

  时间:2018年6月26日 星期二 上午10:30

  地点:3号实验楼 2楼学术报告厅

  报告专家:Prof. Susan Golden University of California, San Diego

  报告题目:How Cyanobacteria Tell Time


  Director, Center for Circadian Biology; HHMI Professor; Chancellor's Associates Chair (III) in Molecular Biology; Member of the Faculty of 1000 Biology, Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology and Member of the National Academy of Sciences.

  Susan Golden received a Ph.D. (1983) in Genetics from the University of Missouri. After postdoctoral research at the University of Chicago, she joined the faculty of Biology at Texas A&M University (1986), where she was promoted to Distinguished Professor in 2003. She joined the Division of Biological Sciences at UCSD in 2008. In the early 1990s she began a collaborative project with C.H. Johnson (Vanderbilt University) and T. Kondo (Nagoya University) that demonstrated circadian rhythms of gene expression in S. elongatus, which is currently the only model organism for a prokaryotic circadian clock. The molecular basis of timekeeping in S. elongatus is now a major focus of her lab.


  1. Rubin, B.E., Huynh, T. N., Welkie, D. G., Diamond, S., Simkovsky, R., Pierce, E. C., Taton, A., Lowe, L. C., Lee, J. J., Rifkin, S. A., Woodward, J. J., and Golden, S.S. (2018) High-throughput interaction screens illuminate the role of c-di-AMP in cyanobacterial nighttime survival. PLoS Genet 14: e1007301.

  2. Rubin, B.E., Wetmore, K. M., Price, M. N., Diamond, S., Shultzaberger, R. K., Lowe, L. C., Curtin, G., Arkin, A. P., Deutschbauer, A., and Golden, S.S. (2015) The essential gene set of a photosynthetic organism. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112: E6634-43.

  3. Cohen, S.E., Erb, M. L., Selimkhanov, J., Dong, G., Hasty, J., Pogliano, J., and Golden, S.S. (2014) Dynamic localization of the cyanobacterial circadian clock proteins. Curr Biol 24: 1836-1844.

  4. Dong, G., Yang, Q., Wang, Q., Kim, Y. I., Wood, T. L., Osteryoung, K. W., van Oudenaarden, A., and Golden, S.S. (2010) Elevated ATPase activity of KaiC applies a circadian checkpoint on cell division in Synechococcus elongatus. Cell 140: 529-539.

  5. Ivleva, N.B., Gao, T., LiWang, A. C., and Golden, S.S. (2006) Quinone sensing by the circadian input kinase of the cyanobacterial circadian clock. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103: 17468-17473.

  6. Kondo, T., Mori, T., Lebedeva, N. V., Aoki, S., Ishiura, M., and Golden, S.S. (1997) Circadian rhythms in rapidly dividing cyanobacteria. Science 275: 224-227.

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