时间:2016年9月28日 星期三 上午10:00 -11:00
地点:1号实验楼 8楼学术报告厅
报告专家:Prof. Wolfgang Maria Mooij, Senior scientist, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Professor, Aquatic Food web Ecology, Wageningen University
报告题目:Spatial-temporal modeling of aquatic ecosystems
Wolfgang Maria Mooij studied Biology in University of Amsterdam, and received his Ph. D. from Limnological Institute. He is a member of the advisory board of Limnologica, handling editor of Oecologia, associate editor of The American Naturalist and subject matter editor of Ecosystems. During his Ph.D. project on fish recruitment in eutrophic lakes, he became interested in modeling animal communities. Since 1992, when he joined the Department of Food Web Studies as a senior scientist, he focused on modeling trophic interactions within freshwater communities from an individual perspective. For this purpose, he developed a modeling framework work for individual-based simulations, OSIRIS, which is now applied in many NIOO-KNAW research projects. These OSIRIS applications range from abstract evolutionary prey-predator models to management-oriented bio-conservation studies. His current main research interests are: 1) From understanding to prediction in ecology; 2) Food web modeling of aquatic ecosystems in relation to anthropogenic stress on a local and a global scale; 3) Database Approach To Modeling (DATM). His career research interests are: 1)Ecological modeling of consumer-resource interactions; 2) Individual-based modeling of populations and communities.
时间:2016年9月28日 星期三 上午11:00 -12:00
地点:1号实验楼 8楼学术报告厅
报告专家:Jan H. Janse, Researcher, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Netherlands Institute of Ecology
报告题目:A model framework to link biodiversity and ecosystem services of lakes and wetlands to global hydrology and land-use
Jan H. Janse studied biology and environmental sciences at Utrecht University and worked at Wageningen University, the National Institute for Nature Management, a regional water board, the National Institute of the Environment and now the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), a government institute working at the science-policy interface. He is also affiliated to the Netherlands Institute of Ecology. He has a long experience in eutrophication studies including comparative studies and modeling. He developed the ecological models PCLake (lakes) and PCDitch (for ditches) and graduated on this topic at Wageningen University (supervisors, prof. Lijklema and prof. Scheffer). The PCLake model is now widely used in the Netherlands and abroad. Dr. Janse participated in several national research and applied projects on ecological assessment and lake management. He has been a member of the Board of the Netherlands-Flemish Society of Aquatic Ecology (now Neth.-Flemish Soc. of Ecology). He is now involved as aquatic ecologist in the international biodiversity programme of PBL contributing to the GLOBIO model on biodiversity and ecosystem services. He is much interested in integration of different methods and ecological indicators.