

  时间:2018年12月4日 星期二 上午10:00


  报告专家:Prof. Xiaobing Shi, Center for Epigenetics, Van Andel Research Institute

  报告题目:Reading the Histone Code


  Dr. Xiaobing Shi is an expert in cancer epigenetics and a professor in the Center for Epigenetics at Van Andel Research Institute. He earned a B.S. in biology from Wuhan University followed by a Ph.D. in biology from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, both with honors. He subsequently completed postdoctoral fellowships in the labs of Drs. Arthur Kornberg and Or Gozani at Stanford University before accepting a faculty position at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, where he most recently served as Professor and Co-Director of the Center for Cancer Epigenetics.

  Prof. Shi’s research interests are to understand the molecular mechanisms by which posttranslational modification of histones regulate chromatin and transcription and how dysregulation of the homeostasis of histone modifications leads to cancer. His work has led to the discovery of several new readers of histone posttranslational modifications, particularly in acetylation and methylation, and elucidated their impact on cancer development. He is the recipient of several prestigious awards, including a Career Development Award from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, a Research Scholar Award from the American Cancer Society, a Kimmel Scholar Award from the Sidney Kimmel Foundation, and an inaugural R. Lee Clark Fellow from UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.


  Wan L, Wen H, Li Y, Lyu J, Xi Y, Hoshii T, Joseph JK, Wang X, Loh YE, Erb MA, Souza AL, Bradner JE, Shen L, Li W, Li H, Allis CD*, Armstrong SA*, Shi X*. (2017) ENL links histone acetylation to oncogenic gene expression in acute myeloid leukaemia. Nature. 543(7644):265-269. doi: 10.1038/nature21687.

  Zhang X, Peng D, Xi Y, Yuan C, Sagum CA, Klein BJ, Tanaka K, Wen H, Kutateladze TG, Li W, Bedford MT, Shi X. (2016) G9a-mediated methylation of ERα links the PHF20/MOF histone acetyltransferase complex to hormonal gene expression. Nat Commun. 2016 (7):10810. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10810.

  Li Y, Wen H, Xi Y, Tanaka K, Wang H, Peng D, Ren Y, Jin Q, Li W, Li H*, Shi X*. (2014) AF9 YEATS domain links histone acetylation to DOT1L-mediated H3K79 methylation. Cell. 159(3):558-71. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.09.049. PubMed PMID: 25417107.

  Wen H, Li Y, Xi Y, Jiang S, Stratton S, Peng D, Tanaka K, Ren Y, Xia Z, Li B, Barton MC, Li W, Li H*, Shi X*. (2014) ZMYND11 links histone H3.3K36me3 to transcription elongation and tumour suppression. Nature. 508(7495):263-8. doi: 10.1038/nature13045.

  Zhang X, Tanaka K, Yan J, Li J, Peng D, Jiang Y, Yang Z, Barton MC, Wen H, Shi X. (2013) Regulation of estrogen receptor α by histone methyltransferase SMYD2-mediated protein methylation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(43):17284-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1307959110.

  Shi X, Kachirskaia I, Yamaguchi H, West LE, Wen H, Wang EW, Dutta S, Appella E, Gozani O. (2007) Modulation of p53 function by SET8-mediated methylation at lysine 382. Mol Cell. 27(4):636-46.

  Shi X, Hong T, Walter KL, Ewalt M, Michishita E, Hung T, Carney D, Pena P. Lan F, Kaadige MR, Lacoste N, Cayrou C, Davrazou F, Saha A, Cairns BR, Ayer DE, Kutateladze TG, Shi Y, Cote J, Chua KF, Gozani O. (2006) ING2 PHD domain links histone H3 lysine 4 methylation to active gene repression. Nature. 442(7098):96-9.

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