

  时间:2018年8月27日 星期一 上午9:00

  地点:3号实验楼 2楼学术报告厅

  报告专家1:Prof. Martin J. Kainz, Inter-university Center for Aquatic Ecosystem Research, WasserCluster – Biologische Station Lunz

  报告题目:Advances in aquatic trophic ecology - the use of lipid biomarkers


  Martin J. Kainz leads the 'Aquatic Lipid and Ecotoxicology Research Group (LIPTOX)’ at the Inter-university Center for Aquatic Ecosystem Research, WasserCluster – Biologische Station Lunz. He obtained his M.A. degree from the University of Vienna, Austria in 1995 and his PhD from the Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada in 2002. From 2002-2006, he did his post-doctoral research at the Department of Biology, University of Victoria, BC, and at the National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada.

  His research expertise and current interests lie on aquatic food web ecology, lipids in aquatic ecosystems, aquatic ecotoxicology, Chemical tracers/biomarkers, and sustainable fisheries research. Since 2007, as the LIPTOX leader, he has gained 24 research supports from European Union, Austrian Science Fund (FWF), etc. So far, he has published more than 70 papers in top-tier journals such as PNAS, Environmental Science & Technology, Functional Ecology, Freshwater Biology, Limnology and Oceanography. He also serves as an editor for the journal 'Advances in Oceanography and Limnology’ and 'Inland Waters’, and is currently vice-president of the International Society for Limnology (SIL).


  Kainz, M. J., Hager, H. H., Rasconi, S. Kahilainen, K. K., Amundsen, P. A., Hayden, B. (2017): A stable isotope and fatty acid based assessment of food web structure after pike (Esox lucius) introduction in pre-alpine Lake Lunz, Austria. Ecosphere 8/4: e01753. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.1753.

  Kainz, M. J. and Fisk, A. (2009): Integrating lipids and contaminants in aquatic ecology and ecotoxicology. In: Lipids in Aquatic Ecosystems. Springer Verlag, New York. 93-113.

  Kainz, M. and Mazumder, A. (2005): Effect of algal and bacterial diet on methyl mercury concentrations in zooplankton. Environ. Sci. Techn. 39: 1666-1672.

  Kainz, M., Arts, M. T., and Mazumder, A. (2004): Essential fatty acids in the planktonic food web and their ecological role for higher trophic levels. Limnol. Oceanogr. 49: 1784-1793.

  Guo, F., Kainz, M. J., Sheldon, F., Bunn, S. E. (2016): The importance of high quality algal food sources in stream food webs – current status and future perspectives. Freshw. Biol., 61: 815-831; doi:10.1111/fwb.12755.

  Brett, M. T., Kainz. M. J., Taipale, S., and Seshan, H. (2009): Phytoplankton, not allochthonous carbon, sustains herbivorous zooplankton production. PNAS 106: 21197-21201.

  报告专家2:Prof. Robert M. Hughes, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, United States

  报告题目:Bioassessment in Water Resources Management


  Dr. Hughes received his Ph.D. in Fisheries from Oregon State University and his M.Sc. in Resource Planning & Conservation and A.B. in Psychology & Biology from the University of Michigan. For 32 years, he contracted research with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, focusing on regional and national aquatic ecosystem studies and assessments. Bob currently works part-time for Amnis Opes Institute, focusing on biological assessments of streams, lakes, and rivers in Europe, Brazil, and China. Hughes is a Past-President of the American Fisheries Society (AFS, 2013-2014), the AFS International Fisheries Section (2015-2016), AFS Western Division (2006-2007), AFS Water Quality Section (1999-2001), and AFS Oregon Chapter (1994-1995). He is an AFS and Society for Freshwater Science Fellow, Oregon AFS Lifetime Achievement Awardee (2017), AFS Life Membership Awardee (2014), Best Paper Awardee Lake and Reservoir Management (2014), AFS Distinguished Service Awardee (2013), Oregon AFS Fisheries Worker of the Year Awardee (2011), Fulbright Scholar (2010, 2007), AFS Western Division Special Recognition Awardee (2010), and Best Paper Awardee Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (2008). He has authored or coauthored 200 peer reviewed publications and given 71 invited international presentations on 5 continents in 15 nations. Hughes is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Benthological Society of Asia(2014-2018) and chairs the Advisory Committee of the FLUVIO River Restoration and Management Program at the Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal (2014-2018). He was a member of the Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team of the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board(2004-2016), chaired the Science & Policy Committee of the North American Benthological Society (2002-2011), and has served on the committees of 19 graduate students at 13 universities of 5 nations. His hobbies are alpine skiing, whitewater kayaking, fishing, hiking, backpacking, gardening, and soccer refereeing.


  Anthropogenic disturbances have resulted in declines of freshwater biodiversity globally, especially since the agricultural and industrial revolutions--both driven by human population and economic growth. In recent decades, bioassessments have been increasingly employed because of their usefulness in depicting biological responses to multiple local stressors and catchment-scale pressures, as well as their meaningfulness to the concerned public and managers. Those bioassessments have been implemented at site, river or lake, basin, ecoregion, state or province, and national or continental scales. At least six key components are needed for rigorous bioassessments: 1) a probability or before-after-control-impact study design; 2) meaningful or minimally disturbed reference sites; 3) standard sampling methods; 4) quantitative and ecologically meaningful indicators; 5) linkages between the biological indicators and pertinent stressors and pressures; and 6) easily understandable reporting of results. In this talk, I will use various bioassessments from different continents to present examples of these components. Then I will outline major bioassessment research gaps and scientific shortcomings.


  Brito, J.G., R.T. Martins, V.C. Oliveira, N. Hamada, J.L. Nessimian, R.M. Hughes, S.F.B. Ferraz, and F.R. de Paula. 2018. Biological indicators of diversity in tropical streams: congruence in the similarity of invertebrate assemblages. Ecological Indicators 85:85-92.

  Fierro, P., I. Arismendi, R.M. Hughes, C. Valdovinos, and A. Jara-Flores. 2018. A benthic macroinvertebrate multimetric index for Chilean Mediterranean streams. Ecological Indicators 91:13-23.

    Leitao, R.P., J. Zuanon, D. Mouillot, C.G. Leal, R.M. Hughes, P.R. Kaufmann, S. Villéger, P.S. Pompeu, D. Kasper, F.R. de Paula, S.F.B. Ferraz, and T. Gardner. 2018. Disentangling the pathways of land use impacts on the functional structure of fish assemblages in Amazon streams. Ecography 41:219-232.

  Martins, I., R. Ligeiro, R.M. Hughes, D.R. Macedo, and M. Callisto. 2018. Regionalization is key to establish reference conditions for neotropical savanna streams. Marine & Freshwater Research 69:82-94.

  Silva, D., A.T. Herlihy, R.M. Hughes, D.R. Macedo, and M. Callisto. 2018. Assessing the extent and relative risk of aquatic stressors on stream macroinvertebrate assemblages in the neotropical savanna. Science of the Total Environment 633:179-188.

  Chen, Y., C. Guo, S. Ye, F. Cheng, H. Zhang, L. Wang, and R.M. Hughes. 2017. Construction: limit China’s sand mining. Nature 550:457.

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