiongenesis, which combines the abilities of both ameiotic oogenesis and sperm-egg fusion, in a few NA3n females (NA3nyII). These females inherited ameiotic oogenesis to produce unreduced eggs from gynogenetic C. gibelio and sperm-egg fusion from sexual C. auratus. Subsequently, we utilized this unique reproduction mode to generate a group of synthetic alloheptaploids by crossing NA3nyII with Megalobrama amblycephala. They contained all chromosomes of maternal NA3nyII and a chromosomal set of paternal M. amblycephala. Intergenomic chromosome translocations between NA3nyII and M. amblycephala were also observed in a few somatic cells. Primary oocytes of the alloheptaploid underwent severe apoptosis owing to incomplete double-strand break repair at prophase I. Although spermatocytes displayed similar chromosome behavior at prophase I, they underwent apoptosis due to chromosome separation failure at metaphase I. Therefore, the alloheptaploid females and males were all sterile. Finally, we established a sustainable clone for the large-scale production of NA3nyII and developed an efficient approach to synthesize diverse allopolyploids containing genomes of different cyprinid species. These findings not only broaden our understanding of reproduction transition but also offer a practical strategy for polyploidy breeding and heterosis fixing.& COPY; 2023 Science China Press. Published by Elsevier B.V. and Science China Press. All rights reserved.
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