

  时间:2019年8月27日 星期二 下午3:30


  报告专家:Prof. Kazufumi Mochizuki, Institute of Human Genetics (IGH), Montpellier, France

  报告题目:Small RNA-directed DNA elimination in Tetrahymena


  Dr. Mochizuki is now the group leader of Epigenetic Chromatin Regulation, Institute of Human Genetics (IGH), Montpellier, France. He earned a B. Eng. and a M. Eng. from Tokyo Institute of Technology followed by a Ph.D. from The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Genetics, Japan from 2000-2001 and at the University of Rochester, USA from 2001-2005. He served as the group leader at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (IMBA), Vienna, Austria from 2006-2016. Using the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena as a model, his group aims to understand: how cells accumulate small RNAs specifically from TE-related sequences; how cells use those small RNAs to identify TE-related sequences; and how a small RNA pathway establishes silent chromatin environment (heterochromatin) on TE-related sequences.


  1. Mutazono, M., Noto, T, and Mochizuki, K.* (2019) Diversification of small RNA amplification mechanisms for targeting transposon-related sequences in ciliates. PNAS, pii: 201903491.

  2. Noto, T., and Mochizuki, K.* (2018) Small RNA-mediated trans-nuclear and trans-element communications in Tetrahymena DNA Elimination. Curr Biol, 28, 1938-1949.

  3. Kataoka, K.*, Noto, T, and Mochizuki, K.* (2016) Phosphorylation of an HP1-like protein is a prerequisite for heterochromatin body formation in Tetrahymena DNA elimination. PNAS 113, 9027-32.

  4. Noto, T., …, and Mochizuki, K.* (2015) Small RNA-mediated genome-wide trans-recognition network in Tetrahymena DNA elimination. Mol Cell 59, 229-242.

  5. Woehrer, S. L., Aronica, L., Suhren, J. H., Busch, C. J., Noto, T and Mochizuki, K.* (2015) A Tetrahymena Hsp90 co-chaperone promotes siRNA loading by ATP-dependent and ATP-independent mechanisms. EMBO Journal 34, 559-577.

  6. Schoeberl, U. E., …, and Mochizuki, K.* (2012) Biased transcription and selective degradation of small RNAs shape the pattern of DNA elimination in Tetrahymena. Genes Dev 26, 1729-1742.

  7. Noto, T., …, and Mochizuki, K.* (2010) The Tetrahymena Argonaute-binding protein Giw1p directs a mature Argonaute-siRNA complex to the nucleus. Cell 140, 692-703.

  8. Aronica, L., …, and Mochizuki, K.* (2008) Study of an RNA helicase implicates small RNA-noncoding RNA interactions in programmed DNA elimination in Tetrahymena. Genes Dev 22, 2228-2241.

  9. Mochizuki, K., and Gorovsky, M. A.* (2005) A Dicer-like protein in Tetrahymena has distinct functions in genome rearrangement, chromosome segregation, and meiotic prophase. Genes Dev 19, 77-89.

  10. Mochizuki, K., …, and Gorovsky, M. A.* (2002) Analysis of a piwi-related gene implicates small RNAs in genome rearrangement in Tetrahymena. Cell 110, 689-699.

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