

  17thInternational Symposium on River and Lake Environment (17thISRLE) and the 3rdInternational Symposium on Aquatic Botany (3rdISAB)

  The Steering Committee of the 17th ISRLE and Ritsumeikan University are delighted to invite you to the 17th International Symposium on River and Lake Environment (17th ISRLE) and the 3rd International Symposium on Aquatic Botany (3rd ISAB) to be held during 26–29 March, 2017 in BiwakoKusatsu Campus of Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan. The event is a continuation of the previous successful 16th ISRLE in Chuncheon, South Korea during 24 – 27 August, 2014. The topics in various fields of freshwater science and related fields will e exchanged in the symposium. Please make a preliminary registration described below and distribute this announcement to your colleagues and friends.


  26 (SUN) – 29 (WED) March, 2017


  BiwakoKusatsu Campus of RitsumeikanUniversity

  (Address:1-1-1, Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan)

  Ritsumeikan Univ. BKC Access-Map


  (1) Ecology and biology of freshwater biota

  (2) Biogeochemical cycling and water chemistry

  (3) Food web dynamics

  (4) Predictive modeling and ecological informatics

  (5) Ecotoxicology and risk control

  (6) Biotechnology and environmental application

  (7) Restoration of lake (reservoirs) and rivers

  (8) Ecosystem health, management and conservation

  (9) Modeling and monitoring in river and lake

  (10) Water security and watershed management

  (11) Water supply and wastewater treatment

  (12) Water reuse and reclamation

  (13) Industrial ecology and sustainability science

  (14) Other aspects of aquatic science and engineering


  September 30, 2016 Preliminary registration

  December 23, 2016 Abstract submission

  March 26, 2017 Registration

  March 27-28, 2017 Scientific sessions

  March 29, 2017 Technical tour *Please note that the fee is optional

  Contact Address

  Main Contact: isrle2017(at)gmail.com *Please replace (at) with @.


  All presentations and papers will be in English.

  Preliminaty Registration

  Please answer the questionnaire to help with predicting the number of participants and organizing sessions. If you are considering to attend this symposium, you can copy the following lines and send the answer to isrle2017@gmail.com by email or use “Preliminary Registration form” on our webpage by the end of September, 2016.


  First Name:

  Family Name:

  -Affiliation and Address?

  -Email address?

  -I am planning to give a presentation? Yes ( ) No ( )

  -I am planning to join the technical tour? Yes ( ) No ( )

  -I want to present in oral session ( ) or poster session ( )

  -My presentation topic will be about ( )

  -I want to moderate a session with the topic of ( )


