时间:2018年10月19日 星期五 上午10:00
报告专家:Akihiko Terada 教授 日本国立东京农工大学
报告题目:Enrichment, physiology and application of nitrous oxide-reducing bacteria towards the mitigation in engineered systems for nitrogen removal
Akihiko Terada教授是日本早稻田大学博士,丹麦科技大学博士后,现为日本国立东京农工大学教授。主要研究方向为环境微生物工程,微生物生态及膜生物反应器等方面。学术任职于国际水协会,国际微生物生态学会,日本微生物生态学会,生物学会,日本水环境学会,化学工学会等学会的会员与骨干成员等。迄今在 Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, Chemical Engineering Journal, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Environmental Microbiology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology等国际知名学术刊物上发表SCI论文100多篇,专著6部,专利6项。近五年来国际受邀学术报告约20次,受赏15次。2010年以来主持科研经费26项。具有广泛的国际交流和国际合作经验,多次作为国际学术会议的学术委员和组织委员等。Terada教授是Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan编辑,Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy和Journal of Water and Environment Technology的副主编,同时也是 Frontiers in Microbiology, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Sustainable Environment Research和 Microbial Biotechnology等杂志的编委。
Nitrous oxide (N2O), known as a highly potent greenhouse and serious ozone-depleting gas, is emitted from natural environments, agricultural croplands, and engineered systems. Due to the advancement of cost-effective nitrogen removal technologies for wastewater treatment, the emission of N2O has been, on the contrary, increasing, requiring its mitigation. Exploration, understanding and application of N2O-reducing bacteria entail, therefore, intensive studies. We have herewith identified, enriched, and isolated highly active N2O-reducing bacteria. The genera Dechloromonas and Azospira were enriched in a biofilm-based bioreactor feeding N2O and organic carbon as an electron acceptor and donor, respectively. The isolates affiliated with these genera harbor functional genes responsible for denitrification, identified as canonical denitrifying bacteria. These isolate hold high N2O reduction activity with the high affinity. More importantly, the isolates, Azospira sp. strains I09 and I13, have unique physiological trains for high oxygen tolerance and fast recovery of N2O reduction after oxygen exposure. The immobilization of Azospira sp. strain I13 consolidates these traits, which can be applied to a nitrogen-removing wastewater treatment process for mitigation of N2O emission. Ongoing challenges and future perspectives will be also introduced.