报告专家:Prof. Tony J. Pitcher University of British Columbia
报告题目:Some uncertainties in enhancing capture fisheries production
时间:2015年11月17日 星期二 上午9:30
M.A., D.Phil., (Oxford), 1971; B.A., Zoology, (Oxford), 1966
Current Appointments
?Professor of Fisheries, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (from 1993)
?Founding Editor, Fish and Fisheries, quarterly journal, Blackwell, Oxford (from 2000)
?Series Editor, Fish Biology & Aquatic Resources Series, Blackwell, Oxford (from 1998)
?Faculty Associate, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, UBC (from 2005)
?Member, Haida Gwaii Marine Advisory Committee (from 2011)
?Advisory Board, Dept. of Oceanography, University of the Azores (from 2012)
?The Beverton Medal 2003: The Fisheries Society of British Isles, for lifetime contributions to the field.
?Distinguished Service Award 2005: American Fisheries Society, for role as Programme Chair of the 4th World Fisheries Congress, 2004.
?Distinguished Scholar-In-Residence 2008: Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, UBC
?Honorary Lifetime Member 2009: The Fisheries Society of British Isles, for distinction in the field.
Career Achievements
?Multidisciplinary research in a wide range of fisheries fields producing over 470 publications including 16 books, and 38 PhDs from 17 nations; with total citations in about 11,850.
?Founded two new international journals for synthesis in fish and fisheries: 1) Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries (1989-1999), and was listed by ISI as having the highest impact factor in all journals (1999 value 4.5) in the fish and fisheries field.2) Fish and Fisheries (from 2000), also now has the highest influence rating and the highest impact factor in its field (8.258 in 2014).
?Founding Director, UBC Fisheries Centre for 10 years, now recognized as one of the world leaders in its field.
?Authored well-regarded textbooks on fisheries ecology and fish behaviour.
?Set up and ran an international Masters course in fisheries, now with influential alumni and managed international fisheries development and assessment projects.
报告专家: Dr. Mimi E. Lam
报告题目:The Role of Ecology in Achieving Global Food Security
Dr Mimi E Lam is a Research Associate in the UBC Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries and Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences. She is also an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of New Mexico. She researches the human dimensions of fisheries and aquaculture to promote more sustainable and just management, policy and governance of marine resources. Dr Lam was elected to serve as Member-at-Large of the Ecological Society of America from 2011-2013 and currently serves on the Gwaii Haanas Advisory Committee in Haida Gwaii, Canada to help develop an ambitious integrated land-sea-people plan. In May 2015, she was invited to give a plenary presentation on “Seafood Ethics: Implications for Marine Resource Sustainability and Governance” at the 5th Brazilian Congress of Marine Biology and last month was invited to join the editorial board of the new international Food Ethics journal. Notably, Dr Lam has signed a contract with Wiley-Blackwell to produce a multi-authored monograph on Seafood Ethics by 2018.