

  时间:2016年10月26日 星期三 上午10:00

  地点:1号实验楼 8楼学术报告厅

  报告专家:Dr. Anthony Bishopp 英国诺丁汉大学

  报告题目:Experimental and theoretical approaches to understanding how auxin and cytokinin interact to control root vascular patterning


  Anthony's research addresses two main themes: how pattern is specified within vascular tissues and how hormonal signalling pathways integrate to regulate plant development. Current research themes include:

  ?generating mathematical models of vascular patterning and auxin distribution in roots

  ?understanding how vascular pattern is set de-novo in newly emerging roots

  ?identifying new mechanisms through which the hormones auxin and cytokinin interact

  ?understanding the mechanism that provides specificity in auxin response


  A central question in developmental biology is how multicellular organisms are a patterned, so that a seemingly homogenous initial population of cells can give rise to the complex patterns of differentiated cells observed. We use the patterning of root vascular tissues (xylem and phloem) as a model for pattern formation in plants. The xylem and phloem form a vital transport network and it is essential that these cells differentiate in the correct position to form a single continuous network connecting organs.

  This process is controlled by the asymmetric distribution of the hormones auxin and cytokinin and the mutually inhibitory interaction between them. High auxin response in the central axis promotes xylem formation, whereas high cytokinin response flanking this promotes procambium/phloem cell identity. The two pathways interact via the auxin induced cytokinin signalling inhibitor AHP6, and via cytokinin-mediated control of PIN expression/localization. In this talk, both experimental and theoretical approaches will be taken to understand how these two hormones interact to determine pattern in both Arabidopsis and rice roots.


  KUEMPERS, BRITTA M. C. and BISHOPP, ANTHONY, 2015. Plant Grafting: Making the Right Connections CURRENT BIOLOGY. 25(10), R411-R413

  BISHOPP, ANTHONY and LYNCH, JONATHAN P., 2015. The hidden half of crop yields NATURE PLANTS. 1(8), 117

  SCHALLER, G. ERIC, BISHOPP, ANTHONY and KIEBER, JOSEPH J., 2015. The Yin-Yang of Hormones: Cytokinin and Auxin Interactions in Plant Development PLANT CELL. 27(1), 44-63

  MELLOR, NATHAN and BISHOPP, ANTHONY, 2014. The innermost secrets of root development SCIENCE. 345, 622-623

  FONSECA, SANDRA, ROSADO, ABEL, VAUGHAN-HIRSCH, JOHN, BISHOPP, ANTHONY and CHINI, ANDREA, 2014. Molecular locks and keys: the role of small molecules in phytohormone research FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE. 5,

  MOREIRA, S., BISHOPP, A., CARVALHO, H. and CAMPILHO, A., 2013. AHP6 inhibits cytokinin signaling to regulate the orientation of pericycle cell division during lateral root initiation PLoS ONE. 8(2), e56370

  MURARO D, MELLOR N, POUND MP, HELP H, LUCAS M, CHOPARD J, BYRNE HM, GODIN C, HODGMAN TC, KING JR, PRIDMORE TP, HELARIUTTA Y, BENNETT MJ and BISHOPP A, 2013. Integration of hormonal signaling networks and mobile microRNAs is required for vascular patterning in Arabidopsis roots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111(2), 857-862

  BESNARD F, REFAHI Y, MORIN V, MARTEAUX B, BRUNOUD G, CHAMBRIER P, ROZIER F, MIRABET V, LEGRAND J, LAINé S, THéVENON E, FARCOT E, CELLIER C, DAS P, BISHOPP A, DUMAS R, PARCY F, HELARIUTTA Y, BOUDAOUD A, GODIN C, TRAAS J, GUéDON Y and VERNOUX T, 2014. Cytokinin signalling inhibitory fields provide robustness to phyllotaxis. Nature. 505:417-421

  WILSON M, GOH T, VO? U, BISHOPP A, PéRET B and BENNETT M, 2013. SnapShot: Root development. Cell. 155(5), 1190-1190.e1

  PéRET B, MIDDLETON AM, FRENCH AP, LARRIEU A, BISHOPP A, NJO M, WELLS DM, PORCO S, MELLOR N, BAND LR, CASIMIRO I, KLEINE-VEHN J, VANNESTE S, SAIRANEN I, MALLET R, SANDBERG G, LJUNG K, BEECKMAN T, BENKOVA E, FRIML J, KRAMER E, KING JR, DE SMET I, PRIDMORE T, OWEN M and BENNETT MJ, 2013. Sequential induction of auxin efflux and influx carriers regulates lateral root emergence. Molecular systems biology. 9, 699

