时间:2017年11月6日 星期一 上午10:00
报告专家1:Dr. Jesse Trushenski 美国渔业学会
报告题目:Emerging information about fatty acid requirements in fish
Dr. Jesse Trushenski 于2006年在南伊利诺伊大学(Southern Illinois University Carbondale)获得博士学位,2008-2015年在南伊利诺伊大学任副教授一职;2015年至今,任爱德华州渔业局鱼病研究室主任,并负责该州鱼病方面的管理和科研;2017年,Dr. Jesse Trushenski为美国渔业学会的当选主席(President-elect, American Fisheries Society)。
Aquaculture feeds and feeding practices; lipid nutrition in the context of production performance, product quality, and physiology of livestock; alternative feedstuff development; antioxidants and other micronutrients as immunopotentiators for aquatic species; initiation, recovery, and long-term consequences of stress responses; gamete quality; sedation of fishes, safety and effectiveness of aquatic animal drugs.
1.Trushenski, J.T. 2015. Nutritional impacts on fish mucosa: dietary considerations. Pages 199-209 in Mucosal Health in Aquaculture.Beck, B.H. and E. Peatman, editors.Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
2.Trushenski, J.T., H.L. Blankenship, J.D. Bowker, T.A. Flagg, J.A. Hesse, K.M. Leber, D.D. MacKinlay, D.J. Maynard, C.M. Moffitt, V.A. Mudrak, K.T. Scribner, S.F. Stuewe, J.A. Sweka, G.E. Whelan, C. Young-Dubovsky. 2015. Introduction to the HaMAR symposium: considerations for use of hatcheries and hatchery-origin fish. North American Journal of Aquaculture 77:327-342.
3.Trushenski, J.T., J.D. Bowker, S.J. Cooke, D. Erdahl, T. Bell, J.R. MacMillan, R.P. Yanong, J.E. Hill, M.C. Fabrizio, J.E. Garvey, and S. Sharon. 2013. Issues regarding the use of sedatives in fisheries and the need for immediate-release options. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:156-170.
4.Trushenski, J.T., and J.C. Bowzer. 2012. Having Your Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Eating Them, Too: Strategies to Ensure and Improve the Long-chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Content of Farm-raised Fish.Pages 319-340 in Sustainable Long Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Cardiovascular and Mental Health.De Meester, F., R.R. Watson, and S. Zibadi, editors.Springer, New York, NY.
5.Trushenski, J., M. Schwarz, A. Bergman, A. Rombenso, and B. Delbos. 2012. DHA is essential, EPA appears largely expendable, in meeting the n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid requirements of juvenile cobia Rachycentroncanadum. Aquaculture 326–329:81–89.
6.Trushenski, J.T., J. Rosenquist, and B.R. Gause. 2011. Growth performance, tissue fatty acid composition, and consumer appeal of rainbow trout reared on feeds containing terrestrially derived rendered fats. North American Journal of Aquaculture 73:468-478.
7.Lewis, H.A., J.T. Trushenski, R.L. Lane, and C.C. Kohler. 2011. Differential incorporation of dietary fatty acids from flax and fish oils into lipid classes of white bass ova. North American Journal of Aquaculture 73:212-220.
报告专家2:James Bowker 美国鱼类和野生动物局
报告题目:Legal and judicious use of fish medicines in U.S. aquaculture and fisheries management
James Bowker 于1991年在东密歇根大学(Eastern Michigan University) 获得硕士学位;自1984年起在美国鱼类与野生动物局(U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service)工作,2011-2013年担任美国渔业学会的鱼类养殖分会主席,现任该局水产药物管理的负责人和资深研究人员。
Oversee Service-wide scientific endeavors supporting aquatic animal drug approvals, including coordination and conduct of research activities related to a broad range of products needed by aquatic resource managers and researchers, including sedatives (to facilitate fish handling), marking agents (to facilitate fish identification), therapeutants (to treat infected/infested fish), and hormonal treatments (to aid spawning or facilitate gender manipulation in fish).
1.Bowker, J. D., J. T. Trushenski, N. Wandelear, and M. P. Bowman. 2017. Safety of AQUI-S20E (10% Eugenol) as a Sedative for Freshwater Fish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146:384-394
2.Trushenski, J. T., J. C. Bowzer, A. M. Bergman, and J. D. Bowker. 2015. Developing Rested Harvest Strategies for Rainbow Trout. North American Journal of Aquaculture 79:36-52.
3.Bowker, J. D., D. G. Carty, J. T. Trushenski, D. C. Glover, and M. P. Bowman. 2015. Considerations for Consistently Applying Flow-through Chloramine-T Treatments to Hatchery Raceways. North American Journal of Aquaculture 77:524-531.
4.Bowker, J. D. 2015. Mythbusters: What’s real and what’s not when it comes to fish drugs. North American Journal of Aquaculture 77:358-366.
5.Trushenski, J.T., H.L. Blankenship, J.D. Bowker, T.A. Flagg, J.A. Hesse, K.M. Leber, D.D. MacKinlay, D.J. Maynard, C.M. Moffitt, V.A. Mudrak, K.T. Scribner, S.F. Stuewe, J.A. Sweka, G.E. Whelan, C. Young-Dubovsky. 2015. Introduction to the HaMAR symposium: considerations for use of hatcheries and hatchery-origin fish. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 77:327-342.
6.Bowker, J. D., J. T. Trushenski, D. C. Glover, D. G. Carty, and N. Wandelear. 2014. Sedative options for fisheries: a brief review with new data on sedation of warm, cool, and coldwater fishes. Reviews in Fishery Biology Review DOI 10.1007/s11160-014-9374-6.