报告时间:2024年5月27日 星期一 下午15:00
报告专家:Sébastien Brosse 教授 法国图卢兹第三大学
报告题目:Freshwater fish biodiversity decline due to anthropic activities from global to local scales
Sébastien Brosse is a full professor at University Paul Sabatier,Toulouse,France. Currently,he is the head of the Aquatic Ecology and Global Change research team in the Research Center for Biodiversity and Environment (CRBE). He is a freshwater ecologist working for more than 20 years on the biodiversity of fishes. He was involved in 25+ national and international research projects on biodiversity (mainly fish) responses to human disturbances. He leaded the development of global scale databases on fish taxonomic and functional diversity and investigated how human activities modified fish assemblages throughout the globe. He is also interested in field studies investigating community assembly mechanisms under anthropic disturbances in Northern Amazonia (French Guiana),China,South-East Asia and Africa. He leaded several field expeditions in tropical remote areas,and contributed to the development of environmental DNA methods to inventory wildlife,including an unprecedented eDNA spatial coverage of fish and mammal’s diversity in French Guiana. He published more than 130 articles in international scientific journals,including Science,Science Advances,Nature communications or PNAS,and was part of several conservation initiatives including the development of freshwater fish IUCN red lists or delineating conservation areas and practices in tropical and temperate rivers.